P I And Magic - Cover

P I And Magic

Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin

Chapter 8

As I watched the house, the shields on it flared. Something was going on inside! Some sort of powerful spell being performed, and the protective shields of the house could barely contain it!

Whatever it was, I was now doubly glad I had thought to 'spell up' as I had. I concentrated a moment, and my cloak and staff arrived with a slight popping sound of displaced air. I got out, and put my cloak on and grabbed my staff.

I quickly ran up the drive to the house. As I got there, a sustained flare of power glowed so brightly, that I didn't see how anyone could miss seeing it. Luckily, only those with 'second sight' could see what I was seeing.

I tried the door. Locked.

Ok, we do this the hard way. I placed my hand against the door, and pushed. I felt the power as a tingle. I recognized the style right away. I pulled a little power from my ring, and tried to form a shield within a shield. I was trying to meld and cancel this guy's power.

It took me a minute, but I did it. I then entered the old fashioned way. I cast a small hammer spell, and bashed the door open. I entered, closing the door behind me as well as I could.

The hair stood up all over my body! I heard chanting, and it conveyed power! I silently made my way towards the back of the house. I heard a voice chanting with magical backing, and I was sick. It was in old Latin, and he was calling upon a demon.

The scary thing was, he had a gate constructed, similar to the one which I had come through, so many years ago. What was even scarier, was something dark was forming in the middle of the gate, and it exuded pure Evil!

I cast the strongest sleep spell I could. The chanting stopped as most, but not all of the participants, collapsed where they were. Two people, one man and one woman were inside a 'circle of protection'.

Most of the power that was being generated stopped flowing when the people collapsed, but these two still worked to bring forth that... well, evil. I looked into the gateway, and shuddered. A dark robed and cowled figure stood within the gate, and looked out at us. I shuddered as I felt its regard.

It said something in a language I didn't know, and the man responded. He stepped behind the woman and shoved her into the gate. With a scream of pure terror she was caught by the figure and seemed to melt into it, her screams cut off abruptly.

The thing, figure, laughed and tried to step through the gate. Still something held it in place. I could not see it's face, but I could feel its anger. The man in the protective circle turned to face me, and shouted something.

A blast of force struck my cloak, and was scattered by one of the spells I had placed on it, when I thought I was going to fight Markus. Having already melded with his outer spell, I had a good idea of how to get through his protective shield.

I brought up my staff and blasted the ground at where the protective shield was drawn. The floor cracked, and as it did, so did my opponents shield. I sent a blast of raw energy his way, and it struck him knocking him off his feet.

I sent a tangler spell his way, knowing it would take him a moment or two to to defeat it. I sent a blast at the creature in the gate. It staggered back and I felt a feeling of surprise from it.

Maybe demons do exist after all I thought to myself as I sent a blast at the frame of the gate. It started to fade, and as it did, it looked at me. I still could not make out its features inside its cowl, but I heard it plainly.

"Why do you fight me? I can help you return to your home," It said seductively.

My opponent had defeated my t angler spell, and was back on his feet and announced his displeasure by sending a surge of power at my back which propelled me towards the gate.

The being inside the gate, though fading, held out its arms to me, preparing to catch me. I desperately threw raw power at the gate and it hit just before I did. The gate crackled and I was through it... and on the other side of it sliding on the floor.

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