P I and Magic Book II: The Gods Return
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 24
A brief note.
I would like to thank my brother for letting me put this out on his computer! You, my readers should thank him too, as it took a while convincing him I was not going to hurt his computer!
Sometimes it just doesn't pay to get out of bed. I thought again, briefly, of the meeting with my wife Mariel in the library. It had not gone all that well. I got up, and as usual a servant appeared, and asked my wishes.
I growled 'coffee', and waited for it to be made. Mariel had elected to sleep elsewhere. Despite her youth, she had that manipulative act down pat! Are all woman born with it? I shook my head, and lit a cigarette.
Denying me sex because she was angry wasn't really that big a hardship for me. That type of behavior was annoying, at most. While I had gotten used to sleeping with Mariel, I had sleep alone for more years than she had yet lived.
My servant came in and announced that the coffee was ready. I stabbed out my smoke, and went into my office where I kept the makings for coffee. I poured myself a large mug full. It was that type of morning.
It should be easy to know what to do and how to react, but it wasn't. The Gods said one thing, the demons another, and now the Ancients said yet something else. Vostich was firmly in the God's camp, and I was a in agreement with them, myself.
My short visit with the demons had not filled me with the fear, worry, and loathing I had expected. Then being captured by the Ancients and released the next day, did not sit at all with what I had been told to expect. I had thought I would soon be dead, when I had been captured.
I needed a break. I needed an unbiased point of view. I was surrounded with biased people. Even Mirwanna was being cautious about committing Landkur. I gulped down my coffee, and poured another. Absently, I lit another cigarette.
The list of disinterested third parties was very short. I was sipping my third cup when it hit me! Svedra! That spider demi-god from elsewhere! He had no interest in this at all! That was it! I would go see Svedra, and see what he thought of this situation.
Perfect! I hummed to myself as I got ready for the trip to Svedra's world. It would be best to get there through the gate at Vostich's castle. While I had been to his world once before, I didn't want to chance a 'blind jump', so to speak.
An hour later saw me entering the room in Vostich's castle that held the world gates to different realities and worlds. I had to admit it, Svedra was a strange being. He was a huge spider; and yet he was of the divine, in his world.
I entered the gate, and found myself in the receiving area of Svedra's palace. I looked around. There was no one here! I thought back to when I first arrived, trying to remember the way to the room Svedra was in.
I felt a great weight land on me, and I fell to the floor! I was wearing my cloak, which is probably all that saved my life. A spider similar to Svedra, but much smaller, had attacked me.
The spider was using it's mandibles, to try to cut my head off! Damn, it was a good thing I had my cloak on! It was spelled against sharp objects, which included claws, teeth, mandibles, etc.
I formed a battering ram spell and cast it at the spider. It was lifted and thrown, or should I say, smashed back from me. It flew across the room. I got back to my feet, and erected a shield. Ok, I was safe now.
"What do you want? Why do you attack me?" I asked it, confused.
"Hooo, Man. You would come to take our high one from us, again! We will not allow this!" the spider hissed at me.
"I am not sure where you get your information, but I just came to talk with Svedra. I am not taking him anywhere!" I exclaimed to it.
"Falsehoods! Last time you came, Svedra left us. Again you come, so he will leave again. We do not wish this," it said, then it attacked again.
It slammed into my shield, and fell, stunned. Hell, I was stunned at its speed! I had only just registered its movement when it had been halted by my shield. I tried to reason with it, but it kept trying to get through my shield.
I sent out a mental yell for Svedra, hoping he would hear me. I tried to be gentle with this spider, but it was difficult. It kept bashing at my shield, trying to get at me. I was wondering what to do with it. I really didn't want to hurt it. I was contemplating another spell, when a shadow fell over the both of us.
The small spider that was attacking me (Well, small compared to Svedra. It was close to my height, and had to weigh a lot more than I do.), stopped. It took on a listening attitude. Svedra had come in response to my yell.
I heard clicks and hisses. The two were communicating in their own language. I relaxed a bit, but was still wary. Finally the 'little' spider dipped itself at Svedra, turned, and left.
"What was that all about?" I asked Svedra?
"When I leave this world, there is a faction that is lost, without me. They panic. They decided to take preemptive action, in the event you were coming to take me away again.
"I am pleased you did not damage it too severely. It is very young, foolish, and easily manipulated by its elders. That is what happened. Another told it to attack you, and in its youth and folly, it did. I will deal with this faction firmly," Svedra told me.
I nodded and dropped my shield.
"It's very good to see you again, Svedra," I said and belatedly remembered to bow to him.
Svedra chittered his laugh. He told me to follow, and we moved through the temple/palace. We finally entered his 'lair', so to speak.
"So what brings you here this time?" Svedra asked me.
So I told him all the latest about the gate to my world that the demons had opened. I said that the gate was a feint that was actually a bid for our attention, for help against another enemy entirely. When I mentioned the Ancients, Svedra became very animated!
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