The Hawk and The Chipmunk
Copyright© 2005 R. Michael Lowe aka The Scot
Chapter 7
The next morning started early for John when he was awakened by a naked Brenda snuggling her back closer and closer to his chest. When she realized he was responding she said, “I seriously doubt we’ve time for anything but cuddling this morning. I had horrible nightmares last night, and I need to be held for at least a few minutes.”
“For you, my lady, I think I can do that. Especially, if you can restrain your bottom from grinding into my groin.” She gave a mischievous giggle, and playfully did just that. Again, John was amazed how the little giggle could sound like the tinkling of tiny wind chimes. He could picture them swaying softly in the evening breeze, playing their simple medley to anyone who had the ear to listen.
In a few minutes they both rose from the bed, emotionally stronger to face the uncertainty of the day. They ate a simple breakfast of toasted bagels and cream cheese, and immediately plowed into the most pressing projects. For John it was the interface with the chip scanner using a simple outline of the prison to show the inmate’s position. This was basically a model whose framework would be enhanced later.
Brenda got on the phone and had a rush order made on the chips, more wands and four larger transceivers that would sit high in each of the guard towers. These would register the response of each chip and feed it to the interface program John was writing. The multiple hits for each chip would then be interpreted by the computer to provide precise positioning information on each inmate. The company had already been alerted by a call from Dan the deal would be a go. Therefore, they were prepared to fly in a team to help install the chips and the other hardware. They were discounting this sale heavily, and they were going all out on the support and installation side. They knew if the chips received a favorable response they wouldn’t be able to produce the systems fast enough. Also, Dan promised them a copy of John’s interface program so it could be refined and included as part of the cost of future installations.
When Bill arrived, shortly after 9:00 a.m. things were already going full blast. Brenda and two secretaries were scanning the mug shots and fingerprints, and adding them to the database. Three other clerks were comparing each inmate’s information in the system to his paper file, adding any notes that were deemed significant.
John took a moment to bring Bill up to speed and warned him of the pending meeting with someone from Apache Technologies. It was going to be a busy Friday. Trying to absorb everything, Bill asked, “John, how can I be the most productive?”
“Are you familiar enough with Apache software to set up the Web interface? It can be fine tuned later, but I want to at least make sure it’s going to do what we want.”
“Sure, that’s not a problem, I’ve done several on the side.”
When Bill headed back to his area John stopped and took a moment to pull together a full picture in his mind, comparing it with the project blueprint he’d placed there less than a week ago. He was shocked to realize how much had already been accomplished. Hopefully, someone in the administrative offices at the Capitol would appreciate his vision, and more importantly, his effort. Before he could start back to work, his phone rang. It was Sarah, Mary Beth’s secretary, announcing he had some visitors from Apache Technologies.
“Sarah, go ahead and bring them back.”
In a few moments she came in through Bill’s workroom and ushered four people into his office. John was shocked to see Dan Cashman was one of them. They introduced themselves, each handing John a card. John almost choked when Dan introduced himself as W. Chandler Smith III. Chan was the name of one of their old buddies at Auburn.
Dan said, “Mister Grayson, we were notified you needed some assistance in completing a project. Can you give us an overview of what you’re envisioning, and where the project currently stands?”
“No problem, and, Mister Smith, I appreciate your willingness to step in like this and help. Do you have any contracts that need to be signed?”
“We’ll cover that after we get the information we just discussed and determine the type of jobs we’ll be handling.”
Nodding his understanding John spent most of the next hour going over everything, and answering qualifying questions along the way. He showed them the input and query screens that had been created, the structure that allowed current and prior prisoners to share the same database, yet to be generally mutually exclusive regarding most of the screens, queries, and reports (you could work with current, or prior, but generally not both at the same time). He showed them the idea of the embedded chip, and the interface he’d written. He even demonstrated the ability for the scanner to read the chip in his hand, and the system to bring up his file, including his picture and fingerprints. Finally, he covered the things that still needed to be done, which ‘Mr Smith’ carefully added to a list written in his notebook.
