Love of His Life - Cover

Love of His Life

by JAX

Copyright© 2005 by JAX

Erotica Sex Story: Terry had asked her out dozens of time over the last few years but she always shook her head making her long golden hair sway beautifully especial if the light was behind her. It wasn't that he was ugly or anything; in fact he had seen some of the looks the other girls were giving him.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Coercion   Heterosexual   Fiction   First   Petting   .

Chapter 1

He watched as Diana walked away from him and turned the far corner. She never even acknowledged his existence but then she hardly every did.

"Still moping about 'er," said Barry his best friend, nodding to the now empty corridor.

He turned back to his friend and smiled.

"You know me," he laughed, but it wasn't any humour in his laughter.

"So how long is it now?" asked Barry.

Terry just shrugged but Barry knew that his friend had loved that girl from the first moment he saw her some ten year ago now.

"We out tonight?" asked Barry abruptly changing the topic.

Terry just shrugged again.

"I suppose," he muttered although he didn't feel like going out.

Terry had asked her out dozens of time over the last few years but she always shook her head making her long golden hair sway beautifully especial if the light was behind her. It wasn't that he was ugly or anything; in facted he had seen some of the looks the other girls were giving him.

"I'll come round for you at eight then," suggested Barry breaking into his friend's thoughts and the two friends parted.

There was a good band playing in the youth club and before long Mora came over and shouted against the loud music.

"Fancy a dance?" she asked with a sexy smile.

"Yeah why not," said Terry.

Although he didn't really, not that Mora was ugly, no she was very pretty with her light chocolate skin and sexy body, it just was, how does that song by the King go. 'She not you'.

She pressed herself against him and it was pretty obvious that she fancied him.

"Want to come outside for some air?" she whispered provocatively in his ear.

Well did he? There was nothing wrong with Mora and it would be very enjoyable getting his hands on her perky little body.

"No, no thanks," he said politely and escorted her back to her group.

What was the matter with him? Surely a little kiss and grope with Mora would do him good, cheer him up and the look Mora gave him as he left didn't bode well either.

"I'm off," he told Barry

"Wait up," said Barry gulping down the rest of his drink. "I'll come with you."

Monday came all too soon but it was nice to meet up with Barry again.

"Did you know that there's a rumour going around that you're gay?" whispered Barry.

"What?" Terry whistled, "Well we don't have to be brain surgeons to work out who started that little one off."

"Mora," said Barry.

"Yeah Mora," confirmed Terry.

"Well you did piss her off on Friday night," said Barry. "Fucking beats me why you didn't just take her outside and give her what she wanted. Fucking I would have in a shot."

Terry just shrugged his broad shoulders.

"What the fuck did it matter anyway," said Terry.

True he saw some strange looks but the real guys who were gay didn't for one moment think the rumours where true. And if any girl gave the matter any thought she would have been hell bound to prove otherwise.

"Stay for tea?" asked Barry, "My mum won't mind, you know she has a soft spot for you."

"Yeah and Alice too," he laughed.

Alice was Barry's baby sister who had always fancied him like mad and would go red just by talking to him.

"I'll just give my mum and ring to let her know," said Terry.

Tea was a quiet affair with Alice bright red throughout and couldn't even look at him with out going even redder.

"Is it me or has Alice got some curves on her?" asked Terry later in Barry's room.

"Yeah, a nice set of tits on her now," laughed Barry. "Saw her coming out of the bathroom the other day in this little, I'm not sure what it was but there wasn't much of it and boy hasn't she grown in all the important places. Don't tell me you fancy 'er?"

"No it isn't that," coughed Terry. "It was just a surprise that's all."

"Well if anybody has the inside track with 'er it's you," Barry laughed. "You know she always fancied you."

It had been a surprise for Terry for he always thought of her as his mates baby sister and now she was growing up and very cute she looked too. This thought also surprised Terry for before the only girl in his mind before now had always been Diane and now suddenly Alice cute face popped up from nowhere.

He looked up and saw that Barry was giving him a funny look.

"What?" Terry snapped.

"Nothing," he laughed.

"Hey Alice," he shouted when he saw Barry's kid sister up ahead of him. "Wait up."

"Hi," he said.

She said nothing but lowered her eyes before him.

"Do you want to go out one night?" he said trying to sound casual.

Her eyes snapped up and her face went bright red.

"W-what out with you?" she stuttered.

