Camping with Patty - Cover

Camping with Patty

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2005 by TheMoose63

Incest Sex Story: 15 year old Mark was disappointed when his dad couldn't take him camping but then his neighbor, 30 year old Patty volunteered. When Patty and Mark share their camp site she decided to teach Mark all about sex. On the fourth day, when they are screwing Marks mom shows up and catches them. Finally mom decides to join in with her son and neighbor. Let the fun begin.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Son   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   .

I was 15 years old at the time and in retrospect probably a handful for my parents. I was at that age that everything had to revolve around me. I never understood why other family members' problems took precedence over what I wanted. In this particular instance my dad had promised me that he would take me camping in the mountains the first week of July. Everything was arranged and I had my gear all packed and ready to go. It was the hottest time of the summer and I was really looking forward to getting out of Portland for a week. I love being in the outdoors, hiking, swimming and just relaxing. It was going to be especially nice to get out of the house and away from my younger sister. If I closed my eyes I could see it already, just dad me and the mountains. Then came the bad news, dad's company had a problem with a production line in Singapore and he was responsible for fixing it which meant he would be overseas for the whole month of July.

"Aw dad, I can't believe this. You promised to take me!"

"I know son, but things like this happen in life. We'll go when I get back."

"No, it won't work then. August is when I'm trying out for the school baseball team, it has to be July."

"Well, I'm sorry son. Maybe I can figure something out."

That weekend my folks were having their 'family' BBQ and were expecting about 20 people from the neighborhood as well as several relatives. Most of the guests were old people with only a few kids my age. It was around four on Saturday afternoon and most of the adults had been drinking beer and wine since noon, us kids being relegated to sodas. Patty Arnold, a neighbor from across the street approached me, a beer in her hand.

"Mark, what's the matter with you? Normally you are running around all happy and excited but today you really seem down."

"Ah Patty, it's my camping trip. Dad was supposed to take me up to the mountains next week but he has to go to Singapore."

"Oh. Well can't you go when he returns?"

"No that will be too late; I'll be in baseball practice."

"I'm sorry Mark, really I am."

Patty drifted away and I went back to sulking. The sun was just setting when I saw Patty moving in my direction.

"Hello again," she called out.

"Hi Patty."

"Well Mark, I think I have a solution to your problem."

"Really, what's that?"

"Well I talked to your mom and dad and offered to take you camping myself. Brad is going to be on the road for the next two weeks so it would give me something to do while he is gone. What do you think?"

I had always liked Patty and over the years she and mom had become good friends. She was about thirty and she and her husband had moved in across the street three years ago. "Gee Patty, that's great. You sure you want to do this?"

"Oh yea. I have always loved camping out. I did a lot of that when I was in the Girl Scouts so it won't be anything new."

"Thanks Patty I really appreciate this."

I couldn't wait for Monday so that Patty and I could get on the road. I already had everything packed and ready when she drove up at 9 a.m. We loaded her truck, I kissed mom goodbye and we headed down the road, east towards the mountains. We made small talk along the way, mostly about me and what I liked most about school, and then she asked me about my girlfriends.

"So tell me Mark. A good-looking man like you, you must have all the girls chasing after you. How many girlfriends do you have?"

A man? She called me a man! "Well I really don't have a girlfriend. I did take Melissa out to the movies about a month ago but she wouldn't even let me kiss her. I think maybe the girls are looking for more of a hunk type."

"Don't be silly Mark. You are very good looking and once the girls realize that you'll have your hands full."

"Thanks Patty, a little reassurance never hurts." She smiled at me and then looked ahead as she continued up the freeway. I turned sideways so I could get a better view of Patty Arnold. She was really pretty in a wholesome way. Maybe 5'7" and 140 pounds. Smallish breasts, probably just a bit bigger than tennis balls, long legs and a nice round ass. She looked real nice for a grown up. Patty saw our exit and pulled off the freeway and headed southeast toward the State Park where we had reservations for a tent site. About an hour later we pulled up to the Ranger station to register.

"Well folks," the ranger said. "You certainly have your choice of spots this week we only have three other reservations. You just drive around until you find one you like then stake your claim."

Patty paid the Ranger the fees for a weeks stay and we started driving around looking for a good spot. "What about that one Mark?" Patty pointed towards the lake. "It's pretty close to the lake and yet we'll have a lot of privacy from the other campers."

