Family Boot Camp
Copyright© 2005 by Lubrican
Chapter 3
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Bobby is sent by his parents to his Uncle's Montana farm to "straighten him out". It's hard work, but it's his Aunt who "straightens" him out. Part of him anyway. It's a pretty strange family and Bobby's exposed to some pretty strange things. And I do mean exposed!
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft Ma/ft mt/Fa Teenagers Consensual Heterosexual Father Daughter Cousins Aunt Nephew Harem First Masturbation Pregnancy Voyeurism Slow
“Shit!“ yelled Bobby.
“Stop her!“ yelled Jenny.
His lethargy vanished as adrenaline took its place and Bobby leapt up off of his aunt. Within seconds he was at the door. Amber was only halfway down the long narrow staircase. Bobby jumped a third of the distance as Amber heard him behind her and screamed.
He jumped another third and then jumped one last time, landing right behind the screaming girl. His hands hooked into the back of her shirt and he heard it rip as she pulled against him. He let go and lunged, tackling her around the waist. They tumbled to the floor as she fought back, kicking and screaming.
She tried to scratch his face, but her farm-short nails couldn’t get any purchase. They rolled on the floor and he ended up on top of her, his greater weight pinning her to the floor. The front of her shirt was open, the buttons having popped or ripped, revealing her white bra. He got her wrists under control and pushed them beside her head. To a casual observer it would have looked like he was trying to rape her, his naked body lying on top of her as she struggled.
But all he did was hold her. It was like having the proverbial tiger by the tail. She was screaming and cursing, and he couldn’t let go of her. He heard his aunt and then saw her naked feet off to one side.
“Amber!“ she barked. “Be still!“
Bobby looked up. She was still naked. His sperm was running down the inside of her thigh, a long thick streak of white. She looked completely unashamed of her nudity. He felt Amber relax under him and realized their eyes were only inches apart. She was staring into his.
“Get off me” she said, her voice ugly.
“He’ll get off you when I tell him to get off you.” said her mother. “Are you going to behave yourself?”
“Like you have anything to say about behaving yourself!“ yelled the irate teen. She struggled again with Bobby, but he was too heavy for her. “Get off me, you prick!“ she spat. Eventually her resistance got less and less, though she still struggled.
“I know about you and your father.” said Jenny in a calm, but somehow clearly audible voice. She also sounded ... dangerous.
The change in Amber’s behavior was startling. First, she froze completely, then she went limp. Her lower lip trembled, and her eyes filled up with tears. Bobby was staring at the tears, smelling her not unpleasant breath when she went, “Bawwww,” and began sobbing uncontrollably. Instinctively he let her go and rolled off of her. She lay limply on the floor, crying her eyes out. Her mother just stood over her, arms folded under those fabulous breasts. Even as strange as the situation was, Bobby couldn’t help but begin to get stiff again, sitting there, looking at his gorgeous aunt. He surreptitiously dropped his hands to his lap.
Amber rubbed the tears out of her eyes. Suddenly she didn’t seem to be able to meet her mother’s gaze. “How?” she blubbered.
“What?” said Bobby, unaware he’d spoken out loud.
“Little miss Amber here has been fucking her father.” said Aunt Jenny, her voice cold and flat.
Amber wiped her eyes again. “How do you know?” she said. Bobby noticed she didn’t deny it.
“I wash your clothes.” said her mother. “Somebody’s been filling your pussy up with semen, and a whole lot of it has drained out into your panties. On almost all of those days, the only candidate around was your father.”
For some reason this conversation made Bobby look at the crotch of Amber’s jeans. There was a dark stain there and he gasped when he saw it.
Aunt Jenny saw it too. “Like right now?” said Aunt Jenny. “Isn’t that what’s staining your jeans right now Amber? Didn’t your father just fuck you in the barn? What did he do, send Cindy on out to the field?”
Amber was crying again. “Yeeees,” she sobbed. “He told her to go start raking the hay, and that we’d be out later ... after a chore.”
“And that chore was stuffing your little teenage pussy with his prick.” said her mother.
Amber wiped her eyes with her knuckles again. “I’m sorry mommy,” she whispered.
“It’s bad enough you try to take my husband away from me. Don’t add lying to your list. You aren’t sorry. You’ve been fucking him every day for over two months. If you were sorry you would have come to me about it.”
Finally, Amber looked up at her. “But if I would have done that you’d have divorced him,” she wailed.