"Yeah," he confirmed. "To a movie or something."

"W-with me?" she stuttered again.

"Sure why not?" he said. "Just because you're my best mate's sister doesn't mean you're out of bounds does it?"

"No, no, I mean yes I loved to go out with you," she said very quickly.

He took her to the local picture house where they were showing some old classic films. Terry didn't really mind what was showing and held her small hand in his all the way through the performances.

"Something to eat?" he offered as they walked side by side later.

"Sure," she replied, her stutter gone now she had grown accustomed to being alone with him.

Something was going on in Terry's head and he couldn't really believe it himself. For the first time he could remember he wasn't comparing a girl with Diana.

Something was going on in Alice's head too, the guy who she dreamed about every night when her fingers were working between her thighs was walking and talking right beside her.

"Best get you home," said Terry as they exited the burger bar. "Don't want your mother having a go at me on our first date."

Date, thought Alice, I was actual on a date with Terry.

"Sorry we're a bit late," apologized Terry to Alice's mum.

"That's all right Terry dear," she said, "I know she was safe with you."

"So how did it go?" asked Barry the next day at school.

"What?" queried Terry.

"Your date with my sister," said Barry. "Did you get your hands on her tits? what were they like? nice and firm I'll bet."

"What are you some pervert or something," laughed Terry. "I just took her to the movies that's all."

"So did you?" asked Barry.

"None of your damm business," laughed Terry.

"I'll bet it'll make Mona mad when she hears," chuckled Barry.

Over the next few weeks Terry saw Alice on several occasions, nothing heavy, not even a good night kiss then it was Friday and Terry was around his best friend house just to get their week end homework out the way.

"You taking Alice out later?" Barry asked in the middle of their English homework.

"Like to, but I've got no money," sighed Terry.

"That doesn't matter," said Alice from the doorway.

"Sorry didn't see you there," said Terry.

"We could just go for a walk or something," suggested Alice.

"Great," enthused Terry, "let me get this finished and I'll be with you."

"How come you never kissed me?" whispered Alice who had plucked up enough courage to ask the all importance question.

Terry stop suddenly and Alice had walked on a couple of steps before she too stopped. An uncomfortable silenced existed for a few seconds.

"Well?" said Alice.

"I don't really know," mused Terry, "a combinations of things I suppose."

"Like?" pushed Alice who had stepped closer so they could lower their voices.

"Well there's your age I suppose and," paused Terry.

"And?" pushed Alice.

"It's a bit difficult," said Terry, looking Alice straight in the eyes.

"You don't fancy me enough is that it?" she snapped, with tears appearing in her eyes.

"What, no quite the reverse," said Terry, "I just didn't want to frighten you away by being pushy."

"Frighten me away, you clod," she laughed, wiping away her tears. "Shit I've been waiting for you to notice me for years. Well now I've got some shape, some tits and things you have and I'm so happy, but I would like to be kissed now and again."

"Sorry and yeah I would too," he said and they moved together and they kissed.

"You can touch me places too, if you want," she said shyly.

"I'd like that but not here in the street," he laughed.

"We could go to your place?" she asked shyly.

"We could," he said with a big grin spread over his handsome face.

"Hi mum," shouted Terry as they entered the kitchen. "It's just Alice and me, we'll be up in my room."

"Right oh," shouted Terry's mum from the lounge.

Terry was happy to see that his room was reasonable tidy for a change.

"Nice room," observed Alice who took her coat off and sat down on his bed.

"Thanks," replied Terry who sat down beside her.

"So lets get on with it," she giggled.

"Right," he said more seriously.

He took her into his arms and they kissed for a long time.

"Here, touch me here," she said and placed his hand over her small breast. "I'm not that big yet but I'm sure they'll grow bigger."

They kissed again and he let his hand wander over both of her breasts.

"Shall I take my top of for you?" she asked slightly breathless.

"Better not," he said looking towards the door.

"Ok I'll just take my bra off then," she giggled.

With some difficulty he at last pulled her small bra off and put it in her handbag.

"Is that better?" she asked as his hands found naked flesh for the first time.

"Lovely," he sighed and their lips met again.

"Sorry there're not that big," she whispered, "but I'm sure there'll grow especially if you keep touching them."

"Hey, there're about perfect," he said.

"I'll like to do other things too," she said shyly, "but I just a little scared."

"Hey there's no rush," he soothed. "Everything in it's own time."