"Looks good to me" I said. Patty parked and we unloaded all of our camping gear. It took us almost two hours to set up the camp. Neither one of us was all that familiar with dad's four man pyramidal tent, but we finally got everything in place.

"Let's keep the food and the coolers in the truck just in case there are any animals looking for food. That way we won't loose our stash."

"OK, that seems like a good idea. Patty, can I go down to the lake for a swim now or do you want to eat lunch first?"

"Naw, let take a dip and get cooled off after all this hard work, then we can eat."

We both went into the tent to change into our swimsuits. "Well we are going to be living very close for the next week so we don't have to be all that modest. You turn your back and I'll change, then I'll turn my back for you." Patty advised me.

I turned my back so Patty could change and I could hear her as she undressed. I really wanted to turn my head a bit and get a glimpse of her naked but the gentleman in me won out and I didn't peek.

"All done, your turn."

I slipped my t-shirt over my head and dropped my shorts and underwear and slipped into my trunks. "Ok then, let's go."

Patty and I splashed around in the water by the shore then we both decided to swim out to the floating dock. We climbed up the ladder and lay down to sun for a while. Patty untied her bikini top and lay down on her stomach. From where I lay I could just see the sides of her breasts. I watched as she moved around getting comfortable and on a couple of occasions I was pretty sure that I could see her nipple. The bottom of Patty's suit also got my attention. She was wearing a high cut bikini bottom that showed a great deal of her butt cheeks and I could see nothing but tan which raised the question, did she tan in the nude? Just thinking about her naked body got my cock hard and I moved around so it wouldn't be obvious to Patty if she looked over in my direction.

"So, whatcha thinking about?"

Her question completely caught me off guard. "Uh... well... I was... just daydreaming, that's all."

Patty smiled at my lame excuse. "Hummmm, I see. Well what do you say that we head back and have some lunch?"

"Sure. I'm starved. Patty reached behind her and tied her top. We both dove into the water and swam ashore.

That afternoon we both took a nap then decided to take a walk before dinner. We started out on a trail around the lake. "You know Patty; I really appreciate you taking your time to take me camping."

"Oh that's OK honey; I'm going to enjoy this as much as you do, trust me."

We walked for about a half-mile then returned to our campsite for dinner. There wasn't another camper within a hundred yards of our tent. Patty cooked some hamburgers and hot dogs on her portable gas grill and we downed them with sodas.

"Tell you what Mark, why don't you got over to the showers and get ready for bed while I clean up the dishes, then I'll take my shower, OK?"

"Sure." I went into the tent and got my soap and towel and toothbrush and walked the 50 or so yards to the large cement block bathroom and shower facility. It was basically one large cement room with five shower stalls, no curtains, and six washbasins. At the far end there were two toilet stalls and three urinals. I brushed my teeth and took a shower and returned to the tent. I was almost dark so I turned on the lantern inside our tent. And put my stuff away.

"Mark? Can you come here?"

I walked outside the tent. "What's up?

"Look, I don't want to walk alone in the dark, even with a flashlight. Would you mind walking me to the showers?"

"Ah, no Patty, that's fine with me." Patty went into the tent and changed her clothes and put on a robe. As she changed the lantern projected her silhouette on the side of the tent and I could see the outlines of her breasts and butt. When Patty had gathered all her stuff I walked together to the showers and stood outside while she went in to clean up. It wasn't five minutes later that I heard her scream.


I instinctively ran inside to see if she was hurt or anything. Patty was standing in one of the shower stalls; water cascading over her naked body and in the corner of the stall was a field mouse. I think it was more scared than Patty.

"Oh Mark, that damn mouse jumped on my leg and scared me half to death."

I think it was at that exact moment she realized that she was standing in front of me naked. She covered her breasts with one arm and her pubic area with the other.

"Would you please turn your back Mark? I'll wash off the soap and dry off then we can be on our way."

"Sure Patty. I'm sorry; I didn't mean to embarrass you." I turned around and faced the wall but Patty's naked body was still starring me as I could clearly see her reflection in the wall-mounted mirrors above the sinks. I briefly wondered if she knew I could see her.

"Oh I'm not embarrassed, I just wasn't prepared to have you seeing me naked, that's all."

I watched her as she washed off. Her hands cupped water and she washed off her breasts and pubic area. God she looked spectacular, like a goddess to me. When she was finished she dried off and put on her robe and we walked back to the tent in silence.

"You ready for bed Mark?"

