P I and Magic Book II: The Gods Return
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 1
Mariel was very enthusiastic partner when it came to sex. Our first night after our marriage was a voyage of discovery, for the both of us. I wondered if the Gods had a hand in that.
Ever read or hear of someone saying... 'kissing their partner was an electric experience'? Or you 'got a jolt of lightning' or experienced a shock of some sort? I thought I had that with Darla, but no...
Kissing Mariel was a bolt of pure bliss. It also led to her first time having sex. Yes, she was a virgin when we married. After the initial first time, which was a little uncomfortable for Mariel, she turned into a very eager and willing student.
Salvadi had offered us a very nice hunting lodge in the mountains in his kingdom. At Vostich's urging, I took him up on it, and was glad I had. It made a perfect honeymoon spot.
Mirwanna surprised Mariel and me with a new set of apartments in the palace after we returned from our honeymoon. I had gotten to know my young bride better on our getaway. She was a shy person with new people, but once you got to know her, she blossomed. She had a very sweet personality, and was very intelligent. Young Trayla came along as her 'lady' in waiting.
Besides teaching Mariel, um, sex, I continued her magical education. She was very good and caught on very quickly to the things I taught her. What did surprise me, was that Trayla had the ability to do magic, also.
Oh, she was not a powerful magic user, but she was becoming competent with the basic spells and low-level magics. When I taught her a couple of spells I would term mid-level, she struggled. It took everything she had, to do just one, and she was exhausted after casting it.
Trayla's problem was her connection to the magic field was very weak. I had decided that when I returned to Landkur, I would make a collector that she could use. That would allow her to cast bigger spells, and the power would be provided by the storage device.
With the storage device, she could cast a couple mid-level spells before it had to recharge, or she could do endless basic spells which would hardly drain the device at all. I could make it so it continuously drew in and stored power from the magic field. There would be a cut off point where it would collect only so much, because it was full.
It was late summer, now. I was still leery of going to the temple. The Gods having returned just now, worried me. From what I understood, they had been asked to leave and stay away physically by the Creator Of All. Now it seemed they were allowed back. I got a chill that ran up and down my spine, particularly at the back of my neck.
Since it was a warm, clear day, I asked Mariel what she thought of having a picnic. There was a spot out by a part of the lake, that I knew would not be crowded with people. I had seen it as I overflew the area, while practicing flying in my dragon form.
She was agreeable. Of course, the little minx (Trayla) had to come along, also. So we gathered the picnic supplies and when we were ready, I teleported us to the spot I wanted. Perfect! It was a little cove that had a nice sand beach, and was hard to get to from landward.
Trees populated the area, but did not crowd it. All in all, it was a great place for a picnic. I had brought a blow up beach ball with me. [Hey, it was included in the supplies Vivian bought. Don't ask me.]
I blew it up, and we had fun playing 'keep it off the ground' while trying to get the other party to drop it. Trayla was very adept at the game, and did her best to double team against me, with my wife.
We finally got hungry, and got the food out. It was good! Fried chicken, ham, bread. I had brought cold sodas along, and they went well with everything. I had made potato salad, again. Everyone who ate it seemed to love it!
I leaned back against a little hill, and watched my wife and Trayla walking along the shore, dipping there feet, and running back from waves, laughing. I smiled. It was a beautiful day, and life was good.
I saw the girls look my way, then they took a look out to sea. Finally, they started to take off their clothes!
"Hey! Someone might see you! I know you didn't bring swimsuits!" I shouted to them.
"You said it yourself. No one comes here. I think, with one exception, only a dragon could see us. And you don't count, you're my husband," Mariel said, still removing her clothes.
"Well, what about young Trayla? Won't she be embarrassed about me seeing her without clothes?" I asked, as they got closer to me, each with an armful of outer clothing.
"I trust you. Besides, it's not like I have anything to look at, yet," Trayla said, pulling off what passed for an undershirt in this land. That was followed by her pants, which were like old-fashioned 1800's bloomers on that other earth.
I looked away from Trayla, and watched my wife strip her clothing. Yes, she had a nice little body. As her breasts were exposed, her nipples hardened. Nicely red in color, they topped off small breasts that were a comfortable handful. I looked at Trayla. She had a slightly rounded chest with little pink nipples.
What was I doing comparing these two girls breasts? Was I being a pervert? I thought about it. No. I just had two girls in front of me, and I was comparing. There was nothing sexual in it, that I could feel. I breathed a sigh of relief. It was just a normal 'guy thing'. In a situation of having more than one female to look at, guys look. It's what guys do.
Mariel removed her pants, and was now as naked as Trayla. Her mound was lightly topped with light brown hair. She was a very white color all over her body except her face hands and neck. Both of them were. Trayla was hairless down there. Well, she was a young girl, after all.
"Well, are you going to join us or not?" Mariel said archly.
I thought for a moment as these two naked girls looked at me. Correction. One naked girl, one naked woman. What the hell.
"Sure, give me a minute, and I'll be ready," I told them.
I quickly undressed and we all ran splashing into the water. We splashed each other, dunked each other, and swam. We had a great time. We got out, but none of us had thought to bring towels. We lay out in the sun, drying the old fashioned way. All in all, it was a very good day.
We finally dried off enough to get dressed. We sat and talked about nothing, really. Trayla was curious about learning more magic. I had her practice a couple small spells. She got them down very quickly.
One involved a small levitation spell, and another was a defensive shield. You couldn't go wrong with a defensive shield. After she had it in place, I cast a few spells at her, watching her shield as I hit it with them.
Her shield would fluctuate a little. That was due to her uncertainty, which was why I was being careful with my spells. I didn't want to overwhelm her. She needed to build confidence in her abilities, and me crashing her shield right away, wouldn't do that.
Mariel helped out by cheering each time Trayla staved off one of my attacks. Trayla had a big grin on her face. She looked so pleased to have managed to hold me off. I finally stopped and nodded. Then I advised her on ways to keep her shield stronger and more firm.
Trayla and I took turns casting at Mariel. Trayla was very enthusiastic, but could not breech Mariel's shield. I cast more powerful spells, and finally decided to stop before I actually got through. She had a very good shield; but I knew, after the second or third spell, that I could have breeched it. It would have taken a big spell, but it would have gone down.
A shadow went over us. I looked up. A dragon and rider was circling. I reached out and contacted the dragon.
(Am I needed back in Landkur?) I asked it silently.
(Nay, Lord. I am the guard assigned to ensure you and your family's safety, as commanded by Fithian, ) answered the dragon.
Great. Now I couldn't take care of myself. I sighed. Ok, I understood. Still, it was aggravating to me.
"Well. We have been tracked down. Shall we return to the city? It just isn't the same with a guardian flying overhead," I said sighing.
"You mean you only just now noticed the dragon" Mariel asked me.
"Yes, why?" I asked her.
"Didn't you hear me say with the exception of a dragon, none could see us? I was talking about the dragon that was above us since about 20 minutes after we got here," Mariel said with exasperation.
"Oh," I replied eloquently.
The girls laughed at me. Great. Here I was, 'the big important magic user', 'the man with a connection to the Goddess Ishla', and I wasn't aware of a dragon overhead. I snorted at myself. I really had to learn to pay better attention to my surroundings.
Swimming always made me hungry. Since we had gone through all the food already, I told them I was ready to head back. With only a little grumbling from Mariel (and a loud protest from Trayla), we gathered our picnic remains. I deflated the beach ball, and we packed everything for the teleport back to the palace.
After we got back to the palace, Mariel and Trayla went their separate ways, most likely to their apartments. I was intercepted and with a most politely worded command. I was asked to make myself available for Mirwanna.
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