Daughter of Frankenstein's Revenge - Cover

Daughter of Frankenstein's Revenge

by Magic Wand

Copyright© 2005 by Magic Wand

Incest Sex Story: A twisted tale of revenge and transformation. A doctor who's wife is raped and killed, gives the rapist a taste.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   TransGender   Incest   Brother   Rough   Body Modification   Transformation   .

This is a twisted tale. I wanted to write something unusual, bizarre and erotic, hopefully I succeeded in not turning off the "normal" folks. If you thought it was fun, let me know. If you hated it... I understand. If you loved it... well you might be a little too bizarre for me. please send me feedback... it keeps me writing.

Where It Begins:

Her BMW crept along the side street; this was a worse neighborhood than she thought it would be. She looked down at the address once again 445 Dexter St. and on a hunch pulled into the alleyway. The green rusty door near the dumpster was the address. Rachel looked around; it was just after noon and a bright sunny day. She never would have driven here in the evening that was for sure.

Rachel was here to pick a Miss Nora Peralta a homeless woman who was injured when an old condemned building collapsed. Rachel Stein's husband was a renowned reconstruction surgeon who despite being successful he still did pro bono and charity work. Rachel was on her way home from her own doctor and was filled with joy to find out she was pregnant with their first child.

She honked the horn hoping that Nora would come out to the car but there was no answer. She felt the little hairs on the back of her neck but she ignored her uneasiness and left her car to knock on the door.

Rachel was listening intently to door and didn't see movement until the two latino males were just a few feet from her. "Hey chica" one of them said in a menacing way. Rachel ran to her car and as she grabbed the door handle one of them grabbed her arm she took a deep breath to scream but another hand tightly covered her mouth. One of them pulled open the green door and the shoved her inside a large dark musty room.

The heavier taller male punched her once in the stomach and as she bowled over he punched her in the face and she fell to the floor. Rachel was dazed semi-concious, she was aware they were ripping her clothes off. Juan whistled as his brother ripped the clothes off of her. He guessed she was in her mid twenties and she was one hot babe. Manuel ripped off her bra then her panties.

"Shit this fuck'in rich bitch is about my age" He pulled off her panties "probably has some old rich guy fuck'in this pussy"

Juan laughed "the rich old man probably can't get it up, that's why she's crusin' down here bro... try'in find some hard cock"

"Yeah. Is that it bitch? Look' for some young studs?"

Rachel moaned she had blacked out for a moment but now was aware of two naked young men standing over her.

"Please" she murmmered. Manuel slapped her hard "dontcha worry bitch... you don't need to beg for it"

Manuel shoved his cock into her and pounded roughly her pussy. He pinched her nipples and when she tried to scream he slapped her again. Just as he was about to cum he pulled out and moved over her squirting his cum all over her face. Juan wasted no time and pushed his cock into Rachel's pussy. Unlike his brother he took it slower, enjoying the feeling of fucking this beautiful young girl. At 19 Juan has been mostly in rather than out of juvenile detention facilities since he was 12 and the choice of women was always limited. He had never had such a fine looking woman; he thought she could have been a movie actress.

Rachel had her eyes closed and was concentrating on not crying as she didn't want to get hit again. She thought about the baby growing inside her, if she let them rape her maybe she and the baby would survive.

Manuel was getting dressed, he had pulled the money and car keys from her purse. He found the address on the paper and chuckled knowing that she meant to go to 495 not 445. No one would know she was here. If they took her car they might not find her for days.

"Ahhh yeah..." Juan was cumming deep inside her.

Juan stood and got dressed. He turned to his brother "how much?"

"$125 bucks, some jewelry, we take the car to Roberto he chops it up and we got a nice haul."

"nice pussy too" smiled Juan.

"Shit... you used to fucking fat ho's. She's not bad look'in but I like my women when the fight back a little you know hehee"

Juan knew. Manuel was four years older than him, and already did some hard time. He dealt drugs, did burglaries and his liked his sex rough. The heard a noise. Rachel was crawling her way to the door. Manuel ran toward her and kicked her in the head, it snapped back and she fell still.

Manuel stood over her and knew she was dead. "Come on" he yelled to Juan and they took off in Rachel's car.

The courtroom was the last time Dr. Francis Nathan Stein was seen in public. The police arrested Juan Lopez when they recovered the DNA evidence from Rachel's body. They suspected Manuel was part of it as well but they had no other evidence and Juan professed innocence all the way.

Dr. Stein's outward appearance was one of calm but inside he wanted revenge. During the trial the public defender was able to show that the chain of custody for the DNA evidence was broken and the judge had no choice but to throw out the evidence. Without that and lack of confession, charges against Juan were dismissed.

Rage. He was filled with rage. "Frank the best thing to do now is go back to work" Dr. Herbert Marsh was Stein's closest friend since medical school.

He nodded to his good friend but he didn't mean it. Dr. Stein had already made preparations. He closed his clinic and moved all the equipment into a new home that was secluded in the outskirts of the city. Since the funeral the loss of his wife and never born child, it would have been a girl, filled his heart with despair and revenge.

