P I and Magic Book II: The Gods Return
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 22
There is no way that people who at a minimum, were 12 feet tall, should live as long as these people seemed to. I mean, on that Earth I had grown up on, people who got too large, died early in life. Even basketball players who were over 7 feet seemed to die earlier than people who were shorter.
I lay on the ground, bound by some sort of spell, which I just knew shouldn't have taken hold with all my protections! Damn, but this was frustrating! I heard a chuckle.
"You leave a glaring hole in your protection by opening your mind. I don't have to do much to hold you. I just affect a small portion of your brain," the big fellow who had carried me replied to my silent thoughts.
I did? Well, 'live and learn', was my motto. But I was not to sure how long I was going to live. I had been captured and was a prisoner. My body felt numb, and I had no control of anything.
My captive knelt beside me, and I was soon stripped of my cloak, and all but one of my rings. I was angry that the ring Vostich gave me had not protected my mind from being overcome. I had thought it was proof against demons?
"Your ring IS proof against demons. We are not demons, though. We are The First," the giant told me.
First? As in first born? First in the race run last week?
"Your questions will be answered. But now we have to ensure your stay," my captor told me.
While I could not move, I tried some of the techniques I had learned to center myself. Hopefully, I could close the hole, or leak, in my mind. It was hard, but I soon found myself with a small shield in place. My captor looked surprised when I had done this.
"You definitely are an amazing young man," my captor said as I closed my mind to his probing.
The woman who had looked at me returned. She looked at me intently. She then looked at her companion, and shook her head in a negative manor. While this was going on, I felt a tingling returning to my hands and feet. Apparently blocking their access to my mind also blocked whatever spell they were using to hold me.
I finally had enough freedom in my mind to reach a spell and cast it! A shield snapped into being around me. I sighed, feeling much safer now. With the returning of feelings to my arms and legs, I soon found I could roll over and sit up, which I did.
My captors, while seemingly surprised at my fighting off their spell, did nothing but watch me. I still had a few spells hung and ready, previously powered in preparation for the war. So I had weapons... of a sort.
I also noticed that all my connections to Morwan were gone. I did have that strange connection to chaos. But I was still unsure what I could do with it. While it was a power source that I could draw upon; I was just not comfortable with it, yet.
"Since you have freed yourself from the binding I placed upon you, you might as well stand up and walk. Do not even think of heading to the gate. While we have not closed it, it is sealed from this side, until we are ready to resume our battle," the giant told me.
I looked up at him, and slowly got to my feet. He was still twice as tall as I was. Damn! I felt like a child among adults. It was very disconcerting, to say the least. Both the male and female giant pointed in a direction. One gave me a gentle shove in same said direction.
Damn it! I had a shield up! How the hell was she able to touch me? These were some very peculiar and dangerous people. I had noticed a glowing wrist bracelet on her left wrist. Was that how she was able to get through my shield?
We all walked for some time in the direction that they had indicated I was to go. While I tried to set a normal pace, it must have seemed slow to my erstwhile captors.
"You may drop your shield if you wish. We are not going to hurt you at this time. Plus, you can re-establish it when you wish, at anytime," the male told me.
"Thank you, but I will keep it going for now, if you don't mind," I responded politely.
They just looked at me, and shrugged. I took in the scenery as we walked. It was a manicured path. Someone had taken the trouble to keep the shrubs and bushes trimmed. Flowers were in bloom everywhere, and seemed to have been planted with some sort of plan in mind.
We finally emerged from the trail, and came to a very large building. It sat in the middle of an expansive lawn, which was freshly cut. A few other giants were about. As soon as we were noticed, they would stop and stare at me.
The building was built to scale of course. The door was fifteen feet high, easily. The first window was located in the front of this building, where we would have a second floor. It seemed to reach almost to where the third floor would be, really. I shuddered at the scale.
We entered it and made our way through several hallways, to some stairs at the back of the building. They, too, were engineered for people with greater height and a longer stride. It was an interesting climb.
We finally got to the top of the stairs, and moved down the hallway. We entered the first room to the right. They left me there, and told me not to wander. I looked around. For a prison cell, it wasn't too bad.
It had a bed scaled for someone my size. Or was it a child's bed? There was a table and chair that were only slightly out of proportion for me. A large upright wardrobe stood open and empty.
The walls were a peach color. I wondered if this had been a female child's room. There was a window. I went to it, and looked out. For as far as the eye could see, there was nothing but plains.
People... err... giants, were in evidence. Some were working the fields, some were strolling hand in hand. I shook my head, and turned away.
Where were the primates the demons had been fighting? There were absolutely none to be seen, here.
I didn't have long to wait. Shortly, my door opened and two giants came in. One had a tray of food and the other was a new giant I had never seen before.
"Please, sit and eat. We have brought a stew which I am sure you will find good. It is made from a fish. There is also water, bread, and fruit. Nothing will harm you, and I assure you we have not poisoned it," the woman told me with a smile.
I nodded, and they waited for me to eat. It was delicious! I was not familiar with the fruit, but with the first bite my mouth watered and I finished it quickly. It was a cross between a pomegranate and a peach. It was also larger than most fruits I had ever eaten before. The bread was also good, with a faint nutty flavor to it.
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