P I and Magic Book II: The Gods Return
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 2
I was just getting ready to leave our apartments, my wife's and mine, when my wife of two months stopped me.
"Paul? I am Duchess De Landkur, right?" she asked?
Uh oh.
"Why, yes, Mariel, I believe you are," I replied smiling.
She glared at me. Not good. She had been getting just a bit restless, lately.
"Look, I have been doing magical training, but I want to do other things. Back at home, I was a... well... I was something my father trotted out to be put on display. It was not a very good feeling, really.
"Mirwanna is practically the queen of this land, will be queen as soon as her coronation takes place. You are Duke De Landkur, ruler of the city of Landkur and it environs.
"So what does that mean to me. Am I just a showpiece for you? Or do I have a real purpose here?" she finished, almost in tears.
Damn. I had forgotten that she had been treated like a trophy, here. A lot of women were, unless they were like my sister, or had inherited a title. I went over to her, and hugged her to me.
"Listen. You are the Duchess De Landkur, with the all the power and authority that goes with it. While I am the Duke, and I take priority over you, you are powerful in your own right.
"Which leads me to something I have to say. We can't let people divide us. I mean, if someone comes to me and requests something which I deny; then they might go to you and you grant it. This is not a situation that you or I want arising. I might have a very good reason for denying that request, but you might not be aware of it. This is also true in the reverse. This means we must have constant communication between us, so we are never at cross-purposes," I told her.
We went into what I would call the living room, and sat together on a couch. She poured out her insecurities to me. Poor kid. No! She was not a poor kid. She was a woman who had been manipulated and used for state purposes, all her life by her father, Salvadi.
We talked for some time. Twice we were interrupted by one of my male secretaries, reminding me of appointments. Finally, Vivian showed up. She knocked once, and just barged right in.
"Paul? If you have decided to cancel today's itinerary, you should let us know so we can tell the others," Vivian said in her best 'no nonsense' tone of voice.
I winced. I knew that tone of voice, and the accompanying look that went with it. I rolled my eyes, and stood. Then I thought of something. I looked at Mariel sitting there, her hands clutched tightly and in her lap.
"Vivian? Have Mariel briefed on todays docket. She is going to 'sit in judgment', today," I told her.
Mariel got a panicked look on her face. Vivian just cocked her head at me.
"You're sure? I mean, you are sort of throwing her into a 'sink or swim' situation, here," Vivian said gently.
I went to Mariel, reached down, and helped her to her feet. She looked frightened.
"You're right," Vivian said. "This is the best way to make Mariel understand that she is a powerful person in her own right. Don't worry, Mariel, you will do fine. You already know the basic laws of this land."
"The main problem you will have," I said, "is that rare time when both sides in a case honestly believe they are right. While I have a truth spell emplaced in the court, it is not able to discern the law.
"For example: I had a case a few months ago. Both parties were promised a piece of land from a third party. The third party died without specifying who actually got the land. This caused a hardship between the two parties, and both were telling the truth when they said they were each promised the land.
"This is where you, sitting in judgment, count the most. Let yourself be guided by the court chamberlain, and by your heart. Be fair, and be just. Most of all, when you make your decision, make it firmly. Don't be hesitant about it, and DON'T change it, no matter what. Remember, if new information comes up, then you have a new situation. That means you have a new decision to make.
"I am sure you will do fine. Just listen carefully to the evidence. Most times it will be obvious how you should judge," I told her enthusiastically.
"Wait! What was your decision on that land problem with the two claimants?" Mariel asked in a partly desperate voice.
"Why, I took control of the land for the city, and then waited a couple of weeks. I then determined that since both parties had been promised the land, I split its ownership in half, giving half to each of the parties involved.
"They were so pleased to be getting something, rather than nothing, that they were happy with the final determination of their case," I told her.
There was another knock on the door. It was my, now Mariel's, escort to the court. I quickly explained the switch to the escort. He just nodded. In this land, you really didn't question high-ranking people. This was not like America, where it was expected that your public servants answer to you.
In this land, nobles had real power and authority. Since my arrival, I had met with all of the nobles under me. I had informed them of what I expected, and how I wanted our people to be treated.
While most had no problems with my wishes, I still had problems with a very few. They had done things 'their way', for generations, and were resistant to being steered onto a new path. I was being as patient as I could be; but there was going to be a showdown with one or two of them, and soon.
The problem is, the crown gives great authority to the nobles in this land, and there are not a lot of safeguards in place to prevent the abuse of power and authority. Hell, the people even sort of expect it... which is also a sad comment.
Vivian and I watched as Mariel left the room for her first day in court. She then looked at me.
"She is very young to be doing this, Paul," Vivian told me, scowling.
"Vivian, it's the way of this land. Young people who are not married, would not have her power. But, since she married, she is legally accorded all the rights and privileges of an adult. Plus she IS the Duchess De Landkur.
"It makes me very nervous too. I want to protect her. Hell, she should be in high school, learning and dating. Instead, she is married to me for the political gain of both of our lands," I said with a sigh.
"Now that you have palmed off your duties for the day, what are you planning to do?" Vivian asked me curiously.
"Well, I have been putting off going to the temple and see the goddess, Ishla. I want to show her my 'Arch Angel', and see if she can give it a few protections. If she can, I am going to order it to collect information on the demons that have managed to get control of the access point to our world, here," I said heavily.
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