The Hawk and The Chipmunk
Copyright© 2005 R. Michael Lowe aka The Scot
Chapter 69
A rather startled Jason looked across the table at the former Speaker. Trying not to reveal anything in his face other than puzzlement, Jason asked, “I’m not sure what you’re referring to, Mister Speaker.”
“Relax, Jason, and please call me Newt. As for my comment, I’m pretty sure that behind your actions is a missing document that’s been like a guillotine casting an ominous shadow over the head of every President since Lincoln. What’s more, I’ve known of its potential existence since I was first elected Speaker of the House.”
“Not confirming nor denying your conjecture, Newt, but how did you come to know such a threatening document existed, and what are your observations?”
Newt laughed, “Man, I wouldn’t want to play poker with you. I’ve no idea if your hole cards are a pair of Aces, or a deuce and a trey. OK, when I was elected Speaker it placed me third in the line of succession to the Presidency, and the potential of the document’s existence was included in one of my briefings. The vagueness of the information I was given greatly aroused my curiosity, especially since I’m also a professor of American History. Since then I’ve learned a lot about what Lincoln intended and the efforts made by subsequent administrations to ensure it never came to light.”
“And where do you stand?”
“Colonel, I believe one of the greatest tragedies of this great nation has been our unwillingness to fulfill our commitments and obligations, especially to the American Indian.”
“Newt, Lindsey is speaking to a couple on his way back to the table. Do you know Doctor Consuela Kennedy?”
“The Professor at Arizona State?” Jason nodded. “I know of her, but we’ve never met.”
Jason handed Newt his card, and said, “Call me later this evening. I may be able to link you up with her and her research team.”
Then, as Lindsey sat down Newt answered, “I’d like that.”
“Like what?” asked Lindsey.
Shifting the conversation Jason answered, “My property includes part of Bull Run Creek, and though it’s not part of the official battlefield, there are still a lot of artifacts from the battle that can be easily found. I’ve invited Newt to come out and investigate.”
“I can see where that would be fascinating for someone like you, Newt. Me, I prefer the ocean and salt marsh.”
Jason laughed, and replied, “Well, I’m sorry, but I don’t have any of that on my property.”
“I don’t imagine you do, though if all these doomsday nuts are correct, you may have some in the future.”
“Lindsey, I don’t believe all of them are kooks, as there’s something happening to the environment. Also, I’ve serious difficulty believing all of the pollution man has been generating for the past hundred years or so, hasn’t been at least a part of the problem. I just can’t accept it’s all caused by man, nor can I accept we can bring about any quick fixes, regardless of how much we protect our economy or sacrifice it.”
The surprised southern Senator exclaimed, “I’m surprised to hear that from a conservative.”
“Lindsey, first, this is one of the reasons I insisted on being an independent. Currently both parties are taking extreme views and stands, with one acting like ‘Chicken Little’ and the other acting like an ostrich. Also, who’d have more appreciation and respect for the environment than an American Indian? That should be a no brainer.”
Newt laughed at Lindsey’s face, and said, “He’s got you there. Besides, I think that’s a pretty fair evaluation of the political football this has become. It’s just one more place where the parties have painted themselves into opposite corners, leaving no room for compromise or seeking a middle ground. What’s worse is most elected officials do so primarily to facilitate fundraising rather than from any true ideology. Sometimes I fear our fundraising tactics will eventually lead to our downfall.”
This honest evaluation from one of the earliest and most consistent leaders of the conservative movement caused Jason’s friend and colleague to spend the rest of the meal pondering the implications of Jason’s and Newt’s words. This reevaluation continued over a light dessert as the three men discussed the idea of ‘middle ground’ on many of the hot-button issues of the day. Lindsey was amazed at how simple and workable some of the compromises could be, once the ideology and harsh rhetoric were taken out of the equation.
Finally, as things were winding down Newt said, “Now, back to our original question on these grants. Jason, have you laid any ground work with the Democrats on this?”
“I put a ‘bug’ in Bliden’s ear, emphasizing the potential of various grants made by Clinton being nullified. I placed special emphasis on places like the coal areas of Utah and the upper arctic areas of Alaska.”
“Excellent choice; he’s a clown, but a respected one. See if you can get him and some others to add a minor clause in the Interior Budget concerning the legal standing of the grants. Lindsey, see if you can get a small group to insert another clause emphasizing the grants are to be used in the manner intended by the one who originated the grant. Then, each side should be encouraged to ‘hope’ the other side doesn’t see the wording their group had inserted. This should ensure secrecy, along with limiting scrutiny by either group.”
“What would this do?” asked Jason.
“One, it gives both sides a ‘dog’ in this fight. Second, taken together, this would solidify the status of these grants and limit the means that can be used to declare them invalid. Also, since both sides tried to slip one past the other neither side will be very vocal when the entire truth becomes known.”
“That makes excellent sense,” replied Jason. “Do you think it’ll work?”
“That’s a hard call,” answered the ex-Speaker, “but worded correctly, each section should make it more difficult to invalidate a grant. Working in conjunction with one another they should make it almost impossible to not only withdraw the grant, but also to challenge or change the purpose for which it was intended. What would be perfect would be a simple test case before the Supreme Court.”
Jason replied, “If we included land leases, I can think of a perfect one. There’s a section of land next to the reservation that was leased to us with the specific purpose of the reforestation of a barren area. The lease calls for a percentage payment at the time of harvest, in addition to annual lease payments. We’ve nurtured those trees for almost forty years, and now when the trees are almost at their prime ‘Doofus’ and Vice President Chancy want to cancel the lease and give it to a white-owned company to harvest. This is a company whose owners have been large contributors to the Republican Party - especially to the President’s campaign.”