That night while Terry lay unable to sleep he smiled up at the unseen ceiling, the feel of her warm flesh still on his hands. For the first time the image of Diana pretty face didn't come to him and for the life of him he couldn't recall what she looked like.

"Can we go to your place," she whispered. "I've left my bra off and I want your hands on me."

"Sure," he said with a big smile and the front of his trousers became tight.

"Did I do that?" she asked just a little bit scared at his reaction.

"Yeah, sorry," he said.

"No, no, it's a good thing, isn't it?" she asked.

"Well yeah, I suppose," he grinned.

"Would you let me see it later?" she asked shyly almost unable to believe she had actually asked the question.

"Sure," he said and he felt his cock twitch.

"Can I take my top off?" she asked once they had settled down in his room. "I want you to see me properly.

Terry looked toward his bedroom door for an instant.

"Yeah I sure that would be ok," he said for his mother had never come in uninvited before.

"There what do you think?" she asked her voice sounding strange even to her.

"Beautiful, just beautiful," he whistled.

Before him was her naked breasts that his hands had explored a few times but never seen.

"No you've seen mine, how about getting yours out," she said with a giggle.

He unzipped himself and hooked out his hard cock.

"God it's so big," she gasped, "are they all as big as that?"

"Well I'm not sure," he said thinking back to the shower room at school, he didn't think his was any bigger than the other guys.

"That will never get inside me," she said then went bright red when she realised just what she had just said out loud.

To cover her embarrassment she leaned forward and kissed him, clutching his hard and hot member in her small hand. Her hand moving over his stiffness sent a thrill though his body and almost immediately he started to shoot his come all over her hand.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry," he gasped.

"No, no, that's supposed to happen, isn't it?" she asked.

"Well yeah, but perhaps not so quickly," he laughed nervously, embarrassed about having shot his load so quickly.

"Never mind," she giggled, "it's still quite hard."

"Look lets get you cleaned up first ok?" he said still trying to cover his embarrassment.

"Yeah ok," she giggled. "Then I want to see you spurt again."

Not bothering to put her top back on Alice headed for the bathroom.

"Hey," he called out worried that someone would see her half naked state.

The thought that someone would see her like that caused his cock to twitch and harden even more and he wondered if she wandered about her own house like this and her brother might chance upon her. He shook this perverted thought from his brain just in time for her to re-enter his room.

"Y-you should go out undressed like that," he stuttered.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," she said with a sexy giggle. "I forgot I wasn't at home for an instant."

"You do that there too?" he asked.

"Yeah all the time," she giggled. "You should see Barry face sometimes."

He wasn't sure how he felt about that but for sure his cock liked what it had heard for it was as hard as ever.

"Oh lovely," she cooed. "Let me stroke it again."

Her hand felt divine on his hot skin and her tits felt every bit as good as he had remembered.

"Here it comes again," she giggled loudly and he spurted all over her again.

Chapter 2

He watched from the sidelines as the senior girls played netball. Why is it that the school makes their girls wear such revealing outfits while playing games? Their short sports skirts over scanty knickers and tight t-shirts that empathize their growing breasts. Mona looked over to him and scowled which was only to be expected for he had turned her down for a kiss and a grope. What surprised him was Diana also looked over towards him and half smiled. She looked magnificent with her hair swinging in a ponytail, her long shapely legs running around the court and her chest breathing heavily from the exertions. In all the years he had lusted after her she had never so much as given him any encouragement, until now. Of course, the word had gone out that he was seeing Alice but to Terry's mind that shouldn't make any difference.

"Will you look at them," sighed Barry.

"Yeah," agreed Terry as Diana came close to the touchline very near him.

Time to go, he had promised to meet Alice and walk her home.

"Got to go," he said, dragging his eyes away from the magnificent sights before him. "I promised to meet Alice."

"Yeah, yeah," said Barry who never took his eyes off the figures in front of him.

"Hi," said Alice with a big smile.

"Hi," he replied but his mind was on that little smile Diana had given him.

"You ok?" she asked, as she took his hand.

"Yeah, sure," he replied, shaking the image from his mind and seeing Alice's pretty face before him.

To Terry's mind, they were as different as chalk and cheese. Diana was beautiful, no doubt about that and with a beautiful body, but she was cold and aloof. Alice was also beautiful but she was friendly, sweet and innocent, too.

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