The Hawk and The Chipmunk
Copyright© 2005 R. Michael Lowe aka The Scot
Chapter 68
Jason and Andy, or Andrea as she was now called by all but her close friends, were both doing well, as was the young son she carried in her womb. She wasn’t overly excited about moving, even temporarily, to Washington, DC, but she was determined to be the best senator’s wife she could be. Yes, though his leg was still mending, Jason Longbow Magill now stormed the halls of Congress as the junior Senator from Arizona. Of course, Senator McCray had supported the appointment, but it was Deke Templeton’s calling in the Governor’s ‘I owe you one’ that opened the door to the face-to-face meeting which really made the difference. Even Ron Adams, who’d initially opposed the nomination, was on the phone with Jason and his staff several times a week, brainstorming political strategy. The Washington’s Elite reaction to Jason was a combination of confusion, frustration, and curiosity. To others the man was an enigma. He had no prior political experience, yet many of the older legislators listened to his ideas significantly more than they listened to the rest of their colleagues. These men may have never met Jason, but they knew him by reputation; a reputation that inspired some and frightened many more.
One of the first things Jason did after being sworn in was to approach the leaders of both parties and reaffirm his independence by doing the unthinkable: he requested the ability to caucus with both parties without being expected or pressured to vote along party lines. Since without him the Senate was split forty-nine to fifty his position affected not only the passage of many bills, but which party was in the majority. This was crucial, as the majority leader controlled the committee assignments, as well as the flow of the various bills though the legislative process. After some extensive negotiation, he sided with the Democrats to make it a fifty-fifty split. Under the deal a committee of three members of each party plus himself functioned in the same role as the Senate Majority Leader. Within a month he’d become one of the most powerful men in the Senate, having far more influence than any previous Senate freshman, especially one who’d been appointed, not elected.
With that influence it did not take long for the media to stop making fun of his and Andy’s May-December marriage and her pregnancy. As one commentator reported, Jason was far younger than Strom Thurmond had been when he married and impregnated a woman younger than Andy.
Note: Strom Thurmond was a conservative senator from South Carolina from 1954 through 2003, retiring at the young age of 100. When Senator Thurmond was sixty-six he married a twenty-two year old former Miss South Carolina and three years later she bore him the first of four children.
It was the first Monday after the Fourth of July, and with less than three weeks before the August recess, things were rather hectic on Capital Hill. Everyone was in a push to get the budget, along with some special appropriation bills, passed and to the White House before the break began. Thus, Jason was slightly distracted when he returned from lunch and his secretary asked, “Senator, do you know a Doctor Kennedy?”
“I don’t think so; unless it was someone I met during our visit to Senator Kennedy’s home a few weeks ago. Why do you ask?”
“She asked if you had a few minutes to see her this afternoon.”
“Probably some fund drive, but I guess it wouldn’t be smart to slight my esteemed colleague from the state of Massachusetts. I need to see a few senators this afternoon, but I don’t have anything firm at the moment. Do you know how quickly he could get here?”
“She said something about doing research in the national archives, so I doubt it would take her very long.”
“Her?” asked Jason, as the details of the conversation began to filter into his conscious mind.
“I do seem to remember that Consuela was a girl’s name,” replied the young secretary.
“Madeline, why didn’t you say it was Consuela? She’s one of my closest friends. I just never think of her as a doctor, as it relates to her history degree not the medical profession, nor do I usually use her last name. Please put her on my calendar at her earliest convenient time.”
“What about your committee meetings?”
“I think I can work around most of them if I have to. I know it’s a crazy time, but if Consuela wants to see me, then I’ll make time for her.”
Nodding her understanding Madeline was already picking up the telephone when she replied, “I’ll get her here as soon as possible.” Jason patted her shoulder in acknowledgment and went to his office to return some phone calls. Just as he finished the third call Madeline knocked on his door, and announced, “Senator, Doctor Kennedy is here.”
“Good, her timing is perfect. Why don’t you show her in and let me introduce you.”
“Certainly, Sir. Do you want me to bring refreshments?”
