P I and Magic Book II: The Gods Return
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 16
I was having trouble accepting that a demon wanted our help. Vostich, however, verified it. So that was that. I went back to my apartment, and sat there thinking. Ok, something was scaring the demons enough that they were going out of their way to get our attention.
Wait a minute! How come Vostich read the demon's mind now, but not before? What had changed? The armband and ring! That was it. Before, the demon probably had enough power to stop Vostich.
I shook my head. It was all very confusing. Not only that, but Vostich told me they were preparing to send me and the demon to the gate that the demons had into our world. Or, I should say, I would accompany the demon. A totally strange turn of events.
Now I just had to sell it to Mariel. That wasn't going to be easy.
I returned to our apartments, and waited. Since Mariel had been spending so much time with Salvadi, I would have to wait. Unless I sent a summons of some sort, and I wasn't about to do that.
I made coffee, and lit a cigarette. I took a deep drag, and surprised myself with a coughing fit. Ok, I had not smoked for a while, but this was unusual. I had been smoking for over fifty years, after all.
I smoked half my cigarette. I put it out in the dish I had been using as an ashtray since my arrival in Morwan. I drank my coffee, and waited on Mariel. I got up and paced. Perhaps I should send for her after all. She might not return for hours, and I really wanted to settle this, now.
I felt a gate forming in my room, behind me! I whirled, gathering power even as I did, ready to lash out with a spell if I had too. I also felt a PRESENCE! A God was at the other side of this gate. Strange, Gods don't use gates.
I saw the Goddess Shabasonti standing before me on the other side of the gate, as soon as it stabilized. I bowed to her. Goddess of Chaos, she was not one to fool around with.
"Paul, bring with you your power rings, your staff, your sword, and your cloak. Come to me through the gate when you are ready," her voice said.
While I didn't know what she wanted, I wasn't about to argue. I gathered the items she mentioned, and stepped through the gate. It collapsed behind me, immediately. I bowed low to her, again, after I had stepped though. She smiled at me, and nodded. I took that as a good sign.
I surreptitiously looked around. We were in a cavern like place. The walls glistened with... something. In the exact center of this cavern, was a pool of water. At least I thought it was water. It was liquid, at any rate.
"Welcome to my home, Paul. You should feel honored. Only one other human has ever been to this place," she said, smiling at me.
"I thank you for the invitation. I will cherish this memory, always," I responded.
She laughed.
"That remains to be seen. First, refresh yourself," she said. A golden cup of some sort appeared in her hand. She knelt, and filled it from the pool in her cavern.
"Please. Place your things on the floor. They will be safe," she said to me.
I placed everything in my cloak, and placed it on the floor beside me. She then handed me the cup. I bowed my thanks, and drank it all. First my tongue, and then my throat went numb.
I could feel it traveling down my throat, and into my stomach. The numbness spread, and I felt myself falling. The Goddess didn't try to catch me. I could feel myself hitting the hard stone floor.
I felt myself straining, just to breathe. I felt alternately hot and cold. I started sweating profusely! I started shaking uncontrollably! What had the Goddess done to me? I felt things happening inside of me!
Agony hit me, the likes of which I had never imagined before. I screamed and screamed! I was knotting up, and relaxing alternately. It hurt like hell! Then the pain started fading, and I got a tingling sensation in my limbs.
The tingling spread all through my body, until it felt like I was buzzing! I found I had control over my body again. I also saw things in a new way! I could see the Goddess glowing with energy! I saw stout cords of energy spread from her body out into, well, everywhere!
I regained my feet. I felt better than I had ever felt before! I felt strong! I looked the Goddess in the eyes.
"Don't let it go to your head, Paul. You have drunk from the fount of Chaos, and lived. It can do nothing, or everything. It can and did change you. You are now much more powerful than you were before.
"It will also armor you, in ways, against the demons. It also armors you against that which they fight. That was beyond you, before. Congratulations. The last human I tried this with, died," she said, still smiling at me.
I gaped at her. Died? She had risked my life without telling me of the risks? I got mad. I was getting ready to tell her off.
I know, I know. Not a good plan.
The Goddess frowned at me. I could feel her displeasure.
"I would not carry through with those thoughts, Paul. I understand your anger, but it had to be done. You survived, and are now more powerful by it. Feel your new powers Paul. Look at yourself, and see," she said intensely.
And I did. I felt and looked at the connections I had made with the land. They were thicker, brighter, more firmly made than ever before! I could see more connections, too. I fairly buzzed with power. I felt as if I could move a mountain if I wanted!
The Goddess laughed.
"You could move a mountain, but what for? I have prepared you for your upcoming trip into the lands of the demons. Now I will change your cloak, rings, staff, and sword," she said, and grasped each item in turn.
I could feel her concentrating on my rings. She then held them in the fount of Chaos. When she returned them to me, I could feel the change. They had connections to the Chaos of the Universe, a most powerful source indeed.
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