P I and Magic Book II: The Gods Return
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 4
After supper was over, and Vostich said 'no' to me about the sword, there wasn't much more to say or do. I had Mariel teleport us back to the palace. Mirwanna decided to stay and talk with Both Vostich and Fithian about something to do with the upcoming coronation.
Mariel did a good job. She was getting better at some of the more mid to high level spells. I was proud of her, and told her so. She beamed at me, and kissed me. She had teleported us to our apartments in the palace.
It seems that fighting demons and excitement gets my little Mariel's sex motor running. She was very enthusiastic for about the next hour. When we were finally spent, and I rolled onto my side, looking at my wife.
Later, I eased myself out from under her head. I dressed, and went to my office. I wanted to write down the spells for fighting demons I now suddenly knew, before they drifted out of my head or back into my subconscious.
I stretched and put down my pen. I never did get used to writing quills, so I kept a supply of pens handy. Those had a habit of disappearing too, for some reason. I chuckled as I remembered finding a stash in Mirwanna's apartment, a couple weeks ago, along with a few of my candy bars.
I am not sure when I first noticed it, but there was a drifting little point of light. I actually waved my hand at it, thinking it was a fly or something, before it registered on my consciousness. I frowned and looked at it.
It was moving independently from any light source in the room, and it was dark outside still. I put my pen down, and extended my senses to the little point of light. As my mind touched it, I was startled when I began to be drawn into it!
I fought and tried to withdraw, but it was no use. I was in a pattern of some sort, spiraling around, and ever downward. I was panicking! Finally, I was dumped out at the bottom of the pattern, and into a... place.
I looked around. Patterns were all around me, arrayed in symmetrical displays. I started moving towards a particular pattern. Try as I might, I was unable to stop. I found myself at a glorious looking pattern, glowing with power, and opening to admit me.
PRESENCE is what I felt as soon as I stepped through. I bowed as I found myself in the presence of Pejoru, the God of Magic.
(Greetings again, Paul, and welcome, ) Pejoru said in my mind.
"Thank you, Lord," I said, unsure of how or why I was here.
He chuckled. To look at him was to see a being eight feet tall, wearing a golden robe. He had long waist length silver colored hair, and a beard of the same color. His eyes were also a golden color.
(I have brought you here to advise you. At your wedding, I gifted you and your bride with abilities you have not yet touched upon. Vostich has gifted her and you with items that you really don't need.
(While it was sincerely done, you and your wives connection to the magical field make his gifts redundant. I have given you both the ability to touch the magic field at a deeper level than most mortals, ) he said looking at me.
I listened, and was surprised. I remembered him doing something to me at the wedding, but didn't know what it had been.
(Come, walk with me, ) he said, and we were off.
We stepped through the portal? pattern? doorway? and back into that place of patterns. Seemingly endless rows and rows of patterns, going on beyond my comprehension.
(This is what you would term, 'My Library', of magic. Every spell known to anyone is here, including spells yet to be known. You and your wife have been granted the power and the ability to access my library, yet niether of you use it. Do not waste this time, as it is beginning to run out, ) Pejoru said with a warning in his mental voice.
I looked around, and studied a pattern at random. To my complete astonishment, it resolved itself into a spell of quietness. I saw how to power and cast it. This was definitely a new way of looking at magic!
I looked at other spells. As I studied the pattern, it resolved itself into a specific instruction on how to do the spell it represented! I also remembered it perfectly! I heard a chuckle.
(Now you know. I suggest you bring your wife here next, and both of you study. Just coming here will arm you with spells and abilities that most of your world have not seen, or will not see for years to come, ) he said with a gesture.
Another little light was there before me, but I knew it for what it was. Pejoru's traveling gate to and from this place.
(Yes. Now just the gods, and you two humans, have access to my library. There will be others from time to time granted limited use. Leave these others alone. Most are harmless, but some will be dangerous to you. Just ignore them, ) Pejoru said, and I found myself spiraling upward this time, totally out of control!
I found myself back in my office, and I heard a gasp. I turned to find my wife looking at me.
"What happened? Where did you just come from?" she asked.
So I sat her down, and told her the story. I then pointed at the tiny mote of light, and took her into it. We found ourselves in Pejoru's library of magic. She was in awe at first, but then started studying spell after spell. I opened and memorized a few, then pointed to the exit spell. We found ourselves back in the study. She was excited at what had happened. She now had five new spells that she had never known before, and a very deep understanding of them.
It was like you got to know the spell, and it got to know you. Magic in that place was, well, alive! It was a part of a whole that was separated out to do a specific function. I had never realized this before.
Mariel and I got something to eat, and discussed what we had seen. Obviously, whatever Pejoru had done to us, had changed the way we saw and used magic. Armed with this new information, Mariel wanted me to try to take down her shield again.
Sighing, I watched as she put up her shield. I looked at it with my second sight. It was altered a bit from the previous shields she had put up. This one, while different, was basically the same, yet I could not crack it for a long while. I had to put a new twist on an old spell, to cause her shield to collapse!
Unfortunately, a side effect of casting spells in the palace, is that you will have visits from the palace battle wizards. Shortly after I caused Mariel's shield to collapse, the door burst open. Several wizards came in, followed by four men at arms.
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