“Who says?” asked her mother.
Bobby’s head jerked as he looked at her.
“What?” asked Amber.
“I said who told you I’d divorce him. Did he tell you that?”
“Well ... no ... I guess I just thought that...” stuttered Amber, off balance now.
“That’s the whole problem. You haven’t been thinking. When was your last period?”
“What?” asked Amber again.
“I haven’t put you on the pill, and I know John isn’t going to go ask Doc Johnson for a prescription for you and then get it filled at the pharmacy, where Doris Miles would spread it all over the county that you were going on the pill.”
She was tapping her bare foot now. “And I know I didn’t do that either Amber. So ... when was your last period.?”
Amber looked stricken. “Um ... let’s see ... I guess it was ... uh...”
Aunt Jenny said “It should have been three weeks ago, on the first of the month. You’re regular as clockwork, Amber. You know when you’re supposed to start. Why in the world didn’t you come tell me you didn’t?”
Tears started leaking out of Amber’s eyes again. “I was afraid,” she cried.
Jenny uncrossed her arms and kneeled by her daughter. “Sweetheart, you aren’t afraid ... you’re pregnant.”
Amber’s face looked up. “But mommy, I can’t be pregnant. I’m too young to be pregnant. I’m only fifteen! You’ll just kill me if I’m pregnant. I can’t have my own daddy’s babeeeee.” She started sobbing again.
Aunt Jenny put her finger under Amber’s chin and lifted it so she had to make eye contact. “Amber, I suspected you were having sex with my husband for a month, and I’ve known you were having sex with my husband for over a month. I knew you weren’t on the pill. You’ve been old enough to have babies for years now, at least biologically. What does that tell you honey?”
Amber looked confused. “I don’t know.” she whined.
Bobby again spoke before he could control himself. “It means she isn’t going to kill you.” Then he looked at his aunt. “You said you love babies.”
The story came out in bits and pieces. Aunt Jenny wanted to get pregnant, but Uncle John wasn’t giving her sex when she was the most ripe, and she couldn’t seem to catch. Then, when she realized he was giving his semen to their daughter, she knew why it was so hard for her to get him to pay attention to her. She knew John well enough to know he wouldn’t use a condom - he hated them with a passion. She was pissed off about it at first, but knew that if she blew her stack the family would fall apart. So, she decided that she could raise her grandchildren just as easily as she could raise her own. She knew that Amber would get pregnant sooner or later, having unprotected sex with her father.
She didn’t know if Cindy was in on the deal or not - it turned out she wasn’t, according to Amber - but even if they both got with child then all that meant was that she’d have two babies to love instead of just one.
Then Bobby had popped on the scene and the dynamics of things had changed. Suddenly there was another sperm-filled pair of balls on the premises, and two could play at cheating just as easily as one. Then, when Uncle John forgot their anniversary, things sort of came to a head.
In the end both women ended up hugging each other and crying together and Bobby suddenly felt very conspicuous, sitting naked on the floor with half a hardon. He was about to ask permission to go put on some clothes when Aunt Jenny blew her nose in a Kleenex and asked what Bobby thought was an odd question.
“Amber, do you love your father?”
Amber looked shocked and said, “Yes mommy!”
Aunt Jenny went on. “And what he’s been doing to you ... what you’ve been doing with him ... how do you feel about that?”
Suddenly Amber was all fidgety again, and looking everywhere but at her mother. Then she found some courage from somewhere and firmed her gaze. “He looked at me so funny. Then he said I looked almost exactly like you did when he met you. And I don’t know exactly how it happened, but it happened. I love daddy, and I love ... what we do. I feel so special when we make love.”
Aunt Jenny stood up then. “okay. I needed to know that. Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to pretend that all this never happened.” She waved her hand negligently around, including toards Bobby’s naked body.
“I don’t understand” said Amber.
“You go on with your father, like we never had this talk.” said her mother.
“And you’re going to go on with ... him.” said Amber with some disgust in her voice.
“Don’t take that tone with me young lady.” barked her mother. “You’re the one who got yourself knocked up by your father, so you have no right to judge. Bobby is a sweet and thoughtful lover, who makes me feel special. If you can have a wonderful lover who gives you a baby, surely I can have one too!”
