Dee's Story
by My Shorts
Copyright© 2025 by My Shorts
Romantic Sex Story: Social Media? What could possibly go wrong? I’ll tell you what can go wrong. When my Navy son come home to visit from his cruise for a month, he brought along a hot little redhead named Dee. She is a vivacious whirlwind of energy and affection. This is her story and how she impacted Jakes life, and my own. A short story. It did not turn out so well for my son.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft Consensual Teen Siren Military Oral Sex Pregnancy .
A one chapter short story.
The year is 2019. I’m David Buchanan. I’m 51 now, but I am easily taken for 40. I work hard on my little farm-ette and have an active life. I am divorced and have two grown kids with my Ex. She still lives in Jacksonville, 45 minutes away. We are not buddies.
When you get married, you’re throwing the dice. I went for a woman with big tits.
Unhappily for me, she happened to also come with a small brain and the personality of a cottonmouth moccasin. Many women start out all sugar and spice; after the wedding, it was batten down the hatches, boys. I was in a heavy squall for several very long and hard years.
I live 40 miles southwest of Jax. Florida now. I’m a retired Navy Master Chief, and I consider myself a gentleman farmer.
A few years ago, I speculated and bought 7 acres of uncleared land in a neighboring county. It was zoned agricultural and had a ratty trailer on it. A Mexican family may have lived in it. There are a lot of semi-invisible workers in this part of Florida.
Living way out in the country, I had no problem living in a trailer, just not that one. Ugh.!
A double-wide “manufactured home” was one-third the price of a house. It was also a lot faster to get set up on my land - and to get me moved in.
It has water, septic, and electricity already. I bought a 24’ X 52’ double-wide to replace the existing ratty trailer.
I special ordered my double-wide from a nearby factory. I had it properly insulated with more than the usual 1/8 inch of pink foam, which is normal here.
They will tell you the home comes insulated. _I_ don’t consider 1/8” of foam as insulation.
I got the dealer to haul off the ratty trailer for an additional $2,500, a pizza, and a case of beer. The pizza and beer were for the three guys that brought the trailer out.
I grew up in Florida and had experienced many hurricanes here, in Virginia, and even in Hawaii. So, I set up my double wide to survive.
I had a cement pad poured for my double wide before I ordered it. The pad was purposely made large enough to provide a large screened porch on the home front.
It took time and money, but I had the workers come back a day later. They removed the wheels and axles. They attached the double wide’s frame directly to the cement pad.
My home is surrounded by big bushes that deflect most of the wind. No trees are anywhere nearby. I knew from growing up here that this was as good as you could get. It would handle winds up to 130 mph. Being inland, I was fairly safe.
After my house was set up, I adopted a Black Lab puppy named George. I spent time training him to not jump on people and to stay off the furniture. Labs are people pleasers, if not a little bit goofy.
The acreage I bought had been grazing land for cattle, so it has open areas of grass; there are groups of shade trees scattered about. The trees were originally for the cows that no longer live here. Cows like to lay in the shade chewing their cud.
I have my drapes open all the time. Who’s to see me? It’s very private out here, and I love the view. There are many birds, rabbits, and deer, its a lovely place to sit and drink coffee.
I began growing heirloom tomatoes. I sell them on Saturdays at a nearby farmers market. I have a steel grow shed where I started my tomatoes my first winter here.
I did get a visit from the Sheriff’s office. Evidently, somebody detected evidence of the grow light from a helicopter. They thought I may be setting up a weed-growing operation.
One Thursday during the day, I wanted something new to do. So, I was at a local County Fair. As I went through one big building, I saw a lot of poultry. That got me thinking.
I had not even had my first crop of tomatoes, and I was already contemplating something else to do on my little farm. I could raise chickens, and I would then have farm-fresh eggs and pasture-raised chicken meat. What’s not to like?
Well, come to find out, there are chicken breeds, and there are chicken breeds. You could spend ten years looking and talking to all the “experts.”
One guy named Ben told me he has Black Star chickens. They are a crossbred chicken bred from Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks. He said they are one of the cheapest to buy because they are very common and popular.
After hitting the Internet, I did some math. I soon decided this was more than about raising a few eggs just for me. I go weekly to the farmers market to sell tomatoes; why not go bigger and sell eggs, too?
