Storm Damaged Daughter - Cover

Storm Damaged Daughter

by Lubrican

Copyright© 2005 by Lubrican

Erotica Sex Story: When an Elm tree comes through the ceiling of Mandy's bedroom, she's soaked and scared. The only dry and warm place in the house is Daddy's bed. And things heat up considerably as Mandy tries to take her mind off the lightning and thunder.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Romantic   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Incest   Father   Daughter   Pregnancy   .

Mandy woke up with a start as the thunder crashed and lightning flared through her window. It was so loud she was standing beside her bed before she realized she had gotten up.

The first thing she thought of was that she was much too old to be afraid of lightning and thunder. She was a Junior in High School, for pete's sake. The second was that the room was cold. She felt her nipples tighten with a small tingle as they pooched out. She crossed her arms over her breasts in a vain attempt to warm them. The wind was howling outside and rain was smashing against her window.

She heard a creaking noise and then a loud CRACK!

Something thumped on the roof over her bed and suddenly the world was collapsing around her. Plaster and pieces of wood rained down as she raised her arms above her head. The old elm tree outside had finally given up the ghost and had just come through the roof.

Almost instantly she was drenched. She was actually almost untouched by the falling roof, but of course she was scared to death. Her nightgown became more or less transparent and clung to her ripe teenage body like a second skin. She stood there frozen in shock.

Her father came rushing into the room about the same time as another bolt of lightning flashed and she jumped into his arms.

Bob Stevens had heard the same crash and known instantly what had happened. His fear for his little girl was only slightly eased by seeing her standing up.

"Are you OK?" he yelled over the wind and rain.

"I think so" she yelled back.

"You're soaked" he yelled back. He looked around. "There's nothing we can do now" he yelled, and pulled her toward the door. He slammed it shut as they entered the hallway and things got lots more quiet. His room was at the other end of the hall and he pulled her that direction. He stopped along the way to reach into the bathroom and grab several towels. When they got to his room she was shivering visibly. Her father started unbuttoning her nightgown and was startled to notice the swells of her breasts with their prominent nipples, now standing out at least half an inch. He felt a tightening in his loins and then clamped down on his imagination as he remembered this was his daughter.

But he couldn't deny she suddenly looked like a woman.

"Daddy!" said Mandy as she realized what he was doing. She tried to bat his hands away and he held her hands in his.

"Sweetheart, you're going to catch pneumonia if you don't get dry and warm".

"I know, but... I'll do it" she said. She moved her fingers to the buttons down the front of her soaking nightgown but couldn't manipulate them. Her fingers were all stiff and cold.

She looked at him helplessly and with something else in her eyes. She looked... confused.

Hoping to calm her he smiled, like they were sharing a joke. "I won't look, OK?" he said as his fingers continued what they'd started. The last button was undone and she unthinkingly peeled the wet fabric away from her body. She was naked underneath, except for her light blue panties, which were also as good as invisible because they too were soaked.

Her father stared. The only light on in the room was his reading lamp, which cast a soft golden glow on her nubile body. She stayed out of the sun, learning from the lessons of her grandmother that a tan only means lots of wrinkles later in life, so she was white as snow. Part of that was because she was cold, but the only color on her body were her dark red nipples with their lighter red background and her almost black hair. Some of that hair was stuck wetly to her face and neck, and the rest was puffing out the wet panties she wore.

She was gorgeous and super sexy.

Ever since her mother had died, they'd been alone together, and he'd been able to resist seeing her as a "female" of the species. She'd been his little girl for so long that he thought he'd always think of her that way.

But he'd been wrong, he realized with a start.

His cock was ragingly hard as he stared at this luscious little slice of womanhood. He licked his lips, wondering what to do. If she saw his boner he'd just die of embarrassment. He thrust the handful of towels at her and turned away. "Here. Get dried off. I need to go see how much damage there is."

He hurried out of the room and checked downstairs under her room. That space was the back porch area, thankfully, and while water was dripping through the ceiling, it wouldn't do all that much damage. He realized his own pajamas were also wet when he looked down and saw his slowly softening cock plainly outlined by the wet cloth. Had she seen that he was hard? If she had, he didn't know what to do about it.

Mandy HAD seen her father's stiff penis.

When he'd started unbuttoning her nightgown and she'd tried to do it for herself, she'd looked down. When she did that she saw what was obviously his erection.

