P I And Magic - Cover

P I And Magic

Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin

Chapter 6

Colorado was a bust. I had been so sure that he'd lied about the gate. Unfortunately, he was being totally truthful. I did learn something about gate's construction, though. I flew back home, and got my car out of long-term parking. I checked it of course, but it was clean.

I pondered what to do next. I had family in another reality, a secret government organization on my ass here, and my friend and mentor was one of the heads of that same secret org. Could life get any better?

I drove back to my office and found parking, for a change, in front of my building. 'First come first serve', after all. I cast a quick spell on my car, locked it, and went into my building. Opening the outer door to my office, I noticed the quietness.

It was the middle of the day, and Vivian was not at her desk. The door had been unlocked, but no one was here. I quickly reviewed spells and lightly touched them all, getting them ready for casting. Just in case I needed them.

I turned the knob on my private office door silently, and pushed it open with my staff. I hadn't even realized I had returned it to its natural state as a staff, from the camouflaged configuration. That was startling.

I entered cautiously. Nothing. The outer office was empty of people, as was my own private office. Where the hell was everyone? Someone should have locked the door. I frowned, and tried to figure out what was going on. I went to the source of all information in my office: Vivian's desk.

Nothing. The computer was on, and she had been typing up a report for a client. Nothing serious, just a routine piece of business. I checked the desktop carefully. Ok, I did everything you could do, and found nothing. It was time to get creative.

I had just one more thing to check. I picked up the phone, and dialed my landlord, downstairs. He picked up on the second ring.

"Pasquale's Bikes. How may I help you?"

"Hey, Pasquale. It's Paul. Have you seen any of my people around lately? I am in my office and there's no one here," I asked in a feigned amused tone.

"Really? No, not a clue. Saw Vivian about an hour ago, I guess. She was carrying a sack of carry out from that Chinese place down the street."

"Ok, sorry to bother you," I replied and hung up.

I was really starting to get worried now. Vivian was a very responsible lady. She would never leave the office like this. I looked with my 'second site', but saw nothing suspicious. Well, that just told me there was nothing magical in the area. No residue of power, anywhere.

I called the cell number for my only full time employee, but received a recording that the customer was out of the area that serviced the phone. So he was still following that lady. I sighed. Ok. I looked around for something personal of Vivian's. Ah, the umbrella she had brought in a couple days ago, perfect. I locked the door to the office, and put a small spell on it to keep out all but the very determined.

I sat on the couch and held the umbrella in my hand. I closed my eyes. I concentrated on establishing a link with the umbrella first, and through it, to Vivian. I saw the connection as a thin glowing string flowing from the umbrella, through the door.

I left my body and followed it. I went as quickly as I could. I caught up to a late model sedan, with Vivian sitting in the back seat. She was sandwiched between two men. A woman was driving, and another man was sitting up front.

I stayed with the car until it pulled into an area of the suburbs I was familiar with, but hardly ever went.

They all got out and entered a house that must have cost in the low seven-figure range. I memorized the address. I followed them inside. Vivian was led to a room that appeared to be a study. A man was seated behind a huge desk.

I concentrated so I could hear, if muffled, what was being said.

"Thank you for coming. I trust your trip was comfortable?" the seated man asked Vivian.

"Considering I didn't request this trip, no," Vivian responded.

"Sorry about that. I have little time, and it was necessary that you accept my invitation," Seated Man said.

I was really starting to dislike this guy. Vivian looked a bit frightened, but otherwise was her normal self.

"Yes, well if you will call me a cab, I will be getting back to the office," Vivian replied.

Seated Man smiled and said, "I am afraid I can't let you do that. I have need of the services of your employer, and I am afraid he might refuse unless I have a bit of leverage. You're that leverage."

"Did you think about making an appointment? I am sure that once Mr. Lindsy returns to town he would be glad to discus business with you. If I remember correctly, kidnapping is a federal felony," Vivian told him.

"You have not been kidnapped my dear. You are here to enjoy a few days of hospitality. In the meantime, let's discus your employer. He seems to have a very good record in getting the impossible done. I have need of this service.

"Unfortunately, from everything else I have learned about your Mr. Lindsy, he would not agree to work for me. Ergo, I am sorry to say, you're my insurance policy. I am sure after this is over, and all have been compensated, this will be just an... unusual memory, shall we say?" Seated Man made it more of a statement than the question it was.

"Funny. I seem to have misplaced my invitation," Vivian said sarcastically.

"You will not be harmed. You will have free run of the house and grounds. You will be escorted if you leave the house. You may not use the phones. However, feel free to use any of the amenities of my house. For the time being, my house is your house," he said as he stood.

I drifted over to his desk and looked at the phone number on the phone, and memorized it. I watched as they led Vivian out of the office. I was not worried as they were using her as leverage.

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