P I And Magic - Cover

P I And Magic

Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin

Chapter 33

War is not a fun thing. We did sorties against the enemy, and they did the same to us. People were hurt, and people died. It was sad to see, and it was depressing. The enemy was in well-constructed breastworks, which had been built up prior to their invading Minturi land, and which had been expanded, subsequent to their being pushed back.

These were located right on the edge of the desert that the dragons had created, so many years ago. Our troops had pulled back. All of the magic users, under Vostich's directions, caused our own defenses to be built.

So here we were, in the third week of being in this position. We had accomplishing nothing more than harassing the enemy, and then we were harassed in turn. Darla had done an exceptional job in conjuring sustenance for our army.

We had a small heard of animals and chickens, in a protected position, to the rear of our front line locations. While created out of thin air, so to speak; once created, they had to be fed and cared for, as any farm animal.

The really big item with the troops, had been the thousands of gallons of ice cream Darla conjured. It was an instant hit, to say the least. It was during the last week of this stalemate that Vostich sent for me. These last few days had been most frustrating.

I entered his presence and bowed. It was still an amazing thing to me, to FEEL my great grandfather like that.

"Ah, Paul. I have a mission for you. With all my magic users here; you, your sister, Fithian, Darla, the Drebasty, and the dragons; we are still at a stalemate with Jorslan. I want to send you to someone who is powerful enough to tip the balance of power in our direction," he told me.

"I am ready to do as you desire, Sir," I told him, bowing again.

"I can't do this myself. Jorslan would sense my absence, and that would not bode well for our army. It needs to be someone of power, and of my family; yet Fithian must stay, also.

"Mirwanna is getting more replacement troops. That leaves you. I will send you to my castle. In the south end of the dungeon, there is a room. To open the door, place your hand exactly in the center of the door.

"When the door opens, you will see 7 portal gates. You want the third one from the left. Open it, and step through. You will find yourself in a receiving room. Wait for the attendant to appear. DON'T MOVE until the attendant appears, do you understand?" he asked me.

I nodded. This wasn't rocket science after all, though his emphasis impressed me.

"Good. Then I will give you the language of this world," he said, and stared into my eyes.

The headache that followed, was at least a three Tylenol tablet pain reliever one. Even with the Tylenol, I still had a headache. What a way to learn a language. But I had it down as well as Vostich knew it. And he knew it perfectly, of course. I was being sent to a world that had many beings in it, that were direct descendants of gods.

Vostich had met, and befriended one such Being, who was very powerful. It was at least as powerful as Vostich, himself. This had all taken place a couple of hundred years ago. While that might seem long to you or me, it was a short time indeed, to a being who measured his or its life in terms that approached eternity.

Vostich had helped this Being in a time when most of the others of that world had turned their backs on It, or were otherwise preoccupied. So the Being had told Vostich to call on It for help when needed, and It would come.

Unfortunately, in calling It, one had to be in its world, to get its attention. Vostich explained that the world I would be going to, was a mixture of very exotic peoples. I was cautioned again to wait for the attendant, and then to tell the attendant whom I was there to see.

I nodded my understanding. With that he smiled and gestured at me. I suddenly found myself standing in the main hall of Vostich's castle! You had to admit, he had a style with magic.

A servant, who had been standing in the main hall, asked me what I required. I told him, and he led me to the dungeons. We passed several rooms that almost seemed to call to me. I really was going to have to explore this castle at some future date!

We finally arrived at the door I needed. We had passed a couple of doors in the dungeon that had caused me to shudder. There were spells on them that were keeping whatever was inside of them locked away. In one case, I could feel something like insanity exuding from the spell-protected door.

I thanked my servant/guide, and he left. Taking a deep breath, I put my hand on what seemed to be the exact center of the door. It opened on its own, after flaring a brief moment with light.

As I entered the room, light came into existence. It was not harsh and glaring like electric lighting, but a gentle indirect glow that seemed to radiate from every surface, even the floor. It was a large room. Seven large 'portal gates' were arranged in a semi circle, in front of me.

I looked curiously at the seven portals. The focus spells were engraved on the surface of each gate. Only a pattern would be needed to open these gates. The focus was set in the pattern.

I checked my spells that I had readied, and was satisfied I could handle just about anything. If worst came to worst, I could always change into a dragon. I concentrated and created the pattern that Vostich had given me. The focus flashed, the pattern was set, and I had an active gate. It was the third from the left.

I took a deep breath, and walked through the gate. I am not sure what I had been expecting, but a waiting room was not it. There were several chairs of various styles, obviously designed for the comfort of widely diverse people's physiques. There was a door opposite to the side I had entered. I sat in a chair that looked not uncomfortable.

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