She was cognizant enough of what was going on to be confused why, in the middle of a disaster, he could possibly get excited sexually. From the dim past she remembered someone telling her that soldiers in combat often got erections because of the excitement and adrenaline of the situation. Maybe that was it. Then she realized how naked she must look and wondered if SHE was the reason for his... condition.

While she was thinking about this something else happened. She felt heat in her loins. It was a warm fuzzy feeling and she realized she actually hoped she WAS the reason for his... condition.

After he'd left she'd gotten the clammy cold nightgown off and had rubbed her skin briskly with the towels. The panties had to go too, and she immediately felt better when the wet cloth was off her body. That helped make her feel a little bit warmer, but what was she going to put on?

She knew that all her own stuff was wet by now, and that she'd get soaked again if she went into her room to see. So she looked in her father's closet for something to wear. She decided on a button type shirt and put it on. It barely covered her now naked ass, and her legs were still icy, but she felt warmer.

The shirt smelled like... Daddy, and she took a deep breath. She bent over to see if there were any slippers or something she could wear on her feet.

Bob walked back into the bedroom still wondering what he should do about "the woman in his bedroom". Obviously he had to control himself. But when he walked in, he was greeted by his beautiful daughter's bare ass, staring right at him. Even worse, her pretty pink pussy was winking at him between her slightly spread legs as she bent over. His boner snapped back to life so fast it made his head swim a little. He was standing there, mouth gaping, eight inch prick straining to get out of his wet pajamas when she stood up and turned around.

Mandy gave a little squeak of surprise as she realized her father had come back into the room. Then her eyes went to the most prominent part of him. His penis was STILL hard and it was pointing right at her like an accusing finger. She could see the tip through the cloth of his blue PJs. They stood, both frozen for a moment.

Mandy spoke first. "Daddy, we have to get you out of those wet things too. I don't want you to get sick either."

She walked toward him, intending to help him, like he had helped her. She hadn't really thought about looking at her father's penis in the past, but suddenly, she sort of wanted to. She knew about erections, but had never seen one.

"Um... OK... but..." her dad stammered. Somehow they both knew he was referring to his rampant maleness, but couldn't exactly say it.

"It's OK, Daddy" Mandy said brightly, realizing he was embarrassed.

"I heard in school that men sometimes get that way during war and disasters and stuff. And THIS is sure a disaster." she finished. She was standing only a few inches away from him now, looking up at him.

Had either of them looked down, they'd have seen his cock only a quarter of an inch from touching her.

"Oh!" he said, as it became obvious exactly what she had seen and was now talking about. "Yeah! I'm sure that's it."

But he knew better.

Her pussy had looked so good. He wondered what it would taste like. Then he frowned at thinking that. "Um... you probably shouldn't look either." he went on, referring to his earlier statement.

"Oh! Sure!" she chirped and turned around immediately. She found herself looking at both of them in the big mirror over her mother's dressing table. Her father seemed to have forgotten it was there. He unbuttoned the top of his PJs and dropped it wetly to the floor. Then he bent over and pulled down the PJ bottoms.

She almost gasped at what was revealed. His penis looked red, but there was some blue or purple at the tip. There was a big knob on the end, with a little hole in it. It looked a lot bigger than she'd expected and she thought that all those stories she'd heard in school, and health class and at sleepovers were bullshit. It was obvious to her young mind that this penis would NOT fit in a woman.

And if, by some crazy chance it did. the woman SURE wouldn't be happy about it!

She watched it bob and weave as he looked around for something dry to put on. He peered into drawers and finally decided on an old pair of gym shorts which he quickly slipped on.

"OK" he announced.

Mandy turned around and said "What do we do now Daddy?"

He sighed. "We can't do much of anything until morning. I'll have to call the insurance company, but it could be days or even a couple of weeks before we can get a new roof and get your room back in shape. For now let's just get some sleep."

There was a crash of thunder and the lights flickered. Mandy jumped toward her father, who hugged her against his naked chest. His bone hadn't gone down at all, and feeling her soft almost naked body against his made it leak some precum.

"You can have my bed" he said, his voice tight. "I'll take the couch."

"NO!" she yipped as another peal of thunder rolled. "I'm scared. And it's cold. Can't we both sleep in your bed?"

Bob didn't like that idea.

His cock loved it.

He wavered. "Sweetheart, I'd feel sort of funny... in bed with you... and with a har..." he stopped before he finished.

There is more of this story...
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