50 birds would lay, on average, 15,000 eggs per year. That would be around 290 eggs a week. The chicks would cost me around $3.50 to $4.00 each, plus shipping. They lay eggs reliably for two years, maybe longer.
Another good breed is the tried and true Rhode Island Red. They can breed, whereas the Black Stars do not breed very well. There’s something about them being a hybrid.
You have to buy new Black Star chicks every year or two when you need to replace your hens. This was as much a hobby as a business. I was not shortchanging myself of the entire experience. I decided on the Rhode Island Reds.
I made calculations and figured people would be happy to pay for $7.25 a dozen. After all, that’s for pasture-raised, free-range, organic eggs.
Organic feed costs significantly more, but I knew the eggs would taste much better and be much more nutritious. Eggs, as good as these will be, are rare to find.
How to buy chicks? If you buy a straight run of chickens, they have not been sexed. You get half males and half females. Feeding half of them, i.e., the roosters, is a big investment in feed. Especially when you eat the extra roosters in six months or so.
I settled on the Rhode Island Reds for the first year. After some talking with a breeder, I ordered 50 female chicks and 6 males. Male chicks are cheap to buy, but the feed costs about the same, and you get no eggs.
Chicken lore says you need roosters to act as protectors of the flock. They make noise and protect the hens. Besides, I want to fully immerse myself in the hobby. I have time on my hands. I can change the way I do things or change the breed. I can always do something different. I wanted a few roosters for authenticity’s sake I had a concrete pad poured for my chicken coop.
I bought a 10’ wide, 12’ deep X 7’ high steel building. I assembled it and bolted it to the cement pad. Inside, I used 2 x 4’s to build a strong inner framework to which I attached the shed. The frame was also bolted down. My chickens will be safe and dry.
The inner 2 X 4 frame is convenient for attaching horizontal poles for the chickens to roost on. The frame was also going to be used for attaching the nesting box or boxes later when I bought it.
My property is very rural. I laid a 6” deep trench from my pump house to the chicken coop shed. I didn’t have to call someone to run a detecting device across my place.
I lay the cheapest 1/2” plastic tubing in the trench to bring water out to the chicken coop. I could carry water out there two times a day. What, and strain your back? Have you ever carried a 5-gallon pail of water a long way? Did you arrive dry?
I ran a 100-foot, 15-amp outdoor extension cord in the same trench. I planned on the birds having a small heater come this winter. One of the guys that have chickens told me you need a little heat and light in winter so the birds lay eggs all year round. Winter makes them stop.
I was also told to put in a small fan of some sort for summer. The steel shed is completely closed off when the doors are closed. That meant I needed to add windows with screens and wire mesh to keep bugs and animals out.
I bought a specially made chicken door that opens and closes automatically. I attached it to the shed by adding a wood frame to the shed. I cut a small opening in the shed for the chickens.
My chicken coop cost me just under 4,000 bucks. Cement work is very expensive. I had not even contemplated building the chicken run yet; I still needed to put in a sturdy fence. That would be months from now. I had yet to even order my chicks.
The extension cord had been a brilliant idea. I had to put a heat lamp in the brood box I used for the chicks. Baby chicks need warmth during the first couple of months. I got my chicks in mid-March. They started laying eggs sporadically in July.
For the first two months, I fed them chickstarter, which has antibiotics. Chicks need that to get a good start; they are fragile. My chicks had also been inoculated against salmonella.
I had two little chick feeders and a chick-size waterer. I checked them several times during the first week. It got down to two checks a day after that. The little peeps can knock over things.
I rented the trencher again. I made a trench where the fence was going. I put in steel poles for the fence and then used a rented cement mixer to make up cement to pour in the trench and around the poles.
It wouldn’t keep a bear out, but it would keep out mostly everything else. I figure George would likely hear or smell a black bear, and I have a 12-gage pump. A few shots over its head should do the trick.
I made the first chicken run fence 10’ X 50’ in size. Later, I would find that was inadequate. My fence is 6’ high and I covered it with mesh to keep hawks and eagles from snatching an easy meal. I also added a 2’ high hardware cloth around the base. Hardware cloth is heavy-duty wire mesh with 1/2” holes. That will keep out most smaller animals.
By October, my chickens had picked the chicken run bare of any vegetation. In any case, having dozens of eggs each day meant I now had to go to the farmer’s market every week. Tomatoes had been until now, a more seasonal thing.
