Trip to the Pool - Cover

Trip to the Pool

Copyright© 2005 by NicholasG

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A family trip to the swimming pool proves even more fun than expected and begins a series of changes in the life of a single mother.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Slow  

We chatted as we dressed, I found out that her name was Carole, with an 'e' she insisted, and that she was there with her two sons.

"Pleased to meet you," I said with a little giggle, "I'm Julia."

We shook hands formally with a grin.

"I'm here with my son and one of his school friends, they are still in the pool so I will have to go and call them out in a minute."

"My two are playing the machines in the arcade, I'm sure they will want to stay longer, why don't you let me buy you a coffee while you are waiting for your son. Or do you have to rush off to meet your husband?"

"I'm not married, well not any more anyway."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I'm not!"

"I see, in that case coffee it is then."

It seemed odd watching her dress, we had been so intimate only a few minutes ago and it was only now as I saw her slipping on a dress that had probably cost more than I earned in a week that I realised she was a very sophisticated lady. I felt very shabby beside her as I pulled on an old pair of jeans and a tee shirt. She noticed me looking at her dress and laughed,

"I was late home from the office, and I'd promised the kids a swim so I didn't have time to change, I don't usually dress up for the pool."

We left the changing room and walked together up the stairs to the gallery overlooking the pool, I spotted my son and his friend queuing up for yet another go on the waterslide and called out to them,

"Last time."

"Oh mum..."

"Last time," I repeated, "then get dressed and come and find me in the café."

"Ok mum."

Carole and I went through to the café, she spotted her sons in the arcade and called out to them, telling them she was going for a coffee. We queued up and got coffee then found a table and sat down. Suddenly I felt a bit awkward, ten minutes ago this stranger had been caressing my naked body and suddenly I couldn't think of a thing to say to her. She must have felt something similar because she laughed,

"This was much easier when we were both undressed, tell me a bit about yourself."

Somehow the simple questions are always the hardest to answer so I thought for a moment then gave her a brief answer.

"I'm thirty-four next week, left school at eighteen, married at twenty, a mother at twenty-one, divorced at twenty-eight, one son aged twelve. I work part time as a secretary, between that and the occasional maintenance payment we get by. How about you?"

She grinned then answered in a similar style,

"I'm forty-one, left school at eighteen to go to university, finished my degree at twenty-three, married at twenty-five, two sons aged fifteen and fourteen. My husband is an engineer on the oil rigs and I'm a partner in a firm of solicitors." She smiled broadly, "oh and I'm bisexual."

I giggled,

"I'd worked that out for myself, I have never thought I was, I had a few brief experiences with girlfriends when I was a teenager but no more than that."

"Until today," she said.

"Yes, until today."

She smiled again, she had a beautiful smile,

"I don't usually pick women up in the pool though, but I was just about to come when you joined me in the Jacuzzi, and you looked so pretty I just couldn't help myself."

I reached out and took her hand in mine,

"I'm glad you couldn't help yourself, it's been a long time since anyone found me sexually desirable."

"Well I do, even now just sitting here talking I can't help imagining having you in bed naked with me."

I blushed and she laughed,

"I've embarrassed you, I'm sorry."

"No it's not that," I lowered my voice and whispered, "it's just that I was imagining the same thing."

Her laughter was infectious and a moment later the two of us were giggling like schoolgirls. Each time one of us got our laughter under control we would catch the others eye and start chuckling again. After a while Carole got herself under control and looked me in the eye,

"I'd like to do more than imagine it, I want you in my bed very soon."

I stalled for a moment,

"What about your husband?"

"He is away on the oil rig for two weeks a month, but even when he is home he doesn't mind me having my girlfriends to stay."

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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