P I and Magic Book II: The Gods Return
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 28
So, here we were again. Only this time my wife was in the demon army with me. I worried about her constantly. I was also pissed that she was not at my side. Morning Star had accepted her as one of his personal fighters and guards. I heartily disapproved.
This time when we met the enemy, I had better spells, and more powerful ones. I could also feel my wife's spells when she cast them. The difference in spells, was like the difference between night and day.
The two armies rushed at one another. When they met, I swear it sounded like a massive thud! I was in my dragon form, again. I liked the spell protection it gave me, the maneuverability, and I just plain could overpower anything I ran across... So far.
I took great glee in raining flame from above. I dove and burned ground troops until I ran out of fuel. I landed and started in with my body, opening holes in the enemy's line, so the demons could rush in and start wedges to break up the enemy line.
I grabbed for my Chaos line, and found it. I felt it, as surely as I felt myself breathe. I inhaled, and spat a bolt of pure Chaos at those in front of me. As surprised as the enemy was, I was even more surprised!
I did it again and again. I found if I concentrated, I could use it as a scythe, and it cut through anything. I mean ANYTHING! I roared, and waded into the thickest parts of battle that I saw, the energy of Chaos sustaining me.
I transformed back into my human self, and started casting spells left and right, killing the enemy by the dozens. I held a Chaos lash that was as long as I willed it to be in my left hand, and cast with my right. I was an unstoppable killing machine!
I guess I got noticed by the ancients again. I was suddenly the recipient of spell after spell. My cloak absorbed a lot, but started failing. I cast shield spells, but they were going down almost as fast as I could get them up! Damn, but the enemy was good.
I concentrated on the new threat to myself. Well, most of the enemy around me was dead, and I had a sea of demons surrounding me. Spell after spell slammed into me. I was starting to feel them, and let me tell you, they hurt!
I finally erected a Chaos shield and that helped greatly. I took a breather as the battle had ebbed away from our section of the front. I still felt my connection to Chaos very strongly. Strange spells suggested themselves to me, and I laughed out loud the joy of the destructiveness of them.
I concentrated briefly and launched the first of the new spells at the enemy. The results were astounding! Thousands of little balls of energy that were dark and fluctuating came into existence.
As they flew towards the enemy, they separated and each sought out an enemy to enter into. I was surprised as I watched the enemy blow up from the inside out! Disgusting visual, but man! What a spell! I paused. Now where the hell did that spell come from? I had not studied it in Pejoru's library. I frowned. Let's see, I was working Chaos. I felt around with my mind and found it. I was using Chaos, which was the Goddess Shabasonti's power! She was feeding me spells!
I considered my behavior, for the past however long since I started using the Chaos energy, and shuddered. It made sense, though. In Pejoru's library, spells were only learned if you had the power to use them. Both my wife and I were more powerful now, than we had originally been.
The Chaos line I had only touched upon peripherally, before today. But I had immersed myself deeply into its power this day, during the battle. I had opened myself to it more, today, than at any other time. So it was not above reasoning, that the Goddess would feel my pull, and... nudge things.
Well, I still had the ancients attacking me. I started to withdraw. I had come very close to losing control of myself, and I was terrified over it! I cast around, and found my wife's shining power signature and started making my way to it.
She was some distance off. I re-transformed to my dragon body. Still holding my Chaos shield in place, flew off to join my wife. Spells still hit my shield, but with me not actively casting or doing the damage I had done previously, they started to ease up. I might have flown out of their effective range, also. I just didn't know enough to tell for sure.
I finally landed a short distance from Morning Star and his entourage, which included my wife. I transformed back into my human body, and started walking towards my wife, when a demon interposed itself between her and me. I stopped.
"None may approach the master on in combat unless sent for. You have not been sent for," the demon told me.
"I am not approaching the lord Morning Star. I am seeking my wife, the human Mariel," I said in response.
"You will leave this area. When I have time, I might let your wife know you are here," it said in a contemptuous tone of voice.
I sighed. It was going to be one of those meetings.
"Ok, I asked politely, and I will ask one more time. Let me pass to seek my wife, or send word I am here," I said starting to get really angry.
"Your warnings mean nothing to me, human. Leave, and I won't skin you and wear your skin as a cloak," it said to me.
I gave him my best glare. He was unimpressed.
I had a few spells left, so I used one. It was a binding. I cast it at him, and he suddenly found himself unable to move. Still, he had his voice, and he howled. I suddenly found myself the center of a lot of demons, suddenly surrounding me.
I sent out a silent call to my wife. While I had done this a time or two before, this was the first time I did this in combat, and I didn't know if it would work. I had my sword out. It thrummed with power, and seemed eager to kill and drink demon souls.
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