Mother and I - Cover

Mother and I

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2005 by TheMoose63

Incest Sex Story: 16 year old Lucy hears her parents fighting about sex and figures that she can help her mother out. This is a love story about a mother and her daughter

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Daughter   .

It was almost 10 o'clock at night and I was sitting in my room studying for my junior English finals the next day. I could hear my parents arguing about something although I couldn't hear enough of the conversation to make out what exactly the problem was - this time. My folks are in their mid 40's and have been at each others throat for the past six months. I really needed some peace and quiet so I got up and walked out of my room and across the hall in an attempt to quell the fighting. I was almost to their door when I clearly hear their conversation and it stopped me in my tracks.

"You fucking asshole," my mother shouted. "You're headed out on this business trip and your taking that fucking tramp with you?"

My dad responded right back with, "She's not a tramp, she is my executive assistant and everyone is bringing their executive assistant to the meeting, What the fuck do you want me to do?"

"You haven't touched me since you hired that bitch and you want me to believe that you don't have something going on with her?" Mother retorted.

"Yes, that's exactly what I want you to believe! I don't have anything going with her and I've just been extremely busy at work, that's why I haven't been responding to you." Dad said.

"That's bull-shit! You're fucking that whore and if you want to lie, then you need to do better job than this line of crap. If you take her to Chicago, you had better find another place to live when you get back, although I'll bet her apartment is available."

And with that pronouncement mom went into the bath room and slammed the door. I eased my way back into my room and then peeked back out of my door. I saw dad head down the hall to the spare room and shut the door. A little while later I heard mother come out of the bathroom and close the door to the master suite. When I got downstairs the next morning dad had left on his business trip and mom was at the stove fixing me something for breakfast.

"Morning mother." I said as I entered the kitchen.

"Hi honey, how are you this morning? Ready for that English exam?"

"I'm fine and yea I'm ready to kick some serious butt on this test. Say mom, what is wrong with you and dad? I mean, I know it's not my business, but you two have been fighting a lot lately."

"Honey, you're only just sixteen and you probably don't understand everything that goes on in a marriage, its kind of adult stuff, don't worry your little head, we both love you very much."

"Look mom, I've got to head out to school but can we discuss this tonight, please!"

"Sure sweetie, when I get home from the office I'll fix us a nice meal and we can talk about the problem. OK?"

"Sure mom, that would be great. I'll even help with dinner."

"Super, you have a good day at school and good luck on your exam."

"You too mom and thanks."

My name is Lucy MacKensie and as you have already learned I am a 16 year old junior at our local high school. I am just under 5'7" and weight 119 pounds. I have fairly short brown hair, green eyes and a 32C bust line. My best friend is Ruth Carlton and she tells me that I have a killer body and I value her opinion because we have been lovers for the past three years. I first learned that I liked women at around the age of 12. Girls were always the one's that fluttered my heart, not the boys and when we girls practiced kissing, I never wanted it to stop.

My mother, June is 42 and I think she could pass for 30, but that's my opinion. She stands just a bit taller than I at 5'9" and I would guess she weighs around 130. She has beautiful long brown hair and green eyes like me but the most noticeable difference between the two of us is my mother's breasts, she has a spectacular 38D bust line. I would kill to have her tits. Mother works downtown in a law office and she always dresses to the hilt. In the evenings when she arrives home I always see her in one of her beautiful suits, blouses and pairs of shoes. We have discussed buying me a new wardrobe, but I am more comfortable wearing casual clothes. Mom say's that I'll grow out of that phase as soon as I meet the right boy. Ha, little does she know!

The school day went well and I think I aced my English test. I had some free time at lunch and Ruth and I discussed my parent's problems.

"You know Lucy," Ruth started, "if your dad is having an affair and your mom knows - for sure - about it, it is probably splitsville for the two of them. I mean I can't imagine my mom putting up with my dad fucking someone else."

I looked at Ruth. "I just love the way you say "fucking," I mean it sounds so exotic. But to the point of your statement, I don't think my mom knows for sure, but it sure sounded like she hasn't been getting any sex from dad for quite a while. That is probably the basis of her suspicions, but we are going to sit down tonight and have a girl-to-girl talk, so maybe I'll know more tomorrow."

I got home just after four in the afternoon and knew that mom wouldn't be home for at least another hour. I tossed my school bag in the hallway and headed upstairs to take a bath and change clothes. I shrugged out of my blouse and jeans, took off my bra and panties and looked at myself in the mirror. Not bad I thought, and I headed in and ran my bath water. I was waiting for the tub to fill and I picked out a nice set of sweat pants and an Old Navy T-shirt for after my bath. I got in the tub and laid back letting the massage jets caress my body. It really felt super relaxing after sitting in cramped school chairs all day. My eyes were closed and I wasn't thinking about anything at all and I let one hand wander down to my pussy. I spread my lips apart and started rubbing on my clit. God it felt so good! With my other hand I began to rub and pinch my nipples which just added to my excitement. I wasn't aware of the time nor did I care, I was enjoying myself and it was just going to get better. I scooted down in the tub so I could direct the large jet at the front of the tub on my pulsating cunt. I had one foot on the top left of the tub and the other on the right side, which allowed me to push my pussy directly in front of the jet. I was rubbing my clit and playing with my nipples oblivious to my surroundings when I notice a shadow to my right. I turned my head and, standing there, in the doorway, was mother.

