The Hawk and The Chipmunk
Copyright© 2005 R. Michael Lowe aka The Scot
Chapter 31
Maria gave Hawk a quick kiss and headed off to join Brenda. After she left Hawk continued to sit at the table and drink his coffee. He was going through a mental checklist of things that had to be done, either by himself, or by the group. He felt his first priority was to solidify his identity as Robert Gray Hawk. This included a driver’s license, social security records, and a cover job. Second, they needed to determine how to handle security at the reservation, and at the ranch. This included determining how to handle the listening devices, dealing with Ron Gonzales, and providing secure communications among the tribal leaders. Third, Jason’s gold, plus the gold bullion, the weapons, and the coins from the old mine needed to be smuggled out of the country and hidden in the Nevis Trust. Funds which were untouchable by, and invisible to, any government in the world. This trust would ultimately finance the operations he intended to put into affect. Fourth, he needed to begin to recruit people to help. This was already started with Consuela Kennedy and her historical research team. For his environmental research projects he needed physicists, engineers, metallurgists, and chemists. For what he was mentally calling ‘Project Reboot’ he needed teachers, professional athletes, plus both hardware and software computer specialists. It also required the recruitment of a new Apache Warrior. These Warriors were to be as highly trained in security, small unit warfare, weapons, and the martial arts as any SEAL team. But, they’d remain completely off the government’s ‘radar.’ To get all this done, Hawk realized the obvious. He was going to have to develop a staff. The problem he struggled with was with more people ‘in the know’ the security risk went up exponentially. This meant not only did the staff have to be competent, but it also had to be unshakably loyal, both to Hawk and to the cause. He’d known many people like that in the past. But other than Dan they all thought he was dead, and for everyone’s sake, it was better he stay that way. While still in the planning mode Hawk’s thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the phone.
“Gilford residence, may I help you?”
“Hawk, it’s Dan.”
“Yes, Dan?”
“Doctor Benjamin Joseph, is leaving San Diego in a few minutes. He’s on Southwest Flight two-four-seven-nine, and is scheduled to be there at one fifteen, your time. I need you to pick him up at the Sky Harbor Airport. I’m leaving in a few minutes, but it’ll take me more than three hours to get there. I’ll call when I arrive.”
“Dan, I don’t have any transportation. Brenda and Maria have taken off in my truck because I was figuring on you renting a car.”
“I understand. Why don’t you rent a limo to pick him up? The limo can bring Benji to you, and then it can wait for me at whatever airport you want me to use.”
“That’s probably a good idea, Dan. The closest airport is Williams Gateway.”
“Williams Gateway it is. Have the limo wait for me at the FBO. According to my chart that’s Gateway Aviation. I’ll have them refuel it and store it overnight.”
“Will do. See you soon.”
Hawk looked up the number for a limo service and called in the order. The dispatcher found the area where the ranch was located, and advised the driver would call if he could not find the driveway.
Since he had close to two hours to kill Hawk made a short trip around the property checking on things. He felt this was especially important, since the girls would be at Jason’s cabin until at least tomorrow. It felt good to be using the muscles in his body again, though he’d probably be sore as hell, tomorrow. He moved grain and bales of hay, mucked out the stalls, and put out fresh straw. He also checked on their prisoner, who was probably going nuts from sensory deprivation. Before he knew it he heard a car driving up the driveway. He washed up and headed for the house. Just before he reached the front door his cell phone rang. It was the limo driver making sure this was the correct ranch. Hawk assured him it was as he opened the front door. Standing beside the rear door was an India Indian, a Sikh based upon the maroon turban he wore. The rest of his clothes were purely American.
Walking up to Hawk, he said in his rich Indian accent, “Are you the Mister Hawk, with whom I am to be meeting?”
“Yes, I’m known as Hawk.”
The gentleman held out his hand to shake, and said, “I am Doctor Benjamin Singh Joseph, but everyone calls me Benji.”
Hawk shook his hand and welcomed him to the ranch. The driver brought the doctor’s luggage to the house, setting it inside the front door. On the way back to the car he stopped and verified with Hawk where he was to wait, and whom he was to pick up. That done he pulled the limo around the circular drive, and then he headed back to the main road.
“Mister Hawk, this is beautiful, and much greener than my imagination would have told me.”
“Thanks, Benji, but the name is just Hawk. Actually, my name is Robert Gray Hawk.”
