Growing Up In Healy - Cover

Growing Up In Healy

by Lubrican

Copyright© 2005 by Lubrican

Erotica Sex Story: A coming of age story about two sets of siblings who grow up together miles from anywhere, and who discover all the good things in life together. Two plus two can equal six or eight under the right circumstances.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Masturbation   Petting   Pregnancy   Slow   .

Growing up in Healy would not have been considered "fun" by most kids in America. Most kids wouldn't have thought it a great place to live. Jill and David Roberts, and their best - and only, to tell the truth - friends Chrissy and Mark Fenster didn't know the difference when they were little. After what happened to them last summer, they'll probably never want to leave Healy. They think it's a GREAT place to live.

It all started when they were babies. Jill and Mark were both born the same year, and only two months apart. Their siblings were both born sixteen months later, and in the same month. Both families farmed the wide open spaces of the central plains.

All four kids grew up together, the only kids their age in forty miles. In fact, to say they 'lived' in Healy was misleading. It was the town nearest the farms, and the town where they got supplies, and the town they got their mail through.

But Healy didn't have it's own school, and was so far from anywhere that most folks home schooled instead of trying to get their kids to the public school over in Kresner. So, the four grew up together, and almost like they were ALL related.

Their mothers banded together when they were babies, spending the day at one house or the other while the men were out in the fields and taking care of the animals. The kids ate together, played together, bathed together and, by and large, got into mischief together. When they got old enough to be given chores, they all helped each other get the chores done so they could go play together.

It wasn't until they were all in the age range of ten, when Joyce Roberts walked into the bathroom one day and found Jill pulling on Mark's penis IN the bathtub while Chrissy pulled just as hard on David's penis OUTSIDE the tub that it occurred to any of the parents that their kids were turning into boys and girls, instead of "just kids". What had drawn Joyce to the bathroom in the first place was both boys howling.

She'd thought it was pain, but when she got the door open what met her eyes were two girls trying to make the boys' little penises stretch as far as they could. The boys were yelling about whose was the longest and exhorting the girls to pull HARDER!!.

While it was mutually decided between the parents that their youngsters were too old to bathe together any more - the girls taking more interest in those floppy little things hanging between the boys' thighs than the parents thought was wise - no one thought to tell them that they shouldn't skinny dip in the creek together any more.

So, for another four years, every summer, when chores were done and the cool water of the creek beckoned, the four best friends all shucked their clothes and played and splashed for a couple of hours in the refreshing water.

All four understood what those things hanging from between the boys' legs were for. The boys had regular contests to see who could pee the farthest, or longest, and the girls watched. There were plenty of animals on the farms, and the mating of these animals was a familiar sight. They all knew there was a hole between the girls' legs, like there was on a mare, or cow. In their twelfth year, the girls both sprouted glistening sparse hairs on their mons, which of course fascinated all of them. The girls lorded it over the boys that THEY didn't seem to be able to grow any around their little peters. That was taken care of the next winter. The first time it was warm enough to swim both girls ooohed and aaahed over the fine light nest of hair that now surrounded each cock. There also appeared to have grown something in that funny little sack below those peters. Chrissy remarked as how they still didn't seem to resemble even a little bit the massive sack under the bull, but both boys flexed their muscles and said "Give us time". The girls dissolved in laughter. The last couple of years had really made a difference in the girls' breasts too. Both had nice hard mounds of flesh, tipped with pink nipples that, they complained, were often quite sore and tender.

It hadn't been unusual for the last year or two for the boys to sport erections. Truth to tell they'd always had them, especially at bath time. Marcy, Chrissy and Mark's mother, had taken special delight in wagging and pulling on the boys' penises during bath time when they were little, (something neither mother remembered when the girls started pulling and wagging them that time), so the fact that these things got stiff wasn't new to the girls. Lately, though, each boy had discovered the thrill and joy of stroking their young erections, and they often did it unconsciously when they were in the creek.

That, in fact, is how the girls learned how to masturbate. They had been playing "kill tag", which was a game that, when you were tagged, meant you had to get out of the water because you were "dead". The only other rule was that you had to do everything while crab walking. David had been "killed" and was standing on the bank while he watched Mark trying to catch the girls. Jill was positioned where her spread legs gave David a clear view of her teenaged pussy. He unconsciously started pulling his pud as he watched her lithe body moving through the water. Quite suddenly he felt something new. It was a sort of pressure in his whole body. His stiff penis felt REALLY good, except that it was also painful. He groaned and his hand started moving faster. It felt so good he closed his eyes. Jill saw him and stood up. She pointed and Mark and Chrissy also stood up, watching.

"What's he doing?" Chrissy said.

"It feels really good to do that." her brother explained, his own hand moving to his own stiffening penis.

"Doesn't that hurt?" said Jill as she watched her brother furiously beat his meat.

"Oh no." said Mark and his hand began speeding up.

About then David groaned, thrust his hips ahead of the rest of his body, and a long stream of white fluid burst out of the tip of his cock and arced up into the air. It must have gone five feet before it fell to the ground. It was followed by another stream, not as strong, that didn't shoot as far. It kept going as he continued pounding furiously until it was just dribbling. David swayed, gulped in a huge breath and sat down on the grass.

The other three stood, staring, their mouths open. David had produced and expelled sperm for the first time in his young life.

"That didn't look like he was peeing." said Chrissy in a soft voice.

"Hey!" yelled Jill. "Are you OK?"

David opened his eyes. They were a little glazed. "Um... yeah." He looked down at his now shrunken penis, still enclosed in his hand. There was a puddle of semen caught in his foreskin and it ran down onto his hand. "WOW!" he shouted. "That was WILD!".

Chrissy turned to her brother, who was now jacking his own cock with grim determination. "Does yours do that too?" she asked.

"Uh... no... it never has... but... it... really feels... good." he gasped.

David jumped up and walked toward the others. A gooey drop of cum stretched from his penis toward the ground. He squatted to wash his hand in the creek. "It never did for me either, but I kept going and it just happened."

"Oh... Uh... Uhhhh" grunted Mark as he worked on his boner.

"I never went that long before" continued David. It started feeling so good I just didn't want to stop, and then... it squirted."

"It... hurts" groaned Mark. "But it feels... good... too."

"Yeah!" yelled David. "Keep going!"

And when he did keep going, Mark discovered the same thing that David had.

Rule number one of being a guy: It'll squirt if you pull on it long enough.

While they were watching Mark produce HIS first shots of potent young spooge, Chrissy and Jill had their heads together. "You think it would feel good for us to rub down there too?" Chrissy said. Jill responded. "It sure feels good when I wash down there."

Which is why the boys turned to find their sister's frantically rubbing the plump pussy lips between their legs. It wasn't as spectacular to see the girls do it. Basically they rubbed and panted and moaned and squealed until they learned the first rule of being a gal: Rub on it enough and you'll suddenly get wet sticky fingers.

Of course it wasn't fair. The girls could go for half an hour, making their fingers wet every five or ten minutes. The boys could only go once every fifteen minutes or so. But they all had a good time. It never occurred to any of them to try to emulate the mating animals on the farm.

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