P I And Magic
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 39
I woke up feeling very refreshed, in spite of the fact that I had slept on my camp bed in my tent, near the battle scene. I felt 'ready to take on the world'. It's amazing what a good nights sleep will do for you. I definitely had to get back to the hospital, though, and make sure I was there for Mirwanna.
I ate a camp breakfast, and decided to dress in some appropriate Earth clothing. I teleported my old clothes from the palace, and put them on. They were clean, but a little wrinkled. Well, the wrinkles would smooth out, over a bit of time. Besides, a few wrinkles didn't worry me, compared to incongruity of this world's clothes.
I supposed I could do something about the wrinkles with magic, but that seemed to be more trouble than it was worth. After making sure I had my wallet and hotel card, I decided to make a portal directly to my hotel room on Earth.
It took only a moment to make the portal, and to step through it into my room. The first thing I noticed, was that 'maid service' had cleaned the room. The second, was that the light on the phone was blinking, meaning I had at least one message.
I released the portal, and went to the phone. I had two messages from the hospital, and one from the local office of Homeland Security. HS was asking me to call back. Well, I was not going to phone HS. I was more interested in the hospital's calls.
The hospital was relaying a request from my sister to come and see her, as soon as visiting hours started. I quickly left the hotel, and started out for the hospital. It was a short walk. While it had been a bit since I had practiced my art of being a private investigator, I quickly noted that I was being followed.
I guess it's just instinct, after a while. I had not one, but two people on my ass. I shook off a feeling of aggravation, and entered the hospital. I made my way upstairs, and was soon visiting my sister.
She was sitting up in bed. The dialysis machine was not in evidence, and her skin color was looking much better. She looked nearly normal.
"Paul! This place is amazing! You have to give me a tour of this world, when I get out of here. They say I am making a good recovery. I am learning so much here! And television! What a wonderful concept! I have a lot of plans for when I get out of this hospital," Mirwanna said.
We talked for a while. I told her about the phone call from Homeland Security. I had to fill her in on that, and I also told her about being followed from my hotel to the hospital.
She frowned a bit, but then her face cleared as she told me to contact this homeland thing, and find out what they want. If it could be settled simply, then there would be no problem. If it was something more serious, she told me: "Handle it."
So the day passed. I spotted one of my tails out in the corridor, and decided to find out what this was about. I left my sister and went to the bathroom. Sure enough, I was followed into the bathroom. I now had this guy just where I wanted him.
It took only a moment to get control of his mind. I asked him questions, and he was very cooperative. He was one of two agents that were assigned by Homeland Security, to follow me, until the status of three missing NSA agents was resolved. While they did not think I was actually responsible for the disappearance of the agents, they were investigating me, which put me squarely in the spotlight.
The agents in question were, of course, Melissa and the two agents I had blasted. I rolled my eyes. Would I never be done with this? I told the agent to forget he had talked to me, and left him to figure out his own excuse for being in the bathroom, with me not there.
I went back to Mirwanna, and explained what I had found out. I told her I was going to have to nip this thing in the bud. I told her I should be back in a few hours, and that we would sign her out, then.
I went back to my hotel, and called the number Homeland Security had left to contact them. The conversation was short. They asked if I would come down to their offices and answer some questions.
I countered with them coming with me to a restaurant of my choice. They tried to play the 'if you have nothing to fear' card on me. I interrupted him.
"Excuse me. I have been on the edge of law enforcement for a number of years, now. I have already agreed to meet with you or your representative. I am very familiar with the tactics you are trying on me. You are about to loose my cooperation.
"Now, if you want to meet with me in my room, or at a dining room, feel free to join me. Otherwise stop following me, and harassing me. So, what is your decision?" I asked the person on the phone.
We decided to meet in my room, in forty-five minutes. I ordered room service. I also bought a video camera from the gift shop via 'room service', and had them send it to me. I set it up, and cast a glamour on it. No one but I would know it was there.
I had just finished eating when there was a knock on my door. It even had an 'official knock' sound to it. Police, everywhere, seem to have the same 'official knock'. They try to make it authoritative. I find it amusing, myself.
I turned on the camera, and made sure it was recording. Everything was fine. I opened the door, and two people barged in.
"Please, don't let me stop you from running rough shod right over my ass," I said sarcastically.
As I was closing the door a third man stopped me.
"Pardon me. I was held up outside. I am with the two other gentleman who entered," he said.
I waved him in, and stuck my head outside the door. I knew there were no other people coming, but I wanted to show them I was an aware person. I waved them to the chairs, and I took the bed. This still left one guy up and roaming. I was not worried about him finding the camera.
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