Family Boot Camp
Copyright© 2005 by Lubrican
Chapter 1
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Bobby is sent by his parents to his Uncle's Montana farm to "straighten him out". It's hard work, but it's his Aunt who "straightens" him out. Part of him anyway. It's a pretty strange family and Bobby's exposed to some pretty strange things. And I do mean exposed!
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft Ma/ft mt/Fa Teenagers Consensual Heterosexual Father Daughter Cousins Aunt Nephew Harem First Masturbation Pregnancy Voyeurism Slow
Bobby looked out the window of the train dismally as it sped down the tracks toward his punishment. At 16, he was sure his life was going to be over when he got to the end of this particular line ... pun intended. He had screwed up one too many times at home, the last one when he sideswiped a mailbox while driving drunk in his father’s brand-new pickup truck.
Now he was on his way to his Uncle’s farm in Montana, where he would live for the next six months, while he ... thought things over. Since it was late May, that meant he’d start school in Montana and then have to transfer back home. That was part of his punishment - to keep him away from his friends, who were a ‘bad influence’ on him, according to his father.
He remembered his Uncle from a family reunion a long time ago, when he was probably only nine or ten. Uncle John was a big man with a thick bushy black beard and a permanent scowl on his face. He farmed cattle and some kind of crops that he fed the cattle. That’s all Bobby knew. That, and the fact that he was expected to work for his Uncle, without pay, all summer. He figured it was going to be sort of a family boot camp situation. He also knew there were cousins involved. But he had lots and lots of cousins and he couldn’t keep them all straight.
The train dumped him off at a little building in the middle of nowhere. It was dusty and there was no one in the building, which had a porch that ran along the tracks and a sign that said “Rock Creek”. Inside the building were a few chairs, an office with a desk and scattered papers on it, and a drinking fountain that didn’t work. Bobby peered into the bathroom, which was just big enough to hold a toilet and tiny sink. He heard the train pulling away as he tried the tap and something brown splashed into the sink. Eventually it ran clear and he hesitantly tasted it. It was water, but it had a flat taste to it that was unfamiliar. There was a thick layer of dust over everything in the building.
He searched the office, finding only some pamphlets that had train schedules on them, a maintenance checklist with the last checkmark by a scribbled date that was ten years back, and a broken pencil. No phone. No people. “Just my fucking luck” he groaned, thinking his Uncle had forgotten him.
He was utterly alone. Being from Chicago, Bobby had never actually been really alone in his whole life. Even when he was in his room, he heard the noises of humanity, even in the middle of the night.
And it was the silence that got to him first. He realized he was straining to hear something, but that it wasn’t working. He clapped his hands and felt relief flood through him as he realized he wasn’t deaf. Then he noticed how the bare wooden boards of the floor made sounds as he walked on them in his sneakers. When he opened the door he heard the wind. Fascinated by sounds he would normally have ignored completely, Bobby stood as still as he could and just listened. He heard clicks and creaks and tiny sounds that he couldn’t identify. It was really quite fascinating.
He noticed movement on the horizon and saw a smudge of white smoke going up in the air. Then he realized it was dust and it was moving toward him at a shallow angle. He was standing on the platform beside his two bags when the dust cloud turned into a bright red Mustang GT convertible that looked like it was going a hundred miles an hour across the dry landscape. Within a minute it skidded to a stop about five feet from him and he was enveloped in a cloud of fine white dust. He coughed and watched his skin turn white as a figure materialized through the dust.
She was wearing a cowboy hat that covered her hair and a pair of dark sunglasses that covered her eyes. The rest of her wasn’t covered by much at all. She had on a tiny yellow bikini that was bright against darkened skin. The body under that bikini was astounding. She was lithe, tall and slim, with bulging breasts that were barely covered and supported only a little by the bra. The panty cupped her pussy and then slid up over both hips to turn into a long slim triangle that covered maybe half of her butt cheeks. She was barefoot. She was gorgeous and Bobby felt his prick stiffen in appreciation almost instantly. He was wearing his best pair of sagging jeans shorts, and only the fact that his waistband was running right over his cock kept it from showing.
