P I And Magic
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 38
"Nothing to say, Melissa?" I asked her.
I watched as she struggled to keep the sphere from collapsing upon her. Actually, she was doing a good job. I was trying to figure out how she was able to counter me, when I felt a portal opening.
She would not escape me this time. I quickly cast a webbing spell that suggested itself to me. The sphere was now anchored not just to the building, but also to this time. It was going nowhere.
As long as my sphere surrounded her, she could not escape. I watched her as she seemed to be muttering. The portal grew, and finally established itself. I had several spells ready for whoever came through.
I saw a face, with which I had become familiar with over the past week or so. Jorslan's. Damn! I cast a seal over the portal opening. I felt it get hit and stretch, but it held! I quickly reinforced the seal, four-fold.
The seal I used, was something that had been passed to me by Svedra. Apparently his type of magic was different enough to give even Jorslan a pause. Just as I was congratulating myself on my brillant deduction, the seal was smashed, and Jorslan stepped though.
I quickly reinforced my shield, and prepared a very nasty spell. Pao was saying a prayer to his God. I stepped to the side, and tried to think of what I could do. The last time I met this guy, he squashed me fairly easily.
"Peace. I am here in answer to my servants request for aid," Jorslan told me.
I took the wise road, and stayed quiet. I was not going to debate someone like him.
"I remember you from the battle. You have learned more since then. Release my servant, and I will let you live," Jorslan told me.
"She has crossed the line," I said. "She came here to kill me. Would you allow a killer to go free?"
"You live. Therefore she is not a killer. Perhaps she insulted you. I will chastise her," Jorslan said.
Wait a minute. He was willing to chastise her? What was going on here? Jorslan was giving me a choice? While I was thinking this, Jorslan was looking at Melissa in her sphere. He nodded.
"Most effective. I applaud your use and control of some very exotic magic, indeed. I want you to release my servant, now. I will keep her from bothering you again," Jorlan said.
What was going on? I looked at Melissa, I mean really looked at her. I had it! She was pregnant. Was it his child? I had no idea, but, I did know that he could not prevent me from killing Melissa before he freed her. I now had more than enough power ready to accomplish it. If he attacked me, she would die. If he tried to free her, she died. I had this guy in a catch 22 situation!
"I'm sorry. But she keeps trying to kill me. I can't just let her go. However, I might have a solution," I told Jorslan.
"I will listen," he said in a neutral voice.
"My whole problem with her is that she has too much power, and no sense of responsibility. Remove her power from her, and I will let her go," I said with finality.
Melissa, who had been listening, gasped. She started to curse me. Jorslan told her to be silent, and miracle of miracles, she was!
"This would appease you?" Jorslan asked me.
"That, and her never coming into my sight again, uninvited," I told him firmly.
"Done. Either I can remove her power, or if you wish you can remove it, or you can have someone you trust remove it for you," he said.
"I am talking permanent removal. I don't want her to ever be able to use magic again. I am not sure I can do it, and still leave her mind intact. I wish to call someone to help me," I told him.
"Then do so. I wish to be gone from this place, quickly," Jorslan told me.
I hesitated, then sent out my call. I put as much power into the plea as I could. I knew this being watched me. I felt the first tentative touch. Then it firmed. I got that same warm feeling that I received, every time the Goddess of Nature interacted with me.
I felt her rush to me. Then I was pushed aside in my own mind, and the Goddess took over my body again.
"Jorslan. It has been long since last we met," the Goddess said through my lips.
Jorslan bowed low to the Goddess who was in my body.
"Lady. It is a pleasure to see you again. I was unaware that this body you inhabit, was one of your avatars," Jorslan said.
"Now that you know, leave it alone. If you harm it, I will destroy you. Now, I will lower the shield, and remove this person's ability to work magic. You may then take her, and do as you will. Keep her away from me and mine," the Goddess said, and then did exactly as she stated she would do.
All shields were down, but I KNEW that Jorslan would not be stupid enough to attack a GODDESS! Melissa whimpered and then her eyes went vacant for a moment. The Goddess reached into Melissa, and when her hand was removed, it held a possibility? A spark? I am not sure what it was, to tell you the truth. Despite watching from my vantage point; I could not tell what she did, how she did it, nor what it was that she had removed with her ghostly hand.
"It is done. Take your servant and go. Do not bother me or mine again," the Goddess said with finality in her voice.
Jorslan bowed again, grabbed Melissa, and stepped through the portal. Pao who had been watching silently in my mind asked a request of the Goddess. She listened, and laughed.
I felt the Goddess answer Pao, but could not hear what passed between them. I suddenly found myself back in control of my body. While I was a little unsettled with the situation, I was satisfied with the outcome.
The Goddess had assured me that Melissa would never again know personal magical power. I was satisfied with this. A toothless Melissa was not a thing to worry about. I was actually pleased with the way it had all turned out.
Now, I turned my attention to the room I was in. It was damaged. I started creating and casting repair spells. Shortly, the room was back in as good or better condition, than when I had first entered it.
I sighed and checked the phone. It worked. I called the desk. No new messages for me. I settled myself on the bed, and meditated. Soon my spirit was free of my body. I rushed my spirit to the hospital.
I quickly made my way to my sister's side. She was awake. She was looking around with a bored expression on her face, until she noticed me. She brightened, noticeably. She closed her eyes, and her spirit joined mine. I watched the monitors dip, and settle to a different rate.
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