In November of that year, my son Jacob returned home. He had been on a cruise. He lives aboard ship usually, but visits me from time to time.
My daughter Demi (named after Demi Moore by my Ex) lives in Washington State. She lives there with her hubby and my grandkids.
I knew Jake was returning from an email. Jake called to let me know he was in port. He drove over to spend a week with me. His mom, hereafter named “She-Who,” does not get along with him or me.
He spends more time with me. She’s a bitter old bag. She lies like a rug. I hate liars with a purple passion. Gnarly old military guys like me get that way. Lies can get people killed. “Sure, I did that maintenance, Master Chief.”
Anyway, Jacob had arrived, and he had brought along a surprise. The surprise has a name, her name is Dee.
Dee is short for Darleen, one Darleen Nila Moore.
Darleen is my kryptonite. She is a natural little redhead built just like my daughter, Demi.
I dearly love Demi and have always had a dad crush on her. She is busty and curvy and vivacious to a fault.
Dee is a baby doll.
Jake has reddish hair, but it’s kind of a muddy brown or a dark flax color, so it is a real red.
There are no redheads anywhere in my ancestry. “She-Who” is/was, interestingly, a brunette. She did have a grandmother who had ginger hair. Jake stayed with me only for a week and then he got called back to duty.
Unfortunately, another ship had broken down and could not meet its commitment.
Jake’s ship, just back from a cruise, was conveniently able to go. So, Jake got called back to his ship, and his leave had been canceled.
He was ‘told’ it was going to be only three weeks. When the Navy says it’s “going to” do something, DO NOT believe it.
See, the three weeks is providing the the broke-dick ship can get repaired. If it can’t be fixed, it can’t get underway. Jake’s ship will be out there for months.
Been there, done that. The broke-dick ship likely has manpower issues. A shortage of qualified men. Sometimes it’s from a lack of money.
By this time, I am going nutty. Dee and Jake had been in the next room fucking like minks day and night for an entire week. It would seem that Dee is a very, VERY affectionate girl. I only heard quiet growls and the occasional grunt from Jake. Dee, on the other hand, is quite a screamer.
Jake had been in contact with her through a dating app. He had invited her down for a month. No, he did not check with me when he did that. He told me on an aside. that he really didn’t think she would take him up on coming.
The other issue is that she’s a country girl from West Georgia. OMG, does she sound sexy? She has a breathy little voice, and when she speaks, her eyes are locked directly on you. She has oodles and oodles of Southern Charm. That is a peculiar thing for such a young girl.
Most men would crawl across a hundred yards of rattlesnakes for a hottie like Dee.
She can make you believe everything she says. She flirted with me every chance she could get away with it. Jake just grinned when she did it. I was way off balance.
The first night Jake was out to sea, she slipped into bed with me much later. She wore just a cutoff shirt and panties. That lasted only two days. The third night, she forgot her panties somehow. I woke to the smell of pussy. Her leg was thrown over mine, and her wet little self was happily attached to my thigh.
I managed to slide out from under her. She rolled to her back. Jesus-H! I stood there looking down at the picture I saw. Five foot-one, 18-year-old girls have tiny little snatches. She’s red-haired, alright, with a pretty pink slit. A tight, closed-up slit, it’s very demure!
Fuck-ME! Please!!!
I took a pee and a shower. Then, I handled my hard-on for 15 seconds. Ahhh, that felt good.
Being a teenage female, Dee’s normal routine is to sleep in late.
There was no way I was not going to taste that pretty little thing.
I returned to bed. I ran my tongue softly across her closed lips. I got no response. I wanted a better taste so I dipped a little deeper in for the next lick. Yes, I hit pay dirt. Dee’s very yummy!
She, “Mmm...”
I eased back a minute. I waited until I was sure her breathing was steady again. I went in for another lick.
“Ooohh ... Jake.”
I jumped right up and tip-toed out of the room. I made us bacon and eggs. I set her aside in the microwave.
I let George out. He was soon back in. He knew I would give him a half piece of bacon. He was very OK with that. It takes little to make a Lab happy.
After feeding George and my chickens, I was getting ready to go grocery shopping. Dee came out of the bedroom/ She had at least put some panties on. Flat tummy showing and a well-defined pussy shape in her tight little panties, oh shit.
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