“Hi!” the woman said brightly. “You must be Bobby. I’m your Aunt Jenny. You probably don’t remember me”
Bobby’s mouth dropped open. This vision of loveliness was his aunt? How could he possibly not remember a woman who looked like this? “No way!“ he exclaimed. “I’d remember you.”
She laughed and said “I’ll take that as a compliment. You know how to make an old woman feel good.”
“You’re no old woman” he said flatly. “I know what old women look like ... and it ain’t you.”
She laughed again. “You and I are going to get along just fine.” She grabbed one of his bags like it didn’t weigh a thing and threw it in the back seat of the Mustang. “Let’s go” she said. “I don’t want to burn.”
He put the other suitcase in the back and climbed in the front seat as she got in and started the car. It had a throaty rumble that suggested an after-market exhaust system.
Before she put it in gear she grabbed a bottle of Coppertone, squirted a pool in one hand, rubbed both hands together and then rubbed her hands all over her upper chest, arms, shoulders stomach and thighs. At the very last, to his amazement, she pulled the little triangles away from her nipples and slid a hand across each breast, getting the nipple oily. She grinned and said “This is the only chance I get to sunbathe. But sometimes the wind tears my top off. Can’t take chances about burning the sensitive parts, you know.” Then she slammed the car in gear and popped the clutch, raising another cloud of dust. This one she left behind. A mile of dusty road later they hit blacktop.
She drove a hundred and twenty miles per hour. He knew she was going that fast because he snuck a look at the speedometer. Bobby, white knuckled, had never been through anything like it in his young life. He stole a glance at her too. She had a big grin on her face. Her hat sat there like it was glued on. With a swallow to try to regain his normal look of casual unconcern he noticed her nipples were pushing the yellow cloth away from her breasts at least an inch. Those nipples had to be huge, and she obviously got a sexual thrill out of driving that fast. What seemed like five minutes, but was in reality 40 miles, passed and she suddenly decelerated to a lower speed. It looked like he could open the door and step out, running a little to keep from falling. This time when he glanced at the speedometer he saw it was pegged on 50.
She grinned and said “My husband doesn’t like it when I drive fast. So, I’m sure he won’t find out about it, right Bobby?” All he could do was nod. She went on. And I’m sorry to have teased you about my suit. I really don’t get a chance to wear it very often. I shouldn’t have come to get you dressed like this, but I just couldn’t resist feeling the sun on my body. I hope you can forgive me.”
Bobby was back in control. “Aunt Jenny, if you promise to wear that suit again I’ll keep any secrets you want me to. You drive hot and you look hot!” He clamped his mouth shut. Where had that come from?”
She was in the middle of a turn when he said that, and she stopped. She took the sunglasses off for the first time since he’d met her and suddenly her startlingly blue eyes were peering into his. “My my my. I’m old enough to be your mother. You ARE a charmer” she said, dropping her gaze to his lap. He was VERY glad his pants were holding his boner down. “I may have to keep a real close eye on you around my daughters. I haven’t taught them any defenses against silver-tongued boys like you.”
She started the car again and he realized they had turned into a driveway that led to an old two-story farm house surrounded by tall trees. There were barns and sheds and animals everywhere. Two dogs came barking and wagging their tails to meet the car. There were chickens darting out of the way and a funny looking blue bird with a tail three or four feet long that half flew half jumped up to a fence post and watched the car go by. There was a corral with cattle in it. He saw a cat stalking something beside one of the barn walls.
This time the car rolled to a stop gently and Aunt Jenny got out. She reached into the back seat and grabbed a suitcase. “Come on Mr. Charmer. Let’s get you inside and moved in before Johnny sees you. He promised your dad he’d make your life miserable for the first week or so, and he’s a man of his word. Just do whatever he tells you and keep a stiff upper lip for a while and he’ll forget all about it. He’s really a nice guy under that gruff exterior. She bent over to rough up the ears of one of the dogs and those fabulous breasts hung down, stretching the suit. The other dog came and sniffed Bobby’s leg. The only dogs Bobby had ever been around were mean ones and he was scared, so he stood stiffly.