“I understand from Dan this is a permanent ‘role’ you must perform. Come, let us be going inside, and discuss what can be done.”
“Then, come this way.”
Hawk led them back into the office area and urged the Sikh doctor to have a seat. “Can I get you anything?” Hawk asked.
“Some water with ice and lemon, if not be a burden.”
“I’ll be right back.” Hawk walked to the kitchen, prepared the water, and grabbed a cold beer for himself. He returned and handed the glass of water to his guest, and asked, “Will me drinking a beer offend you?”
“Oh, no. That’s not a problem.” He paused a moment, and then continued, “Hawk, I have great personal debt to Daniel Cashman. Do you understand significance of what I say?”
“He said he saved your child’s life. That was all he told me.”
“This is the truth, but since time it happened I have come to know and respect the man very much. He tell me only little, but he say three things very important: You are his friend. You are good man. You need my help. Beyond that, I not be having need to know anything else. Can you show me picture that is goal of my labors, as meager as they are?”
Hawk turned to the computer and pulled up the image he’d prepared earlier from Robert Gray Hawk’s drivers license. “This is a starting point,” Hawk stated. “He was a harsh, mean man. He beat his wife terribly, as well as raping her. From one point I need to look enough like him to fool the authorities and any friends he has. On the other hand, Maria wants his appearance to be softer, and different enough she does not think of him when we make love.”
“I can be understanding of the wisdom of her thoughts, as well as your dilemma. I will study the picture for a time, and compare it to your face. Come, let us be making place from which you can sit beside the computer screen.” The two quickly worked to enable him to sit where Benji could see the monitor and Hawk’s face at the same time. While the doctor worked he had Hawk enlarge the image on the screen until it was close to life size. Then positioning Hawk’s face where it’d receive the most natural light the plastic surgeon began a detailed analysis of the two sets of features. During one of the times he moved Hawk’s head he noticed the pen mark Maria had placed there earlier. “Hawk, what is being this mark to rear of your ear?”
“Maria claimed Robert had a scar at that spot. I had her mark the spot, as well as the approximate size and shape.”
“Marking it like that you were well-thinking. I think I have idea what needs be doing. I will use makeup to simulate what end will look like.”
Benji opened a kit and began to remove some items. He tried putting some small plastic disks in Hawk’s mouth, placing them on the gums above the teeth. He studied the result for a few minutes, finally deciding that they weren’t the correct position. As an alternative he removed those discs. Switching his emphasis to the outside of Hawk’s face he worked some clay-like material on to the fleshy cheek area between the bottom of Hawks nose and the bottom of his eyes. While the Sikh studied the result Dan called to advise he was on the ground and wanted to know what to do about food for three of them. Hawk gave him a couple of suggestions, and Dan agreed to pick up something on the way to the ranch. When Hawk returned the phone to its receiver the doctor began some additional modifications, mostly around Hawk’s nose, ears and jaw. Once he was satisfied with the result he applied a little make-up. After studying further, and making some minor alterations, the doctor handed his patient a mirror, and Hawk compared the two faces. To his amazement they were almost identical. While patient and doctor were studying the picture, the doorbell rang. When Hawk opened the door, there stood Dan and the driver.
The driver, now familiar with the place, set Dan’s bags inside the door without paying any attention to Hawk’s changed appearance. The same couldn’t be said for Dan, who stared in amazement at the transformation. The driver, who had already received a nice tip from Dan told them ‘good day’ and left. Arrangements had been made for a limo to make a pickup early the next morning, but it would be another driver, as it wasn’t his shift. Dan remarked, “I don’t know which I’m more impressed with, you or this ranch.”
“There’s nothing of me to be impressed with, this is all Benji’s work.”
Dan was led back to the office, where he was greeted by his Mexican neighbor. “Benji, I had no idea you could do something like this, so quick.”
“My friend, this is but makeup to help us be determining the final desired result. Come look at original picture.”
Dan compared Hawk’s new appearance with the picture of Robert Gray Hawk and proclaimed, “It’s a perfect match!”
Hawk replied, “The problem is we don’t want it to be perfect. Remember, this is the face of the man who enslaved my little Chipmunk, and abused her in almost every way imaginable. She doesn’t want to look up at me while making love and see Robert’s face; nor does she want to wake next to it each morning.”
