P I And Magic - Cover

P I And Magic

Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin

Chapter 37

I was trying to fill out forms for my sister at the hospital. To say it wasn't going very well, would be a gross understatement. I gave up, and told them that while she was my sister, I had only recently discovered that fact. I said that I would be paying for her treatment. I told them I had no idea what her medical history was.

I was asked how that was possible. I stared at the doctor.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I was sent away from home when I was a child. We didn't get back together until recently. Hell, I didn't even know I had a sister, 'till recently," I answered with a bit of anger in my voice.

"I see. I'm sorry. But this is a bit unusual. We ran a tox screen, and while it came back clean on all known substances, there is something there we can't identify. You were right, her kidneys are failing. What we need to know is, how YOU knew this," the doctor said.

"I knew because someone told me that was what was happening. So I got my sister and came here with her. Before you ask me, no, I don't know what she took. No, I don't know where she was when she got poisoned, or took whatever she has in her system," I said, trying to head off the inevitable questions I could not answer truthfully.

"Who told you her kidneys were failing?" the doctor asked me.

"A guy in a no nonsense suit, with a bad haircut. He said that my sister was having kidney failure, that he couldn't do anything for her, and that I should get her to a hospital quickly. Then he picked up a little bag, and left. That was the last time I saw him," I said, giving them the false idea that it had been a doctor telling me this.

I was getting aggravated. I decided that I would impose my will in this entire hospital if they kept this nonsense up. I was told it would be an hour or a little more before they would know how she was responding to treatment. They suggested I get something to eat.

I had other things on my mind, such as Pao. I could feel his anger at the treatment I was getting from the doctors I was dealing with. He was surprised that I took no actions. How do you explain the legal system of this world, and the fact that America did not have royalty, as Pao understood it.

So I found myself sitting and trying to explain the way America was set up. Pao was not having any of it. He still wanted me to take action against these people, and teach them their place. I sighed mentally.

While I was sitting there, a doctor came and asked me about her arrow wound. I told him I knew nothing about it.

"Mr. Lindsy, you show up in my ER at night with a woman you say is your sister, yet you know nothing of her medical history. Fine, that can happen. She has an unknown poison that is shutting down her kidneys, which we are currently working on.

We have also discovered a wound to her shoulder that appears to be a puncture wound of some sort. I am afraid I am going to have to notify the authorities. I have already notified hospital security, and informed them I thought you were possibly involved in this. I am sorry if you're not, but our policy is better safe then sorry," he finished seriously.

I had had enough. I concentrated a moment, and cast a compelling on him. I carefully instructed him to help me resolve all problems he or his staff had made for me. I also compelled him to keep me informed of everything that my sister was going through, and what was happening with her.

I had just finished the instructions to him, when security came over. The good doctor took them aside, and talked with them for a couple minutes. The security personnel then all walked away. I sighed, pleased with how that had turned out.

Pao thought I should have been more firm with him. I could understand his point of view. In his world, I was a high-ranking individual, the descendant of a demigod. My wants, wishes, and needs should be the first concern to those around me.

And so I waited. A nurse came by and informed me that they had stabilized my sister, but she was still in critical condition. She also kept me updated on all procedures they were preforming.

Pao decided that now would be a good time to instruct me in the art of being a sword master. I had visions of moving first one, then two swords through pattern after pattern.

It was very beautiful. The patterns Pao showed me were simple in execution and effective, I could see. Then he started to show me more complicated patterns. I itched to get a sword and practice these patterns he showed me.

He finally stopped showing me patterns, and agreed I should practice what I now knew with swords. This would be a first for me, as I had never done any sword work, left-handed. I decided to get to work on this, as soon as I got home.

I decided to get something to eat. I asked, and was told that the cafeteria was closed. So I asked how my sister was, and was told she was still critical, but was now stable. I nodded my thanks, and went outside. I walked a few blocks to a fast food joint.

Ok, I might not have been dressed the best for earth, but this was California. Weird people were all over the place, but I drew a couple of punks anyway.

"Hey! You with a fair, or something? You sure are dressed funny," one punk said to me.

I shook my head and tried to place an order.

"You with one of those old times fairs? Where people dress up in old-fashioned clothes maybe? Well, you need to get back there if you are," the other punk told me.

I sighed. They were circling me. The guy running the place looked a little worried. I paid for my order. I went outside, to a street table, and tried to eat in piece. No luck, there. They followed me.

A young family was sitting a few tables over, two young children were watching all this, wide-eyed. The parents were looking a bit worried. I decided to stop this now, so the family and I could eat in piece.

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