Jenny saw and said “That’s Rooster, and he wouldn’t hurt you even if you were trying to rape me. Scratch him behind the ears like I’m doing, and you’ll have a friend for life. Bobby tentatively ran his fingers behind the dog’s ear and it leaned against him. The next thing he knew the other dog was by his side too. It was black and younger, and it looked like it was smiling at him. Because of his success with Rooster he didn’t hesitate to pet the bigger dog.
“Oh Bobby!” his aunt yelped, and he looked up. She was pointing at the dog. “Oh!” she said. “Uh ... that’s Digger ... and usually he’s not so friendly.” He started to pull back, but she rushed on “No, if he’s come up to you and let you touch him then he likes you. That’s very rare. I’m impressed.”
She took him into the house and up a steep flight of stairs. There were only two rooms up there, one to the left and one to the right. He saw girl type stuff in the one to the right and she led him into the other. “I made the girls move in together while you’re here. They will probably give you trouble about that, but I suspect you can deal with them. They’re spoiled anyway, and this will do them good. I’ve put you in Amber’s old room.” She dropped his suitcase on the bed and turned around. “Welcome to the Bar Double R ranch”, and she hugged him. He felt her oily skin against his and those wonderful breasts press into his chest. He instinctively put his arms around her and hugged her back, his hands landing on the smooth skin of her back.
She pushed him back and said “I’ll call you for dinner. Unpack. Johnny’s going to give you lots to do in the next few days and you won’t have time to do much else I suspect.”
There was pathetically little to unpack. He’d brought some T shirts, all his sagging pants, his three pairs of Air Jordans, his game cube and games and a few books. One whole suitcase was full of winter clothes he wouldn’t need until Fall, when he started whatever passed for school in this wasteland. He was hanging things up in the closet when he heard something: “Humph”. He turned around and saw two girls standing in the doorway.
They were obviously twins, both about his height, so blond their hair was almost white and as darkly tanned as their mother. Both had the same startling blue eyes and high cheekbones as their mother too. One was wearing a pair of overalls that had the legs cut off, making them into a kind of shorts, under which there appeared to be a tank top of some kind. The other had on jeans and a halter top. The halter top had nice big breasts in it, also like her mom’s. He couldn’t tell about the one in the overalls, but he assumed she was the same. Both had on tennis shoes. They looked about fifteen, based on the girls he knew back home.
“Hi” he said tentatively.
“Oh look!” said one of them. “It talks!”
He turned around and went back to hanging up clothes.
“What’s the matter with your pants?” asked one of them.
“Nothing” he said, not turning around. “They’re supposed to look like that.”
He heard a laugh. “Why? They look like they’re about to fall off!”
“Well, they’re not.” he said tightly. “That’s the way everybody wears them where I come from.”
The one in the overalls said “Well, why don’t you just go back to wherever it is you came from? Then your pants can fall off there and I won’t have to see your skinny legs.” She was cruel.
“Amber,” said the other one. “Don’t be a bitch. He’s not here because he wants to be.”
“That’s right” he said hotly. “And you can have your fucking room back bitch, if you have some magic way to get me back to Chicago.” He turned back around.
“You better not let daddy hear you talk like that” said Amber. “He’ll tar your butt good. In fact, I’m gonna tell him what you said!” She turned, her pony tail swishing and he heard rapid steps going down the stairs. He started toward the door, but the other girl held up her hand.
“Don’t worry. She can’t tell him what you said unless she says it too. Then she’ll get her bottom spanked too. She knows that. She’s just ... messing with you. I’m Cindy.” She was looking at his games, spread out on the bed. “Oh, you have Jungle Fighter! I love that game. Sometime we’ll have to play together.”
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