“Put that way, I can’t even imagine how she’d feel, but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be ‘all warm and fuzzy.’“
“That’s why we want to produce some minor variances. I think Benji was using this as a marker, a starting point.”
“Hawk is most correct,” the surgeon agreed. “I will be also playing off the Caucasian natural tendency to not see different physical characteristics between people of other races. He might get more scrutiny by another American Indian, an oriental, or one of my people. It’s the ‘they all look alike’ syndrome.”
Hawk asked, “You didn’t include Blacks in either group. Is there a reason?”
“At one time I would’ve said they’d definitely notice the differences, but today, I’m not sure. I’m afraid I not be working with many to make sufficient judgment. Besides, percent of Blacks in this state is so small he is not likely to be confronted by one. Be remembering, also, that most driver’s license photos are not that realistic and flattering. I would worry more about friends be seeing the differences, than ones in authority.”
Hawk replied, “From what I can tell he didn’t have a lot of friends. Time and the change of Robert’s relationship with Maria could disguise most of the differences, but I could also admit to having surgery to correct damage from a fight.”
Benji looked thoughtful for a moment, and proclaimed, “Hawk, that is an excellent approach. However, if it be result of accident of automobile, it would be being better. Then, instead of trying to hide surgery, we can, how you say it, hide in plain sight. I can certify surgery was done and modify make-up to be showing a before and after picture.”
Hawk nodded, and said, “I like the idea. Dan, what do you think?”
“I agree, It’s a perfect idea.”
“The only weakness I can see is fingerprints,” responded Benji.
Dan smiled, and said, “From what I learned this past week, we don’t even have to worry about that.”
A surprised Hawk exclaimed, “Partner, you’d better explain that in more detail!”
Benji followed with, “Yes! Yes! Please explain.”
Dan’s smile turned into a more boyish grin, as he explained, “It turns out the FBI purges their files of confirmed deceased individuals, relying instead on each state’s information which is indexed into a national system. Because of your work at the prison and the subsequent work by our people at Apache Technologies the Governor is making your new database system the standard for the state.”
Hawk sarcastically said, “It’s nice to know your work is appreciated.”
“Oh, they appreciate it a lot, since they’re now finding themselves as the standard which other states are trying to copy. Since the arrangement with you and Apache Technologies was handled as it was Apache is now handling so many of these other states it had to spin off another division.”
An impatient Hawk interjected, “Dan, cut to the bottom line.”
“Well, the state of Arizona got lazy. Since you were dead and your data was already in the prison’s system the prints from the prison are what’s now on the National Database. What’s more, since Robert Gray Hawk was never fingerprinted, your prints are no longer on a digital file anywhere. There still might be some old physical records, but the governor is rapidly eliminating them in favor of the vastly improved digital system.”
“Wow! So when this surgery is completed there will be nothing to link me to the past.”
“Nada, zilch, zip. You’ll have a completely new start.”
A happy Benji said, “Hawk, would you print to me several copies being the original license picture? I want to alone be, thinking of ideas of changes.”
“Sure. Do you want to work in here, in the kitchen, or in the guest bedroom?”
“If I may, I would like to be walking around.”
“Not a problem, except you need to stay well away from the barn. A mare is about to go into ‘season, ‘ and she has the stallions on edge. I wouldn’t want one of our normally gentle animals unintentionally hurting you.”
“Most correct, I not want be in such situation.”
Hawk printed the sheets as requested. When they were finished he led Benji out into the yard, and pointed out which building was unsafe. When the doctor wandered off, Hawk and Dan returned to the house and headed into the kitchen area. Hawk got both of them a cold beer, and they sat and talked. Dan began, “When Benji is finished no one outside our small group will know who you are. At the same time, with some of the plans you’ve told me about, you probably will still want to remain as invisible as possible.”
Hawk replied, “That was already my thinking. They won’t consider a fairly uneducated ranch foreman to be the one breaking into their systems, or the one behind all the digital subversion that will be occurring.”
Dan responded, “And, I have to say this ranch is a pretty good place to operate from.”
“That’s what we thought.”
“So, where do we go from here?”
“Dan, are you committing yourself to this project?”
“With my whole heart and soul. I’ve done some research, and it’s really firmed up my resolve on this issue. I think the turning point for me was reading about a Chiricahua Apache named Chato.”
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