P I and Magic Book II: The Gods Return
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 7
I sighed and sat back, feeling satisfied. Of the over 63 applicants, I had narrowed it down to seven people. I was pretty confidant in them, but now would come the hard part. Explaining that the undeveloped country was not on earth, but in another reality.
I refused to screw with people. Call me old fashioned, but I believed in as much honesty with people as possible; my actions with the government notwithstanding. I had scheduled a meeting with the final 7 for tomorrow evening.
It had been a busy 5 days, but I could now see the light at the end of the tunnel. Vivian had been a great help, but I had sent her back earlier this afternoon. She had the keys to the locks on the 40-foot trailers, and would start seeing to removing and storing what we had purchased.
There was one couple I was excited about. They had come in together, and were married. The husband was an engineer, and his wife was a PA. This was a bonus! I had not even thought of anyone in the medical profession, and she was handed to me on a silver platter. A physician's assistant! How lucky was this?
I stretched and felt my muscles protest before it started to feel good.
<If you would practice your weapons every day, this would not happen, > Pao said silently to me.
"Well, you will be glad to know that I have located a place where I can practice weapons training," I told him in response.
<Excellent. Perhaps there is hope for you, yet, > Pao replied with a smugness.
An hour later, I found myself getting out of a taxi. It was a Dojo that specialized in sword work of all styles. I was told I would have to test with a master before I would be allowed to practice with anyone. That was fine with me. They just wanted to be sure I knew what I was doing. Understandable.
The first thing I did was register, and pay the 20-dollar 'use' fee. Then I went into another room, and looked around. There were about 15 people in the main room. Most of them were learning a specific form or style.
I recognized several different styles. An elderly man of Asian descent approached me.
"Are you Mr. Lindsy?" he asked politely.
"Yes. I called and requested some time for practice," I answered.
"I am Mr. Hiru. I will have to spar with you to see who would be most acceptable for you," he said leading me to a wrack of rattan and bamboo practice swords.
I went through several before I found one that seemed made for me. I removed my shoes and placed them by the rack. We then went onto the mat out of the class's way. We started slow. Shortly we were going faster, and then faster yet. I found a good flow, and stayed with him. He was good. He was damned good! Pao was already begging me to let him have control, to practice with him. I told him maybe in a bit.
Finally Mr. Hiru called a halt. "Mr. Lindsy. You are very very good. I doubt there are more than two or three masters that I know of in this city, who can stay even with you. It would be a privilege to work with you," he said with a bow.
I bowed back, and relented. I let Pao take control for the next bout. I was a passenger in my own head! Damn, but Pao was good. While Pao was in control, he did things I'd never even thought of, yet had seen before. Twice he disarmed the practice master.
Finally Mr. Hiru called another halt. I was surprised to see that almost an hour had gone by, and everyone was staring at us. Mr. Hiru came over to me and bowed, and then shook my hand.
Pao released control back to me. "Mr. Lindsy, I have never seen a white man as good as you. If I may ask, where did you learn your style? It is totally unique. I have never seen anything like it," Hiru asked me as we walked back to the rack of practice swords.
"Sir, I mean no offense, but you wouldn't believe me if I told you," I answered him.
"Are you going to be in town long? We have a master coming in from Japan who would love to practice with you. He has not really found anyone worthy, in years. I think you are worthy," he said, bowing to me again.
"I'm afraid not. I have to leave, day after tomorrow. I am going back," I hesitated, "home," I finished.
"If you come back, you will always be welcome. As a matter of fact, I will leave you a free membership at the desk. Feel free to come back anytime," he said, beaming at me.
I smiled and nodded back. I put my shoes on and left the building. Pao was in a very pleased mood, and was describing Mr. Hiru's style in glowing terms. Strange, Pao was always telling me, I needed improvement. Mr. Hiru had thought my own efforts were just fine.
I headed back to the hotel in a cab. By the time I got back, my muscles were starting to stiffen up a bit. I decided to take a long hot shower. I did and felt a bit better, but I realized I was going to have to start a more rigorous training regimen.
I woke up feeling a bit worse for wear the next morning. Yes, I definitely needed to get an exercise program going. I stretched a little and felt a little better. After breakfast I started to get a list of questions going. I also decided to do a couple minor truth spells.
One I would place in the room as a whole, and I was unsure of the second. I really needed these people to be completely honest with me. I was also worried that the government or an agency of it might slip in spies. So I decided to go with a heavy truth spell that hit each person as they crossed the threshold to the room.
I looked at my watch, and saw that I still had a few hours until the group interview time. I did something I had not done in a long time. Hell, I had never done it at all. I went to Hollywood, and took a tour.
I got on the tour bus, and spent half the tour on it. When they drove by the commissary where the actors ate, I cast a small spell. When the bus slowed, I got off it without anyone noticing. Got to love a good spell!
I walked over to the commissary and went in. It was very nice. I looked around. No one bothered me, as everyone who was in this place had authorization of one sort or another. I blended right in.
Two hours later, I left the commissary with several autographs and a good meal. I made my way to the gate, and caught a cab as soon as I exited the studio proper. I gave the driver the name of my hotel, and looked at my autographs.
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