Dr. Stein had formulated a plan. He had the money and the skills to carry it out, he only needed the hate and the acquittal of Juan Lopez provided that. He met a creepy low life criminal named Izzy. Izzy was a short fat slightly Mongoloid man who had a scar from a knife fight he lost and the Doctor made a trade of services with him. He provided him a handsome scar free face, and Izzy provided the kidnapping of Juan Lopez.

It was after midnight and after months of preparation Dr. Stein was beginning to worry that Mr. Gore had failed his mission. The rain pelted the roof but it was the sound of the door banging open that made him jump.

Izzy dragged the chloroformed body of Juan into the massive basement that would normally be a playroom with a pool table, instead the body was placed on an operating table.

"Mr. Gore thank you. Your debt has now been repaid and you are no longer needed."

"Doc, stop with the mister, just Izzy will do. You sure you don't need my help with him?"

"We had a deal, and you have met your obligation... Izzy"

"Yeah but... I was think'in... my girlfriend, Shawna... she could use a boob job... you know? Maybe there's something else I can do fur ya?"

Dr. Stein smiled "perhaps there is... check back with me in two months."

Juan was the perfect subject. At 19 he was young enough for his body chemistry to adapt and his build was already thin and slight, perfect for the remodeling.

For two months, Juan remained in a semi conscious state while Dr. Stein worked on him. Dr. Stein now looked objectively over his work. Through implants, injections, bone reconstruction, electrolysis and hormone therapy, Juan had been changed into a 19 year old female.

Not just any female, a beautiful stunning female. He had given Juan full 38C breasts, shoulder length dark brown hair, green sculptured almond shaped eyes, full pouty lips, and a vagina that no surgeon would guess used to house a cock. The vagina was a work of art, one that Dr. Stein could have won awards and had published in the best medical journals. He was sure it would function like the real thing and produce tremendous orgasms better than the natural one.

Gazing on the sleeping nude figure, Frank Stein for the first time since his wife was alive, felt the stirring in his cock.

"She's beautiful" he whispered. He then realized his own cock stiffening and felt embarrassed, this was a man. Despite what he did against nature, he was a man. Which was the idea behind his revenge after all. He wanted Juan Lopez to feel the same degradation he showed his wife. He thought about raping the body himself, those thoughts entertained him especially after a bottle of cabernet. The thought however, disgusted him and he decided to let the street vermin have there way with him.

"Mr. Gore. I have an assignment for you, I would like you to pick up a package at my home and make a delivery" Dr. Stein hung up the phone and decided it was time to dress and wake up his patient and explain the facts of life to him.

Juan woke up naked in a small room with only a pile of clothes on the floor and one wall, which was a mirror. He felt dazed and staggered about as if he'd been drinking. His eyes focused and he saw a beautiful girl in the mirror "woo"! He spun around thinking of seeing her behind him but it was an empty room.

Dr. Stein waited for the screams to subside. He noticed the vocal pitch was as high as he hoped it would be and smiled. Looking through the one-way mirror, he waited until Juan's mind was significantly confused. He then began to explain the facts of his new life to him. During the whole time Juan explored some of his new features but continued cursing during the doctor's explanation of the operations.

"So you see Juan, you are now a woman and you must accept it. You will experience every degrading perverted trait you have done to women on yourself now."

"Fuck you! Give me back my cock. You better fuck'in turn me back or I swear my brother and I will fuck'in kill you."

"There is no turning back. Put on those clothes"

"No fucking way".

"Well then, enjoy your new life miss." Dr. Stein then flipped a switch that filled the room with a gas that put Juan to sleep. Frank then dressed Juan in high heels, stockings, thong, a red leather mini skirt and white halter-top. Izzy placed her in his car and drove the lightly sleeping Juan to the inner city.

During the ride Izzy glanced over to the young girl. He was thinking the doctor must have picked up this hooker and was returning her to the streets. She might be a whore, but she was certainly one of the prettiest girls he had ever seen. He glanced from the road to her during the entire drive. He wondered how "out of it" she was. He touched her smooth cheek and she didn't flitch. He grew bolder and moved his hands to her tits and squeezed her nipples. Driving into the city he pulled into a deserted alley. He picked her out of the car and lifted her over his shoulder. He opened the rusty green door and carefully placed her on the dirty floor. Several rats scurried about but the place was dark and empty.

Izzy stood over the sprawled unconscious body and unzipped his pants.

The morning sun beamed through the broken glass and into Juan's eyes. He hoped it was all a dream but he recognized the room, the clothes he was wearing and the breasts that were exposed. Manuel would help him. He tried to walk in the heels but ended up carrying them.

Manuel was doing his morning routine. He was counting the cash he grabbed from some old broads purse last night, sipping a beer and smoking a joint. He hadn't heard from Juan for a few months now, but that was not unusual for their life. Juan was probably in jail somewhere or maybe shacked up on the run. Manuel heard the knock on the door and saw the chick through the door peephole. He opened it up and Juan stumbled in.

There is more of this story...

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