The South Carolina Senator looked angry at hearing this, but Gingrich didn’t seem surprised when he added, “Then, in that case, we need to make sure neither side can link Jason to the development of the idea, or the wording of the inserted sections. In a situation like this it’s not wrong for him to want to correct some travesty of justice, but it should never appear he can personally profit from the activity. Just the hint of scandal would enable the opposition to sweep everything under the rug.”
“What about my conversation with Bliden?” asked a concerned Jason.
“As you go over the passage you want him to insert explain about the potential for an early test case on this land lease. As long as he knows you and your family don’t personally gain in the deal I suspect he’ll keep quiet about your involvement. Instead, he’ll quickly focus on the potential for the court to transform the provisions being inserted into the budget into the law of the land. What excites me is this is an ideal case for the court to literally interpret the Constitution and yet make law at the same time.”
“How is that?” asked Lindsey.
“The Constitution is pretty specific about the protection of property rights, and this has been further expanded over the past two hundred years. This ruling would require the President and Federal Government play by the same rules as everyone else. If this particular case was based on me leasing you property and then canceling at the time the property becomes valuable don’t you imagine the court would be all over it.”
“In a heart beat,” replied Lindsey, “and lawyers would be lined up six deep at my door to take the case. What’s more, you’ve now moved this discussion from my personal desire to protect what’s left of South Carolina’s coastline to an overwhelming need to correct or prevent a major injustice. Jason, if you can communicate that same idea to Bliden, then you’re home free.”
“Jason, what’s your schedule for the rest of the evening?” asked Newt.
“Actually, with my bride in Phoenix for a checkup I really don’t have one.”
“Then, why don’t you join me at my townhouse, and I’ll help get this done. Lindsey, you’re welcome to join us.”
“Thanks, but I really should’ve been home more than an hour ago. Newt, you’ve got my private e-mail address; just send me the text that needs to be inserted and the approximate place where it needs to go. If I can get it to my staff first thing in the morning it’ll be in place before the bill reaches the floor.”
Newt answered, “I think we can have both sections done tonight, though I want to get Martin Wright to help us. As one of the top constitutional lawyers in the country he’ll know how to word it to make it easier for us to defend it before the court.”
“Good, and thanks for getting involved.”
Jason picked up the check and left the payment in cash, along with a nice tip. He’d been most impressed with both the meal and the service. Lindsey excused himself and headed for the exit while Newt asked Jason to wait for a moment before moving to a small enclave to use his cell phone. “Are you driving?” asked the ex-speaker of the House after ending his cell call to Martin Wright.
“I try never to drive in this town,” replied Jason, “I’d rather deal with a group of South American drug lords - at least there I can shoot back.”
Laughing at Jason’s comment Newt said, “I’m not fond of it either, but I can get around. Come on and ride with me.”
“Thanks, I’ll do that. Do you mind if I call Andy as we ride? I’d like to let her know where I am.”
“Your wife does that to you, too? My previous marriage ended in divorce due to my relationship with my new wife, and she has a tendency to keep me on a short leash.”
“Actually, Andy isn’t jealous. If anything, I should be the jealous one, as she is much younger and a very pleasant eyeful, even when she’s just over seven months pregnant.”
“I wasn’t aware of that, but I suspect, from the sound of your voice, you’re rather happy about it.”
“I couldn’t be happier. I’m an old man with a grown granddaughter. I gave up hope for a son when my wife died twenty-seven years ago. Now, suddenly, I find a young woman who loves me and wants nothing more than to give me a son.”
“I heard a few passing comments when you first were appointed, but is she really that young?”
“She’s only a few years older than my granddaughter, but before you get the wrong idea, she’s a girl I’ve known since she was a child. When she was younger than fourteen she told me she wanted to be my wife. After that it took her more than fifteen years to convince me I wasn’t too old.”
“And she’s now carrying your son?”
“Yes, and proud of it.”
“Good. It’s rare to see that kind of genuine love in this town. I encourage you to hold it tight and guard it well. I can tell you, from personal experience, how easy it is to lose perspective, and then to lose what’s most precious.”
“Thanks for the advice. Did you get hold of your friend?”
“Martin Wright? Yes, he’s going to meet us at my townhouse.”
As the former Speaker of the House drove the two men toward his Washington home Jason called and talked to Andy. She was both excited at the good report on the health of her son, and disappointed in the fact the doctor didn’t want her to return to Washington until after the baby was born. Jason reminded her they’d already discussed the likelihood this could happen. “Besides Babe, we’ll be in recess within three weeks,” he reassured. “I’ll just go ahead and secure the house and stay in one of the hotels near the Capitol. This will give me more time to work, and I won’t be spending all that time in an empty house. It’ll also make it easier for me to try to come back to Arizona at least one weekend prior to the end of this session.”
“That’s probably a good idea, but just don’t pick up any strange women - or let them pick you up.”
“Yeah, right, like that would happen.”
“Hey, don’t go putting my husband down,” Andy rebutted. “I actually think he’s rather handsome and desirable. Besides, power turns a lot of women on, and you exuded power long before you ever became a senator.”
“Then, in that case, I’ll definitely take care.”
After Jason ended the call Newt remarked, “My friend, I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop on your conversation, but I heard enough to add to your wife’s warning and concern. If word gets out you’re temporarily unattached and your pregnant wife is out of town the women in this town who are drawn to power will react like sharks at the scent of blood. What’s worse is due to the recent scandals among conservatives you don’t have to be guilty. Just rumors and the mere appearance of infidelity can destroy your marriage, and your career.”
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