P I and Magic Book II: The Gods Return
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 10
I had stayed in the village of Mornwahl for an extra day, casting spells I had learned. I also had Mariel go into the library and learn a couple healing spells, and a spell of protection from demons to be cast over the village and its environs.
I still had no clue as to how the demon had gained access to Landkur, since Vostich had done of lot of serious spell casting to make it almost impossible. Obviously, ALMOST, was the key word here.
Sitting in my office in the palace, I wondered about the sword. It reacted in a decidedly intelligent manor. It, well, whispered advice to me when I had been fighting the demon. Definitely disconcerting.
I really needed to talk about this with Vostich. He would know all about this sword. I stood, concentrated a moment, and teleported to the castle. I asked the steward where I might find Vostich. I was informed the east tower.
Soon, I could feel his presence ahead of me.
"Paul. I felt your arrival and decided to come see what you wanted," Vostich told me.
I bowed. "I have come to ask you more about the history of this sword," I said, tapping the sword at my side.
He nodded we went to his library. He took down an overly large, but thin book, and laid it on the table. On the cover was a very detailed depiction of the very sword at my side. The book was titled, 'Family Weapons of Landkur'.
"This is a brief history of the sword, and other weapons. The first section of this book is what you want. After you read it, I will answer further questions," he said, leaving me alone in the library with the book.
I opened the book and read the first page. It was a fascinating look into my family history on my family's more human side. The important information I gleaned from the book was who made the sword, and who the owners had been.
Two gods had been involved in the making of this sword: Shabasonti, the Goddess of Chaos; and Pejoru, the God of Magic. Both had imbued the sword with abilities and magics that were unique, and had not been done since.
The result was a sword that was capable of defending its owner against very powerful magics and powers. I read with interest, the list of owners of the sword. The list ended with Kilia Landkur. I assumed she was one of the souls that had been inside the sword. The entry mentioned that the sword was in her dead hands when it was recovered.
So, apparently the sword was not perfect protection. Something had managed to kill her with the sword in her hands. Hell, there had been three souls in the sword. So three times at least, the sword had failed.
I felt like I had learned what I could from the book, and decided to find Vostich. I left the library and ran into a steward standing close by. I asked him where Vostich was, and he informed me that Vostich was in fact returning to the library.
I looked at the steward carefully. Come to think of it, how did these stewards know so much, so quickly? Even in the palace, if I wanted to track someone down, it took some time to do it. Yet these stewards seemed to know instantly where Vostich was at any given time.
Sure enough, Vostich appeared not more than a minute later. We returned to the library and sat at the massive table there.
"I have some questions about what the gods did to the sword when they infused it with magic. While the book mentioned that they did, it does not specify exactly what this entailed," I started out.
Vostich nodded. "Yes. This was always something that caused us concern and wonder. While we have figured out a lot of the magic that was done, the two gods in question have never really described the spells in their entirety. I was hoping with your new relationship with Pejoru, you might be able to get him to tell us. We just don't know at this point," he said, pausing. He then continued, "What we know for sure is this. Shabasonti gave the sword a sort of intelligence. Both of them set powerful warding and protective spells. It can seemingly cut through anything that the current owner wants to cut through. What I mean by this, is that if you want to cut through stone, it will. It cuts through magical armor as a hot knife through butter.
Yet I must caution you. You can still be killed. Three times since the sword was cursed, owners of the sword have been killed. Part of it, I think, is that better swordsman got them. So your training with the Drebasty will stand you in very good stead, there. It can and will advise you on spells and demon types, I think. It can also act as a focus for power. All in all, it is a powerful weapon and tool, but can be overcome. I saw it used against Jorslan's older brother. It killed him, and Jorslan's brother was just as powerful as Jorslan himself. So the sword can kill not only demons, but demi-gods... and even possibly, the gods themselves," he finished, heavily.
Wow. This was some weapon. Yet despite its great power and abilities, it was not an end all of protection. Vostich informed me that, for no particular reason that could be found (thrice that he knew of), the weapon had failed.
He said that it had failed to cut through enchanted armor, the intelligence had gone silent, and its silvery glow had died. He said this was not part of the curse. This had happened prior to the curse being applied.
We discussed how I was able to cut through to the demon, and kill it with one slashing cut. He nodded. That had been part of its ability, to cut through almost any magic. The demon's shield had been overwhelmed by the sword. When the sword touched the demons flesh, a very powerful spell finished off the demon, courtesy of spells placed in it by both Pejoru and Shabasonti.
"As for how the demon managed to enter into Landkur, a sufficiently powerful enough demon could have overcome my spells. This leads me to believe that at least one very powerful demon lord has come through one of the two gates that they have. We really need to shut those gates down as quickly as possible. Mirwanna says she is sending you to Fenoris, soon. When you go, don't hesitate for an instant to destroy their gate. Hit the anchor points, and then seal the opening... permanently!" he told me seriously.
I nodded. The thought of a powerful demon lord loose in our world left me feeling cold. I was still unsure why the gods just didn't intervene, and said so.
"It has to do with the Creator of All. He made sure that while the gods can do this, they must be summoned to the location by someone. They can't just show up. Basically, when the Creator allowed the gods to come back, he placed restrictions on what they could and could not do," Vostich said sighing.
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