"MOTHER! I screamed.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry I didn't mean too..." And she backed out of my bathroom.

Mother had left the bathroom and closed the door behind her. After my heart rate calmed down, I rinsed off, got out of the tub, dried myself and got dressed.

When I went downstairs mother was starting dinner. I walked into the kitchen and took a seat at the countertop. "Hi mom, what's cooking?"

"Oh Lucy, I am so sorry about interrupting... ah,... barging in on you. I had call out your name and when you didn't answer I... well... I am just sorry about your privacy."

"Hey mom, it's OK. Really. You just surprised me, that's all."

Mother had taken off her suit jacket while she worked around the kitchen and I was gazing at her blouse, a silk thing that I am sure she paid way too much for, but it did look nice on her. I always thought that my mother was a great looking woman and some of my friends had told me she was really "hot" but I had never thought about her in a sexual way. After hearing the argument last night I was trying to figure out why dad would go elsewhere for sex. As mom bent down to grab a sauce pan I could see up her skirt almost to the top of her pantyhose, I mean look at those legs, there killer legs if I ever saw a pair. Mom saw me staring and said;

"Watch thinkin honey, your staring and look like you're a million miles away."

"Oh, nothing mother, I was just watching you and thinking how beautiful you are."

"Why Lucy, that's so nice of you to say. Thank you."

Dinner was ready and I had set the dining room table so we adjourned from the kitchen to eat. For the most part we ate in silence, oh, mom made some small talk about my school and talked a bit about her day at the office but I think she was trying to avoid discussing her and dad's relationship and seeing me in the tub masturbating. Mom had finished a couple of glasses of Napa Valley Select Chablis when we decided to move out to the living room.

"Look mom, I know this is probably isn't the most pleasant evening for you, but can we discuss the situation between you and dad? I mean I heard you two arguing last night and the accusation that he is sleeping with his executive assistant is pretty strong, don't you think?"

"Lucy," she started, "I know that you're not a child anymore and I guess you have a right to know what is going on in this house, so let me explain why I was accusing him of sleeping around. I am and always have been a very sexual animal. When your father and I married we had sex at least twice a day, every day - sometimes more. I knew that we wouldn't always maintain that pace, but we managed to keep our sexual appetite alive throughout our marriage. Through my pregnancy with you, through all the times we had to be quiet because we didn't want you to hear us, through his promotion and larger workload including long trips away from home and even through me taking a job. That is until he hired that new executive assistant. That's when our sex life almost came to a halt. Why your dad and I have only made love once in the past two months! That's why I know that some thing is going on between the two of them. Have you seen her?"

"No mother, I haven't."

"Well, she is a lot younger than I am, about 23 and is a very tall, statuesque blonde. She is a gorgeous woman and she hangs on his every word. I would bet my next paycheck that they are having an affair. And you have to listen to the way he talks about her, it's... oh I don't know, he just talks about her like a little puppy dog in love."

"Look mom; try not to be down on yourself. Who cares if she is younger? Like I said earlier, you are so beautiful. All my girlfriends say so and the boy's that have been over here think your "hot," so the hell with dad. He's a fool to go looking for some one else when he has you here."

"Thanks honey, I really appreciate the support."

"Momma, tomorrows Saturday, why can't the two of us go down to the mall and see if we can't find some real nice things to buy for ourselves. Besides, think of it this way, we'll be spending daddy's money."

"Lucy, that's a great idea. Right now though, I've had enough to drink so I think I go upstairs, take a nice hot bath and go to sleep. Thanks for a great evening honey and thanks for your support."

I watched her ascend the stairs and head towards her bedroom. I cleaned up the mess on the coffee table and then went up stairs too. When I reached the upper landing I could her mom softly sobbing in her room. I walked down the hallway and peered through the slightly ajar door. I saw her sitting on the edge of her bed, her head in her hands softly crying. From my vantage point I could see the tears of a crumbling marriage running down her cheeks. I knocked lightly and walked into the bedroom.

I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight and said, "Mom, please don't cry. Everything will work out, you'll see." She smiled up at me and I felt so much empathy for this woman, my mother. I decided right there and then that I would take care of my mother for as long as she needed me. "Mom, stand up and let me help you out of these clothes and into the bath." Almost robotically mother rose from the bed and just stood there with her hands at her sides, silently weeping.

I unbuttoned her blouse and gently took it off her shoulders and set it on the dressing chair. I got down on one knee and reached around behind her and unzipped her skirt and when she stepped out of it I folded it and placed it with her blouse. I stood and reached around behind her and unsnapped her bra and she let it fall down her arms and off onto the floor. I helped her slide down her pantyhose and panties and there was this beautiful woman, my mother, standing completely nude in front of my feasting eyes.

I put her arm around my shoulder and walked her into the large master bath. I sprayed some Lilly soap spray into the running water and watched as it bubbled up. I felt the water to be sure it wasn't too hot, then gently helped mother into the tub. When she was sitting I turned the jets on to a gently cycle and allowed her to lounge back and enjoy the relaxation. Mom laid her head on the back of the tub and I just let her enjoy the ministrations of the water whirling around her beautiful body. Eventually I picked up the washcloth and spread some moisturizing bath gel on the cloth and started washing mother's body. At first she didn't say a word, she just laid there and enjoyed the moment, but when I approached her breasts, she raised her hand to stop me...

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