“Mister Grayson, even though we’ve a long list of things to finish, I can’t believe how much you’ve accomplished in such a short time. As for our work, do you want an hourly rate, or a flat price?” John caught a slight movement in Dan’s lips like he was trying to form an ‘F.’
Picking up on what his friend was doing John asked, “What did you have in mind for a flat price? The project has serious budget constraints, and if it’s reasonable, that might be the best for the prison and the state.”
“Would ten thousand be reasonable enough?”
John didn’t think Dan could’ve done anything more to shock him, other than march his ex-wife into the room, nude, and in handcuffs, but the amount was ridiculous. It’s so low no one in his right mind would turn it down. John replied, “If you’re comfortable with that, I think we can get that approved.”
Dan turned to the woman who’d earlier been introduced as Joanne, and said, “Joanne, why don’t you borrow someone’s system and produce a quick contract for us.”
Keeping in character John spoke to Dan, “Mister Smith, you do understand I don’t have the authority to sign such a contract.”
“We’ll get it prepared and work through some of this until someone arrives with signature authority.”
John heard Brenda say, “That’s not a problem.”
Looking up to see her standing at the door John introduced her to ‘Mr Smith, ‘ who in turn, introduced her to the others.
Then ‘Mr Smith’ asked, “Why did you say it wouldn’t be a problem?”
“Just do what I had the tracking chip people do, back date the contract to this past Wednesday. I’ve the Warden’s signature stamp, and that should cover the contractual agreement. I’ll let her know what she ‘signed.’“
John thought to himself, She has too sharp a mind to be stuck here. I’ve got to find some way to help her.
Joanne followed Brenda to prepare the contract and get it signed. John and the rest of them went through the list of things to be done, assigning priorities and working out who’d be responsible for what. Joanne returned a few minutes later, signed contract in hand, and she joined in the discussion. When they got into the finer points there were more and more questions for John. By the time Brenda, Sarah, and Bill appeared bringing trays of sandwiches everyone was pretty much up to speed.
Shortly after two p.m. a team arrived from the company who’d designed the tracking chip system. There were three nurses and eight men, along with a vice-president who introduced himself as Allen Hamrick. He and Brenda disappeared to get the contract signed while Sarah called the guard supervisors. When they arrived she led them and the eight men off while explaining about the tracking system. What she and Brenda had envisioned was a supervisor and two men for each tower with additional resources being added as needed along the way.
In just a few minutes, everyone was working on different tasks, leaving John and Dan alone. Dan asked, “So, what happens now?”
“Mister Smith, I honestly don’t know. I originally had an idea that moved to a quick demo and PowerPoint presentation. Now, just a few days later, I’m seeing the core of a system that’s beyond anything I could have imagined. I do know we’re going to have to get a copy of this before you leave.”
“Yes, and our contract provides us with the rights to all of the software produced, outside of the Arizona Prison system. The contract says that’s part of our consideration for doing it so cheaply.”
John grinned when he replied, “You Dog! You didn’t do that, did you?
“Hell, I almost laid claim to everything outside of this single facility, but I thought that might be going too far.”
A voice at the door asked, “Too far for what?” John turned to see a very tired and dejected looking Deke Templeton.
He replied, “Deke, am I going to have to start shutting the door to talk to anyone?”
“Unfortunately, I’d say you better start getting used to more and more open doors.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ll explain in a minute. How about introducing me to the gentleman with you.”
“Sorry, Deke. This is W Chandler Smith the third. He’s a Vice President with Apache Technologies, who’ll be completing the system.” Then turning to Dan he said, “Mister Smith, this is Deke Templeton, the Assistant Attorney General and Acting Warden.” The two men shook hands, studied the others face, and exchanged business cards.
