P I and Magic Book II: The Gods Return
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 15
Mariel was busy getting ready for the Coronation of my sister. She had taken a big part in the preparations, and the day was almost here. I worried about the demon, but Vostich had taken charge of it. It remained in the castle with Fithian as a permanent escort whenever it went out.
I spent a good deal of time in the magic library, looking up demon destroying spells. Pejoru had an interesting library to say the least. I memorized spell after spell. I had also created an interesting spell. It took everything I had to power it, but it was particularly nasty to WHATEVER I caste it upon!
I went flying in my dragon form more frequently. It was a good way to work off frustrations. With the demon here, I was very frustrated. How I longed to try out my new spell on it. One thing I noticed, was my new spell was now in Pejoru's library! I was rather proud of that.
The palace was crowded with dignitaries coming from everywhere to see my sister crowned Queen of Landkur. I thought sadly that my mother and father, whom I still had trouble remembering, would have been proud of Mirwanna.
I was feeling very uncomfortable. Why is it that all 'new' clothes seemed to make you itch and feel like you're choking? Come on! These were hand made, for gods' sake! Still, I had to admit that the tailors had done an excellent job.
The boot maker had done a very good job. The leather of my boots was wonderfully soft and pliable, yet the shine was almost glaring. I definitely looked good: brown over-tunic, brown trousers, and black boots. A silver dragon was embroidered on my right breast (where a pocket would be, if this were Earth clothing).
As a member of the family, I was seated early in an antechamber next to the main throne room, while waiting for the main event to take place. The main throne room was filled, and more arriving every minute.
Finally, it was time. A fanfare of trumpets announced the beginning of the ceremony, and the hall quieted. All of us who had been seated or pacing in the antechamber, quietly made our way to our places in the throne room.
The huge ornamental double doors opened slowly, and Mirwanna stood revealed. She wore the royal colors of Landkur, which were three shades of deep blue. She looked lovely. Slowly, in almost a stately manner, she began to slowly walk down the center aisle of the room.
Waves of people bowed and curtsied to her, and rose as she passed. Her gown was of floor length, with a very slight 'train'. Her arms and shoulders were completely covered. She wore a choker at her neck which glittered with diamonds.
Her hair was worn loosely, and fell about her shoulders in brown wave. I looked closely. Yup, she had changed her hair color for some reason. It wasn't much of a change, but it was noticeable.
Vostich was standing by the throne, as was Fithian. I looked around quickly. I saw that the demon was close by, standing quietly not ten feet from Fithian, on his side of the room. I relaxed a little at that. As if he knew I was looking, he turned his head and looked me squarely in the eye. He nodded microscopically.
As Mirwanna got to the foot of the raised dais that the throne was on, she knelt. Vostich and Fithian, as one, turned to face the throne. They, too, knelt. Fithian was on the left side of the room and the throne, and Vostich the right.
As if this was a cue, there was a glow. The goddess Ishla appeared. Everyone, including the demon, knelt. Ishla looked out at us all, and raised her hand in what I felt was a benediction. The sense of her presence was almost overwhelming. I wondered curiously how the demon was handling it.
"All of you are here to witness Mirwanna Landkur's investiture as Queen of Landkur. She is deemed worthy," the Goddess said, looking now at Mirwanna. "Mirwanna, do you swear to take up guardianship of this land, to protect her, nurture her, and give your life for her, should it be required of you?" the Goddess asked.
"I do so swear," Mirwanna answered clearly.
The Goddess touched her, and I felt some magic pass into Mirwanna. I saw connections to the land itself being made! Soon, these connections faded from sight. The Goddess then lifted her hands, and a crown appeared in them.
It glowed brilliantly, and Ishla set it gently but firmly, on Mirwanna's head.
"Thusly have you all seen the Crown of Landkur accept Mirwanna Landkur as the rightful heir to the throne. Let none gainsay Mirwanna Landkur as Queen of Landkur," she said. With that, the Goddess was gone.
Mirwanna rose to her feet, followed quickly by Vostch, Fithian, and myself. Slowly, the rest of the room rose to their feet. She stepped up onto the dais, turned, and sat on the throne.
As she did, Vostich led us all, on a massive bow (or curtsy). There was something different about Mirwanna. She seemed more mature, more... queenly. That was it. She had been seated on the throne before, but now, it was as if it truly belonged to her.
"The lords of the land will now come forward, and swear fealty anew, to the Queen," Vostich said in a voice that carried quite clearly throughout the hall.
I found myself being one of the first to swear to my sister. I was granted again my title as Duke De Landkur, and also as 'Prince Protector of the Throne'.
The next person took his place, and on and on. All in all, it took over an hour for the assembled nobles to renew their oaths of fealty. Vostich and Fithian stood on either side of the throne as this took place.
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