P I and Magic Book II: The Gods Return
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 14
I collected myself after reducing my staff and thought. I reached out, and tried to contact 'Arch Angel, ' or Michael as he was now known. I was still a little unsure of why he considered me his father.
Oh sure, I had created the original program, but it was the goddess, Ishla, who had done that, giving him a real body. Still, I was glad he thought of me the way he did, unnerving as it was.
I finally felt a return contact to my questing thought for Michael. I expressed a desire for him to come to me. He acknowledged and said he would be there shortly.
I waited in the anteroom, and with a flash of light, Michael appeared before me.
"Michael, I have to ask you. Just how powerful are you? I mean, I know the goddess gifted you when she gave you a flesh and blood reality, but what can you do?" I asked him.
He answered slowly. "Well, I have all the information that I knew prior to my separating from the data base where you created the program of me. I have a contact with the computer on earth, and if I concentrate, I can cause it to gather specific information."
"I also have a good knowledge of magic. I have access to the magical field and I am still learning that I can do things I have never done before. Sometimes these abilities present themselves when I need them, other times when I carefully consider a need, an answer comes to mind," he finished, in an amazed tone of voice.
He still looked magnificent. Taller than me by a foot, his wings, while folded and flat against his back, would have filled the room easily. His chest was bare, and he wore a white kirtle, a sort of short skirt like piece of cloth. He was magnificently muscled.
All in all he was impressive to look at. He had light brown hair, green eyes, and fine chiseled features. He was well tanned. I guess he would be, considering he didn't really wear much in the way of cloths.
I informed him of the demon visitor we had, and asked if he would be my back up if I needed help. He agreed instantly, and as we left the room, he fell into what can only be considered a guard like posture.
I made my way back to Mirwanna's side, and she looked at Michael curiously. She also noted my 'cane', but let them both pass.
"Paul, there you are. Vostich has said he will be here shortly, and he will be bringing a couple items with him. He has decided with proper limitations placed on our demon, it should be alright to release him and let him wonder around.
"I will of course, have several guards and wizards escort him, for his own protection," Mirwanna finished with a grin.
I nodded. If Vostich was convinced he could control the demon, who was I to gainsay him?
"Well, I have also done a little to keep ahead, if something does happen," I said, holding up my cane, then nodding to Michael.
She nodded and we talked a bit, with lords and ladies coming up and replacing, and being replaced themselves over the course of the next twenty minutes. Finally, both Mirwanna and myself felt the gate forming, and Vostich stepped through.
He looked around, spotted us and walked to us. Everyone who had been with us stepped away respectfully. You didn't step between a demi-god and his interest, which happened to be us.
"Mirwanna. Paul. I have a couple items with me that should restrict the demon, and also negate that feeling of evil that seems to accompany them. Once these are emplaced on his person, there should be no problems with letting him roam to his hearts content," Vostich said, patting a bulging belt pouch.
"Pardon me if I don't let him roam alone though," Mirwanna said.
I noticed Vostich looking intently at Michael. I even felt him sending probes at Michael, who politely accepted Vostich's inspection. Well, Michael was unusual to say the least.
As a group, we made our way to the niche where the demon had been confined. Elpor studied all of us as we came up. He was particularly fascinated with Michael.
"He looks nothing like the Michael he is named after, you know," Elpor said.
I gaped at Elpor. Mirwanna and Vostich seemed a bit confused, but I knew what he was talking about.
"How do you know what Michael looks like?" I finally gasped out.
"I have had the, er, dubious pleasure of encountering that entity on a couple of occasions," Elpor stated flatly.
"You have met the actual Arch Angel that I based this on on?" I asked, stunned.
"Oh yes. A very humorless being. When Michael is given a mission, he carries it out very quickly, concisely, and with no other thought in mind but to carry out said mission," Elpor said, shuddering.
Imagine that! I wanted to ask him about the real Arch Angel Michael, but thought better of it. Did I really want to know, especially from a demon? Could I really believe what a demon said to begin with?
I put it in the back of my mind. Still, I longed to hear of the real Arch Angel. I had been fascinated with accounts in the bible of the Arch Angels. They had fascinated me from the very start. Ah well, this too was something that I really didn't need to know about first hand.
Demons did not fair well in those confrontations. The devil, Satan, Lucifer, Morning Star, whatever you called him, retained great power after his fall from grace. At least, this was what the Earth I had lived on most of my life believed. Arch Angels were said to be powerful enough to counter the devils power.
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