P I and Magic Book II: The Gods Return
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 27
Although I thought I was prepared to return to the demon's land, I still kept trying to get my wife to change her mind. To put it simply, she wasn't about to change her mind for all the tea in China, if she knew what/where China was.
Pejoru was definitely concentrating on getting both of us armed with as many powerful spells as he could. Ishla did something to Mariel that was mystical and womanly, and basically I was told to mind my own business. Typical.
I did some experimenting with the pocket universe that the strange being Svedra had introduced to me and gave me. It held as much, and seemed as big, as I wanted it to be. The interior was now like a cabin, with a nice garden that was sunlit just outside the back door. Where the sunshine came from, I won't even speculate.
Butterfly's flitted among flowers that Mariel had thought up. My little pocket universe had expanded to something that was no longer what it had been. Call it a woman's touch, but it seemed to me that Mariel was putting her stamp on just about everything I had!
I heard a soundless laugh go through my head. Ishla! I recognized her touch. More laughter, and then a shimmering was in front of me, followed by Ishla appearing. I bowed to her.
"Paul, stop feeling sorry for yourself, and stop fighting Mariel. She is going, and there is nothing you can do about it. She is a very powerful magic user in her own right, and you just might find her useful on this trip. Be at the demon gate tomorrow," Ishal commanded, then was gone.
I sighed to myself. Ok, if everyone was dead set on Mariel going, they must know something I don't. Still, it was a bunch of shit! That was my child that everyone... Gods included... was endangering!
I was just finishing up some instructions for my secretary, when Mariel came traipsing in. It was late afternoon and the sun hit her hair rather nicely, making it seem to glow. Mariel had taken to changing her hair color now that she had better control over her magic. It was an adventure in itself to see what she came home as. Today she was raven haired.
"Paul. I have gotten several of our friends and family together for a going away dinner. We leave tomorrow, and I want to have a nice time tonight," Mariel said.
Before I could even say yes, no, or all right, she was gone. I finished up, and made my way back to my apartments. Trayla met me at the door and smiled up at me.
"Hi, Paul. I am the doorman for this party. Mariel is in the main room with some of the other guests. You're almost the last! Really, as host you should have been here a long time ago!" She exclaimed rolling her eyes at me.
I chuckled at her. She was a little minx, and I adored her. I'd had no children in over a century, that I knew of. If I'd had any, I would want them to be like Trayla. I ruffled her hair, and she squealed indignantly at me.
"Hey! Watch it! It took me a long time to get my hair just so," she said, growling at me.
I laughed and went into the main reception area. Let's see... her homeland's ambassador, Fithian was there. We nodded to one another. I did not recognize two of the other people.
Mariel came up to me, and grabbed my arm.
"Good, you're here! Let me introduce you to a couple of people. This is Lord and Lady Bafsly. They have offered to foster Trayla while we are gone. I think it's a good idea," Mariel finished a bit firmly.
I gave Mariel a look that she instantly recognized as being she 'was on thin ice'. She backed off! Amazing!
"My Lord Bafsly. Lady Bafsly. I am afraid I do not know you. Obviously, my wife seems to know you, but how did you meet her?" I asked them curiously.
"We met at a service for the God Pejoru. While we live here in Landkur, and honor and venerate the Goddess Ishla, we feel a strong connection to Pejoru. Our family has been blessed with no less than 4 great mages in the past. While both my wife and I can do a little magic, it seems to have skipped us. Our son shows a strong ability, though," was the windy answer I got from lord Bafsly.
They had a small house in the city, and a larger manor house out in the north lands. I did a small spell to check on their honesty (So sue me! Trayla was an important member of my household, and I liked her.). The spell revealed that they were being truthful, and I was relieved. I was getting used to everyone having multiple reasons for what they did or wanted. These people just seemed to be genuinely concerned for a young girl.
Fithian came up to me a bit later, and asked about my pocket universe.
"What did you want to know specifically?" I asked him curiously.
"Well, since you can store an amazing amount of items and energy in there, I was wondering if you would like an extra power source; for emergencies, you understand." Fithian said a bit mysteriously.
Everyone I had shown the pocket universe to was fascinated by it. I even showed them an ability that really impressed them. I had the perfect insulator with this pocket universe. I had cooked up a pot of stew, and placed it in the pocket universe. I caused a small protrusion to look like a cupboard, and placed my stew, pot and all in it. Originally I just wanted to have something to eat while I experimented.
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