Then Deke asked, “How are things coming?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe. The tracking chip people gave us a great price. They’re hoping this will generate a lot more income in the future. They flew here this morning in a private plane, and are already installing both the transceivers and the individual chips. I started very early and already have a working interface to work with the chips that will show were each inmate is within the walls. Finally, Apache Technologies have given us an awesome price for completing the rest of what’s currently ‘speced out.’ The only thing is they get the rights to the software for anywhere outside of the Arizona Prison system.”
Deke tried to smile when he said, “I’m sure all your work will be appreciated by someone. We need to get Brenda and have a meeting.”
From the look on Deke’s face John could tell things didn’t go well. He phoned around until he found her and asked her to met with Deke in the Warden’s office. When she tried to learn more he had to just tell her to be patient, as, at the moment, she knew as much as he did.
Deke and John were waiting when Brenda entered the room. Deke closed the door and gathered them around a small table. When he sat in a chair John said, “It’s obvious things didn’t go well. What happened?”
Brenda sat next to John, reaching out to hold his hand.
Deke was almost in tears as he replied, “Damn, I hate politics and politicians! By the time of my meeting with the Governor I think every self-righteous prick in this state had been on the phone to her. In a nutshell, the only positive news I can give you is they’re not going to give you the lethal injection. The Governor and her people wouldn’t even let me talk about the facts we’d learned concerning you being framed. Instead, they’ve decided Mary Beth’s stroke was part of the dementia that caused her to give you special treatment. Because of that they’re giving her a medical retirement, and in her place they’re bringing in our illustrious sheriff who’s made a name for himself with his no nonsense camps broiling the prisoners in the hot Arizona sun.”
“What about me and my system?”
“Oh, your system will be continued, but it’s probable the son of some major political crony will get the credit. As for you, they want you in as obscure a place as possible, as soon as possible. I did get them to agree to let you teach, but you’ll not have any access to computers without ‘over the shoulder’ supervision, and you’ll have no Internet or network capability. We’ll be transferring you to Winslow late tonight. I figured I could at least get you and Brenda a little time alone.”
Brenda screamed, “No! No! No!” Crying, she buried her face in John’s chest. John was glad the wrapping had come off his arm and shoulder earlier in the week, as he could now hold her close to him. He was trying to give her comfort that, right now, he really didn’t have.
“Deke, I appreciate that. Does Mary Beth know?”
“Not yet. The rest of the gang will meet me at the hospital where we’ll tell her. I just pray it doesn’t kill her.”
“What about you? You’ve stuck your neck out, and I’m sure someone around here wants to chop it off and serve you as the Thanksgiving turkey.”
“John, I don’t care. I’m fed up with politics. I’m not sure what I’ll do, but my heart says I have to resign. I’m just not sure my wife will be as certain about it as I am.”
“Deke, go ahead and resign. You too, Brenda. Deke, you’re about to be a partner of a local firm, starting at a half-million a year.”
With a forced grin John replied, “Did I stutter?”
“A partnership! A five hundred thousand a year salary! How?”
“Julian Sanchez and his partner Dennis. You’ll be a full partner, but I’ll be your biggest client.”
“OK, what will I be doing?”
“First, you’ll be protecting my assets.”
John turned to Brenda, and asked, “Do you have any money on you?”
“No, but there’s some change in Aunt Beth’s desk.”
“Get me a dollar, please.” She had no idea what was going on, but there was something in John’s voice that stirred hope. She ran to the desk, grabbed four quarters, and returned, handing them to John. He then handed them to Deke while saying, “I’m now hiring you as my attorney, so attorney-client privilege becomes an actuality.”
Deke, following what was going on, handed them back to John. “Hold onto them for a few minutes,” he said.
Deke walked to the door and looked for Sarah. Realizing what he wanted Brenda said, “Deke, Sarah is helping do the data entry on those who have been given the chip. Do you need me to get her?”
“Yes, please.”
After Brenda left to get Sarah, Deke said, “John, I’ll accept your offer, but we must do this in the proper order.”
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