P I and Magic Book II: The Gods Return
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 6
After settling with Baron Slotfir, things settled down in Landkur. Fithian took care of the two other demons, and Vostich did some heavy spells, that would make it almost impossible for demons to set foot on Landkur soil.
Vivian had the list of supplies we were low on or out of completely. I read it over, and added a few items. I was going to make a trip back to earth, and I would be gone for a few weeks (local time). I wanted to hire some more people to come back with me.
I also stopped at the foundry, and looked over the main product we were producing. We had orders backlogged, and we could have used another foundry, easily. The 'Franklin' stoves I had introduced, were a hit.
I had wanted something useful, and easy to make. The Franklin stove was relatively unchanged since it was first designed. Franklin had hit upon a simple design that was hard to improve on. My hat was off to him.
I discussed future projects with the foundry manager, and came to the conclusion that unless we could figure out how to produce units faster, we were going to be doing nothing but Franklin stoves for the next couple years, just to fill existing orders.
Over the next few days, I got caught up on as many things as I could. I was getting ready for an extended absence, and I wanted things to run as smoothly as possible. Mirwanna was already giving me hell about leaving, but was also asking if I could get her some items while I was there. I said sure, and I was presented with a rather huge shopping list of items.
The bad part was I was going to have to leave Mariel behind. While she wanted to go, we could not afford to have both the Duke and Duchess De Landkur gone at the same time for any extended time. Vostich and Mirwanna both put their foot down over this issue.
Finally, we were ready. I had already changed into earth clothes as had Vivian. I double-checked that we had everything we needed and opened the gate. I will never get used to the feeling of losing the connections to this world, and establishing weaker and fewer connections on earth.
I went through, and had a quick moment of disorientation as new connections were formed. These were much fewer, but at least they gave me control. I looked with relief at the connection that went off into the other land, my connection to it, and my only one. This had happened before, but it was still unnerving.
This was much better! Since Svedra had shown me how to aim a gate, I no longer had to cross the country after coming through. I anchored, closed, and warded the gate. It stood solidly invisible, between two tall firs. We came out close to my house, in a little wooded area I knew of, that was not used at all by anyone. We walked down, and I looked my house over. It was in good shape. The lawn had been cut recently, and it seemed my instructions had been followed. I was pleased.
Vivian looked at me then the house. "Sight seeing?" She asked.
I sighed. "This has been my home for years. I want it in good condition. I wanted to see it is all, ok?" I asked, a bit pissed at her.
She looked at me levelly."Paul, don't take that tone with me. What if I had your power? Would you be pissy with me if I had brought us out at my house? I was raised in that house from the time I was a little girl you know," she finished with that no nonsense tone she had gotten down so well.
"Sorry, Viv. I'm not trying to take anything out on you. I am just feeling unsettled right now. Every time I move from world to world, I lose connections, and it is almost a painful thing," I said by way of apology.
I teleported us to a place in Los Angeles I remembered from my last trip here. We then walked a short distance to a hotel. I signed us in, and yes, I paid with my credit card. If the government was still after me, I was in the mood to 'give 'em hell'.
We had adjoining rooms. We decided to eat dinner, relax, and get an early start tomorrow. I phoned the local paper, the L.A. Times, and placed an ad in the help wanted section. It would be interesting to see what showed up. It was too late to go in for tomorrow's paper, but would appear day after. I told them to run the ad for 5 days.
The next morning I saw Vivian off in a cab. I had given her a blank check. Hey, I trusted her. If she wanted a little extra for something, I could live with it. I called my lawyer, and I also called my bank, and asked both if there was anything that needed my immediate attention.
My lawyer had a few papers he needed me to sign, but most things were running smoothly. I blinked at what I had in my bank accounts. Wow. Talk about stepping into a fortune. Well, maybe not a fortune, but more than enough to live comfortably on for decades if I wanted to. I would not have to work if I didn't want to.
I told my lawyer I would be in later and sign what was needed. I went to a bank close by, and opened an account. Then I transferred $200,000.00 dollars into it from my own bank. They didn't even bat an eye. Well, this is California, after all.
Vivian returned later that afternoon having bought most, not all, of what we wanted. She still had more shopping to do in the morning. I also had things to buy, for Mirwanna, and I wanted to get something special for Mariel.
After several hours of shopping for Mirwanna, and Mariel, I then teleported to a place close to my lawyer's office. Thirty minutes later I had all the papers signed. I then teleported back to my hotel room in LA.
Tomorrow morning my ad would be in the L.A. Times, and I wanted to be ready. I reserved a conference room for the day the ad appeared, and throughout the rest of the week.
I opened the paper first thing in the morning, and looked for my ad. There it was.
Are you willing to work to develop an undeveloped Country in need of modernization? Positions in the following fields needed: civil engineering, city planners, banking and finance, elementary school teachers. Must be willing to relocate for 1-year minimum. All travel expenses paid. Full medical coverage. Salary will be...
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