"Yea, I guess all of the days activities tired me out."

"Me too, now turn your back honey so I can get in my sleeping bag."

I turned around and Patty dropped her robe and snuggled into her sleeping bag. When I turned back around she was facing the tent wall so I shucked out of my shorts and shirt and climbed into my sleeping bag.

"Good night Patty"

"Good night Mark."

I turned off the lantern and rolled oven in my sleeping bag but I couldn't fall asleep. I was remembering Patty's nude body and what it looked like. It was my first look at a nude female and the thoughts of Patty's naked body got my cock as hard as a rock and I reached under the covers and began stroking myself. I looked over towards Patty and was sure she was asleep so I carefully unzipped my sleeping bag and opened it up enough that I could really stroke my cock. Just as I was working up to an orgasm I heard her voice.

"Mark? I know what you're doing."

I quickly stopped and pulled up the sleeping bag. "Wha... what do you mean?" In the semi-darkness I saw Patty roll over towards me.

"I know that you're masturbating, that's what I mean. It's OK, we all do it but you should have probably have waited until I was asleep."

"I'm sorry Patty, honest."

"Mark, have you ever thought about sex? I mean actually having sex with a woman?"

"Uh... well sure, but... I... don't even have a girlfriend."

"Well... I could be your girlfriend if you really wanted me to."

"What? I mean you're a grown woman and I'm just a 15 year old kid. Why would you want to have sex with me?"

"Mark, its kind of a long story, but to make it short, I like young men, they turn me on. My dad taught me all about sex and for years now I have been returning the favor to young men that I find attractive. That's why I volunteered to come out here with you. I like teaching young men about sex and if you're interested I would love to teach you. Now come over here - with me"

I unzipped my sleeping bag and wearing only my Jockey shorts I walked over to Patty's cot and sat down on the edge.

She unzipped her sleeping bag and opened it so I could see her body. She wasn't wearing anything. "Come on Mark, crawl in here with me."

I crawled into her sleeping bag and lay down beside her. I was having a hard time catching my breath and I was really nervous. It got worse when her hand reached down and started massaging my cock. Up and down, up and down her fingers stroked my cock through my Jockey shorts. I could feel my breathing quicken and I was now taking air in huge gulps.

Patty kissed me on the cheek. "Calm down Mark, It will be OK. Just relax and enjoy yourself tonight."

I lay back as Patty's mouth explored my lips, kissing and then slipping her tongue inside my mouth to find my tongue. It was a strange new feeling, but I liked it. As she kissed me her hand continued to play with my body. She had abandoned my cock, for now, and was lightly caressing my nipples and chest. I could feel her hard nipples pressing into my shoulder and her pelvis spooning my butt. "Oh God Patty this is wonderful."

"Mark honey, you haven't felt anything yet. Something you need to understand though is that when you cum the first time you will be quick, young men always cum quick, that's the bad news. The good news? You'll be hard again in less than five minutes and I have to tell you, I love a hard cock!"

Patty sat up and looked down at me. She reached down and took a hold of my underwear. "Mark baby, lift your ass so I can get these off you." As I lifted up, she slipped my underwear down and off my legs.

"Mark, you have a great cock, may I taste it?"

Taste it? Oh my God she was going to give me a blow job. "Oh God yes, please Patty."

Her mouth sunk down on my cock and as her head bobbed up and down the feeling was so intense that I only lasted for four strokes before I came in her mouth.

"Oh God Patty, I'm cummmiiinnngggg!"

She swallowed all of my cum then let my cock slip out of her mouth.

"Well I have to tell you, your cum tastes great. Now let me roll over and you can spoon up next to my back and go to sleep. Oh, and Mark, please put your arm over my back and play with my boobs, especially my nipples, they are really sensitive."

I cuddled up to her back, reached round and gently massaged her breasts and then I took her nipple in between my fingers and rolled it around.

"Like that Patty? Is that alright?"

"Oh yes baby, that's great."

I didn't feel when I fell asleep. The next morning I awoke to bright sunlight streaming in through the front of our tent and realized that Patty was already up and cooking breakfast. I got out of the sleeping bag, put on my underwear and shorts and walked outside where Patty, wearing nothing but her bikini bottom, was bent over the grill cooking some bacon. "Yummmmm, smells great!"

Patty turned to look at me and I could see that her nipples were still hard. "Good morning Mark, how did you sleep?"

"Oh great. Actually I don't think I've ever had a better night."

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