Boys Will Be Boys - Cover

Boys Will Be Boys

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2005 by TheMoose63

Erotica Sex Story: Tim and Tom, twin fourteen year old boys have a plan to drug their god-mother and get her into their bed.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Drunk/Drugged   Group Sex   First   .

Nan was looking forward to the evening with "the boys". Tim and Tom were twin 14 year olds and Nan was their godmother. She had met Sharon, their mother, while they were in college, later on had been Sharon's bridesmaid and, obviously, she knew the boys since they were both born. Tonight was Sharon and her husbands Jim's fifteenth wedding anniversary and Nan had volunteered to be the boys baby sitter.

Nan arrived at the Miller house just after seven in the evening and when the door opened she saw that Jim and Sharon almost ready to leave for the evening.

"Hi Nan," Jim said as he ushered her into the house. "Hi auntie Nan" both boys said in unison. Sharon came out of the kitchen, hugged Nan and thanked her for being available on a Friday night. "You are a jewel Nan, a real jewel to give up a Friday night for us," Sharon said.

"It's really no problem at all honey; you know that I love the boys."

Sharon grabbed her coat from the closet and said, "Look Nan, Tim and Tom have been fed so all they need to do is take a shower before bed, Oh, by the way, make sure those two devils are in bed by 10. Nan, those two will try and keep you up all night if they think you'll let them, so just be tough."

"No problem Sandy, I'll take care of those two!"

Nan let Jim and Sharon out, closed and locked the front door and went to see what the boys were up to.

Inside Tim's room, he and Tom were plotting out their evening.

"Did you get it?" Tom said

"Oh yea. It cost me thirty bucks, but I got it." Tim replied.

Tom wasn't sure if this was going to work or not. They had planed for a week to drug Nan with an ecstasy pill and then see if they could get her naked and fuck her. "Are you sure the pill is real? How do you know it will work?" Tom said.

"Hey bro, it's real and it will work. The dude I got it from is a college guy and he told me to crush it and put it in a drink. She won't be able to taste it and within fifteen minutes she'll be ours to use, as we want.

They heard Nan calling their names and went out of the room to see what she wanted.

"Hey auntie Nan," they said in unison, "were right here. Let's watch some TV."

Nan made some popcorn and the three of them watched a couple of police shows. Around 9:30 Tim turned to Nan and said, "Nan, would you like a cup of tea? I'm going to get some sodas for Tom and I."

"Sure sweetie that would be great. Could you put some honey in the tea? You know I love honey in my tea."

Tim and Tom jumped up from the couch, went to the kitchen and fixed Nan's tea. With her request for honey they were positive Nan wouldn't be able to taste the ecstasy pill. After the water boiled Tom put the pill and honey into a cup and Tim filled the cup almost to the brim. He stirred the tea and tried smelling it to see if there were any strange odors or if he could see any remnants of the pill. The only thing he could smell was the honey and he didn't see anything else. Tim and Tom then took the tea out to the living room and gave it to Nan.

All three continued to watch TV but the boys were also watching the clock. The noticed that Nan seemed to be getting hot as she kept adjusting her clothing and fanning her face with her hand. They both looked at each other and decided to wait an addition five minutes. After twenty minutes passed they figured it was time see how Nan would react.

"Hey Nan, can I change the channel?" Tom asked.

""Uh, sure honey, what do you want to watch?"

"Oh I don't know, I thought I would just sort of channel surf," Tom replied.

Tim handed the changer to Tom and he started looking for something to watch. He knew where the porn channels were and had scanned the TV listings earlier to look for some soft-core porn. They had decided on soft port so they wouldn't scare Nan before she had a chance to feel the full effects of the drug. Tom hit the 229 button and the channel changed to a soft-core porn movie. The boys waited to see Nan's reaction.

Nan was watching the TV when she noticed a woman sitting on the couch with a man who was kissing her - passionately. After a couple of minutes she saw that the man had unbuttoned the woman's blouse and was caressing her breasts.

"Uh guys," Nan said, "I'm not sure that this is a show that you should be watching."

"Oh auntie Nan," they both said, "Mom and Dad let us watch all the time. Don't be an old maid."

Nan still didn't think it was right, but if their parents let them watch why should she stop them. As they continued to watch the movie the man on the screen removed the woman's blouse and bra and began to suck on the woman's breasts. Now Nan was sure that this wasn't the right thing for two fourteen-year-old boys to be watching, but they acted so adult about the scene, as if it was the most normal thing and Nan was having some difficulty thinking clearly. The movie continued and Nan could feel her panties getting damp and looked down and saw that her nipples were hard and poking out of her blouse. Oh God she thought I shouldn't let the boys see me like this, and she tried to move into a position on the couch so her nipples weren't so visible to the children.

Tim and Tom watched Nan with growing amazement. The more she squirmed the more her skirt rode up on her thighs and the more of the movie she watched the more she touched herself. As the couple on-screen continued in their petting Nan continue to get damper and damper. Without even realizing it, she began to rub her breast and play with a nipple with one hand as the other snaked under her skirt and began caressing her wet panties until it finally found her clit.

The boys were enjoying watching Nan. It was obvious that the pill had worked and now it was time to put part two of their plan into action.

"Hey auntie Nan," Tim said, "it's time for our shower, come on, Mom told us that you had to make sure we were ready for bed."

Nan head snapped up from the movie and she was actually startled by Tim's voice, "Oh, uh sure I guess."

The boys got up off the couch, each took one of Nan's hands, and they led her down the hall and into their bathroom. Once inside the bathroom Tim and Tom stripped out of their clothes and turned on the water.

"Nan," Tom said, how are you going to help us scrub up if you're wearing all your clothes?"

"Wwhhat?" she replied. "What do you mean, wearing all my clothes?"

"Well..." Tom said. "Mother always takes off her clothes and gets in the shower with us to help us get clean."

Nan couldn't believe what she just heard. Surly Sandy didn't get naked in front of her boys, did she? Nan's mind was a mass of confusion and she was unable to think through a reasonable response. And she was still horny from watching the movie. Nan looked at the twins and found herself staring at the two boys with their cocks in their hands waiting for her decision. She shrugged her shoulders and began to unbutton her blouse. Still, somehow she knew this wasn't the right thing to do.

"Come on auntie Nan, we need you to help us wash," and Tim and Tom said as they walked into the large shower room.

Nan finished undressing and walked into the shower with the boys.

"Oh goodie, here's auntie Nan," the boys said. "Nan?" Tom said. "Usually Mom washes our fronts and then we wash hers. Is it OK to do that with you?"

Nan stood in the shower, water pouring over her body, looking down at the two boys. Both Tim and Tom stood looking at her, soap on washcloths waiting for direction. This isn't right she thought, but couldn't bring herself to say anything out loud. They looked so cute standing there, their cocks pointed straight out, staring at her breasts and pussy. The more she thought about it, the hornier she became.

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