Amber’s eyes got as big as saucers. “I’m pregnant!“ she gasped. It was clear she had worried about it, and had thought about it, maybe even agonized about it. But she had never admitted it to herself. She had forgotten that probability in the process of the conversation. “What am I going to do mamma?”
“You’re going to eat right, keep working hard, stay in shape, and have a beautiful little boy or girl. It’s happened millions of times before.” said Jenny. “I’ll pick up a test kit in town the next time I go and talk to Doc Johnson about getting you started on prenatal exams. He’ll keep his mouth shut if I tell him to.” She nodded at Bobby like he wasn’t even there.
“But what about Daddy?” said Amber. “What’s he going to say?”
“I think your father has forgotten some very important things around here. Maybe having a couple of swelling bellies show up will get his attention back on where it needs to be. I say we don’t tell him until you start to show. Then it will be too late for him to suggest anything I’d have to shoot him for.” Jenny’s voice was grim at the last.
“What about Cindy?” asked Amber.
Jenny frowned. “I don’t know. I’ll have to think about that. We’ll talk about that later. You’re late. I don’t want John coming back to the house to find out where you’ve been.” She looked startled. “Why did you come back to the house after you ... you know?” she asked.
“I forgot my hat” said Amber. “I didn’t want to get sunburned.”
“Well then, get your hat and get out to the field.”
Amber scrambled up and ran for the stairs. She came back down wearing a white cowboy hat. She hugged her mother. “Thank you mamma ... for still loving me.”
“I’ll always love you sweetheart ... no matter what you do.” said her mother.
The door slammed, and Jenny turned back to Bobby. She held out a hand and laughed as his stiff prick was exposed when he reached up to let her pull him up. Then she looked him in the eyes and kissed him on the lips. It was a soft long kiss, gentle and slow.
When it was over she said “All that nice sperm you gave me dripped out Bobby. What do you suppose we could do about that?”
They ended up in her bed this time, her legs thrown wide in invitation as he mounted her. He gave her another helping of his thick potent seed, thinking of what it must look like for huge, hairy Uncle John to be hunched over his cousin, doing exactly the same thing. As his spunk pumped into his lovely aunt, he hoped it would find the egg she had talked about.
That night supper was quiet. The girls were exhausted, as was Uncle John. After they had made love, Aunt Jenny had made Bobby sleep, to get his strength back, so he felt pretty good, other than the fact that every muscle in his body hurt.
After supper Bobby overheard Uncle John admitting to his wife that even with the help of both girls they hadn’t put up as much hay in the afternoon as he and Bobby had in the morning. Aunt Jenny chided him, saying that he was working his nephew too hard, and that it wouldn’t help if the boy hated them all. It made him feel good to hear his uncle admit that he seemed like a good kid and knew how to work. Bobby’s heart went into overdrive as he heard Aunt Jenny say “He is a good worker. I had him take care of something for me today and he did a very good job.”
But Uncle John didn’t ask what it was Bobby had done for her, and he relaxed.
After that things improved significantly. Uncle John would talk to Bobby about what kinds of things needed doing, and they’d decide together what each of them would work on, and how much they planned on getting done. Bobby’s aching muscles firmed up and he began to be able to do more without getting tired and sore as much.
Twice he was paired with Amber on a chore that needed two people to finish it. She wasn’t so hateful to him now, but they talked very little and worked a lot.
Several times he and Cindy worked together. She was very friendly toward him, asking him all kinds of things about city life, and other things she had no exposure to.
And often, sometimes as often as every other day, Aunt Jenny found a reason for Bobby to help her with something, almost always under conditions that meant they would be alone for some time. Bobby remembered her comment about his being a thoughtful lover. He was an ardent student because of that. He asked questions, made her teach him things and, as a result, soon took her to places she had never experienced before, even with her husband.
But no matter what new thing they tried together, he always pounded her to at least one orgasm with his cock buried in her sweet, tight pussy, and always shot his spunk in her at least once.
Their fuck sessions were always hot and sometimes violent. They were also inventive. On one hot sunny afternoon Jenny claimed Bobby as her ride-along for a trip to town. They took the Mustang and, a mile from home, she stopped. She was wearing the yellow bikini under her clothing. It was Bobby who got to rub the Coppertone all over her this time, including her breasts, and she left the top off while they drove on back roads, in a roundabout way that took them almost two hours to make the 40-minute drive to town. She stopped to get dressed and ended up spread on the trunk of the car while Bobby powered his rampant teen prick deep in her pussy.
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