“Yes, Madeline. Please see if she wants anything. I’d like another glass of the exquisite tea you brought in this morning.” Pleased at his compliment, his secretary’s smile grew as she turned to leave. Moments later, she returned, leading Consuela. “Thank you, Madeline. I want you to formally meet Consuela, who is a professor of Western-American History at Arizona State University, and one of the leading authorities on Arizona history, as well as the culture and history of the Indians of the western plain.”
“I’m impressed,” responded his secretary. “Did I understand from our earlier conversation that you were working in the National Archives?”
“Yes, I’m on a research sabbatical, and one of my projects is research regarding a new movie.”
“A documentary?” asked Madeline.
“No, this will be a major work combining the efforts of Redford, Eastwood, and Costner. I’m not actually involved in writing the screenplay, but I’m providing technical and historical assistance.”
“I wasn’t aware of that,” remarked Jason. “Is this the story my grandson was promoting?”
“Yes, and I personally think it’s going to be very well received by the public.”
“Now, I’m doubly impressed,” added Madeline. “I don’t think I’ve ever known someone who was a technical adviser to a major movie.”
Consuela grinned as she responded, “Actually, you’re working for one.”
Jason was obviously embarrassed as his secretary excitedly said, “Really?”
Jason shook his head to try to get his friend to shut up, but Consuela continued, “It was an action movie starring Tom Berenger.”
“What was its name and is it still available?”
Still grinning evilly at her friend Consuela answered, “I’m not sure of the name, but it was made sometime in the early Nineties. It was about a guy shooting drug lords.”
Madeline looked puzzled as she asked, “What would the Senator know about such things as that?”
“Madeline,” interrupted Jason. “I really need to get on to other things, so let me hear what Consuela has to say. In the meantime, can you get me the current markups of the Interior Department’s budget?”
Snapping back into ‘official office mode, ‘ his secretary replied “Certainly, Sir,” as she jumped to her feet and exited the room, closing the door behind her.
Consuela was almost doubled in laughter as she rolled her eyes and said “Say good-night, Gracie.”
Jason chuckled at the comment, while at the same time trying to restore order in his office by saying, “You’re an evil woman.”
“Let’s just say I’ve a big pin for bursting people’s bubbles.”
Jason added, “And a big mouth for bringing up ‘The Sniper.’“
“Jason, it was not a bad movie. I thought you did rather well.”
“I did too good a job, because it caused Congress to pull the plug on a program that was working. Now, did you drop in for a purpose, or did you just want to say hello?”
“I would always want to say hello anytime I’m in the area, but there’s a purpose for this visit.”
“Then, you have my undivided attention.”
“Good, because what I’m about to pass on to you could cause a major problem in this country, as well as having a major impact on our people.”
“That sounds ominous.”
“Let’s just say it’ll bring many challenges. Now, is this room free from bugs?”
“Supposedly, but based on past experience, the ones listening could be the same ones who are charged with the responsibility of making sure no one is listening.”
“That’s what I thought, and why I prepared this summary for you.”
Jason stood to accept the neatly printed sheets from his friend and then sat back down to read. The further he read, the more his face displayed a look of surprise. Once he reached the end, he slowly read back through the material before standing and locking it in the office safe. Looking up at his friend sitting across his over-sized executive desk, Jason remarked, “Interesting - very interesting. It definitely gives me some things to ponder, but I’m sure your request for additional research funds will easily be approved. Now, I’ve got a committee meeting in a few minutes, so would you like a quick tour?”
Confused, Consuela could only think of one response, “Sure, I’d like to see history happening for a change, rather than just reading about it after the fact.”
“Good,” Jason replied. Then in Apache, he added, “We will talk as we walk among our enemy.”
During the tour led by Jason, the two would slip in sentences in Apache among their normal discussion related to the tour.
Amid an explanation of the office placements based on majority party and seniority, he asked in Apache, “Did this thing that goes boom come from a certain trunk found in an old mine?”
In English, his longtime friend answered, “Yes, but we have now found proof of its existence in the archives. We even found a memo from Grant to his Interior Secretary directing him to bury anything that referred to the land grant or treaty, especially since the original document had not resurfaced. I’ve found many writings from Grant, and some later presidents, suggesting the Apache be held down or wiped out to keep it hidden. I now believe this was a tribal secret of the white-eyes, passed down from great chief to great chief.’
Jason responded, “I wouldn’t be surprised. It could also explain the reasoning behind a lot of the atrocities committed against our people. Now, knowing you, I suspect you already have a plan of action and part of it involves me.”
Consuela grinned, and answered, “You got it! Here read this.”
Jason took the new document from his friend, led the two into a small corner and quickly read through the two pages. The more he read, the bigger the smile spreading across his face.
“Oh, you’re being a naughty girl. Consuela, this is brilliant.”
“Thank you, but I can’t take all the credit. The others on my research team were all involved.
“I bet that was a heck of a discussion!”
“Actually, Jason, it wasn’t as bad as you might imagine. In fact, we had to tone down the ideas somewhat. Everyone was rather upset with our government, especially Doctor Metzger.”
“And they’ll support you on the claims?”
“That won’t be an issue, as we’ve decided I need to fade into the background on these discoveries. We don’t want anyone to try to claim fraud just because an Apache was involved. My boss will know the truth, and that’s sufficient. Honestly, I hope the results of the movie will more than offset any lack of prestige I could possibly claim from Hawk and your discoveries.”
“I think you’re wise in your choices Consuela, and I join with you in the desired results from the movie. Now, I guess I’d better put this plan into action.”
“Good, but before I go, how is Andy?”
“I think she’s doing much better than she expected. I do know she wants our son to be born on the reservation. In fact, she’s actually in Phoenix for a physical exam by her doctor. I think he may now make her stay there until after the birth.”
“That she wants her son to be born in our mountains doesn’t surprise me; that’s the way it should be. I’ve got a few hours additional research to do in the morning, and then I’m going to head home. Hopefully I can see her there.”
“I know her schedule is pretty full until I come home in a little over two weeks. Besides the August recess Mike Running Deer’s wedding is scheduled for the weekend I arrive home.”
“Jason, I didn’t know about that. When did that happen? That kid was the shyest boy on the reservation when it came to girls.”
“Jan was one of the nurses who took care of me when I broke this leg. They met during that time, and she decided he was everything she ever wanted. I’m not sure, but I think she proposed to him within an hour after they met.”
“My first response to something like that isn’t good, but since you don’t seem to be upset about it, then she must be OK.”
“Connie, dear, she’s more than OK. In fact, she and Andy are rapidly becoming best friends. What’s more, Andy had a vision and claims our son will mate with their daughter.”
“Then, I’ve got to meet this woman as soon as I can. Is she Apache?”
“Only in spirit, Connie, only in spirit. Now, I need you to leave so I can get some things done.”
“Jason, do you realize you’re the only one I’ve ever let call me Connie, and it must’ve been twenty-five years since the last time you said it.”
Not sure what else to say, he gave his friend a squeeze of both hands and then watched her walk down the hall. When she finally turned the corner he headed to his committee meeting. Since he was a few minutes early he joined the conversation among some of his colleagues. It seemed each day Jason was being increasingly accepted by the other Senators, no matter which party. Thus, when Jason saw the opportunity he’d been hoping for he approached one of the senior members, who, for a brief moment, was isolated from others in the room.
“Senator Bliden, do you have a moment?”
“Sure Jason, and during informal times, you can call me Joe.”
“Thanks, Joe. I just came across some disturbing news, and I wanted to quietly pass it on to one of our senior members.”
“Will it take long?”
“It shouldn’t.”
“Then, what does it concern.”
“I was advised this morning ‘Doofus’ intends to invalidate some of the grants made by Clinton. This includes some of the coal areas in Utah that were granted to conservation groups.”
“Now, Jason, that’s important news, and something we need to address quickly and decisively. The problem will be how to deal with this without alerting the White House. I doubt we could get a veto proof bill passed before he could put his plan into action.”
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