P I And Magic - Cover

P I And Magic

Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin

Chapter 32

We were all gathered to a meeting called by Vostich. No one, and I mean NO ONE was stupid enough to not turn up at this meeting. This included Salvadi Minturi. It was a battle planning meeting, but it included not only military commanders, but all magic users from both camps.

One man that showed up and was in the Minturi camp, was Markus! I should have known. Still, it hurt to see him standing with the Minturi contingent. We listened as Vostich outlined his strategy for troop movements, and redeployment.

He then asked about reinforcements and supplies for the troops. He was informed of 'on hand' supplies, and learned of Darla's abilities to manipulate the magical fields to supply food.

He was interested to learn of this ability. He was even more impressed to learn his mother had had something to do with this. Apparently, during his communing with his mother, she had not covered this. He wondered what else she hadn't covered?

When he called the meeting to a close, he requested that several people remain behind. Salvadi, Markus, Fithian, Mirwanna, and myself. After the pavilion cleared of all the other people, Vostich waved us to sit.

"First, I wish to ask Salvadi his reasons for the war he prosecuted against the so called impure," Vostich stated.

Salvadi looked like the deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. He paled. He shook his head.

"I was angry over my fathers death. I needed, wanted, to strike out. You fought my father, and he died as a result. So I declared a war that I knew a lot of people could understand.

"I know the reasons I gave publically are not these, but you asked why. Those were my reasons. I wanted revenge," he said, bowing his head.

"I understand your feeling of loss. It is the only reason I do not kill you for your transgressions upon my land. You will pay restitution to me," Vostich stated. Salvadi nodded agreement.

"Next is Markus. You owe explanation to Paul. He will decide your fate as he is the one who has suffered the most from the manipulations at your hands. My grandson trusted you with his son, and you betrayed him. I suggest you be very explicit with your answers," Vostich told Markus.

Markus turned to me. "Paul. Everything I did, I did to protect you. When your father first turned you over to me, and we went to that earth, it was thought it would only be for a short time.

"You were not adjusting very well from the separation from your parents, so I... worked a spell to help you. Then things went bad. Assassins showed up on several occasions. Minturi had tracked you there. I was getting desperate.

"I could get no help from your parents or sister. Landkur was in the fight for its very life. So," he paused, taking a deep breath, "I contacted Salvadi Minturi. I reached an agreement with him.

"If you forgot who you were, and did not return, you could live out a normal life, there on that other world. Yes, I placed several spells of forgetfulness on you. I still don't know how you recovered as much memory as you did. I wanted you to live, Paul.

" After you started to recover your memories, I had to do... things... to delay your coming back here. That was what all that business with the NSA organization was about. I was trying to distract you.

"Unfortunately, my daughter took my actions against you to mean you were an open target. She has resented you for years. You're stronger, faster, and have a better command of magic than she. She never understood that it was partially due to your birth," Markus said with a sad sounding sigh.

I couldn't believe it. I was actually feeling sorry for him. It could also be that he raised me and we had been friends for years in a place that didn't really see people like us live as long as we did. This had made a bond that was very close indeed. He had been like a father to me, after all.

I tried to look at it from his point of view, and unfortunately, it was all too easy to see it. I looked at him. He had a sick worried look on his face. Damn it, he betrayed me, but he did it for a reason. To protect me. Isn't that what a parent did for their child?

"I wish I knew if you were telling the whole truth. Did you actually care for me at all?" I asked.

Vostich answered for him, "He meant everything he said to you, Paul," Vostich said to me.

Well, it left a sour taste in my mouth, but I didn't really want him dead.

"Ok. I knew something was up, but I didn't have all the facts. If I was a shallow person, I guess I would say death to you, and be done with it," I told him.

He paled and nodded.

"I guess it is a good thing you raised me as you did. You really screwed with me, you know that? No, I won't ask for your death, or execution. You're going to be working a long time to repay the family Landkur for your betrayal.

"Markus, I really don't know what to say to you, right now. I understand you thinking what you did was best for me, but I have to question some of the things you did. I can't decide right now what to do with you. Keep yourself ready for my final decision," I said, still pissed.

"Very good, son of my grandson. You would temper justice with mercy. I am pleased with you indeed," Vostich told me. I almost swelled to busting with pride of his good opinion of me.

"We still have a war to win. We cannot afford to throw away assets in a moment of anger. Calm clear thinking is what will win this war for us. Mirwanna, you will please me if you return to Landkur, and negotiate with the ambassadors there for more troops.

"This war is going to be long and drawn out, I fear. I am just sorry that we have no one else of my power left. It is going to be harder defeating Jorslan Bander than it was before," Vostich said musingly.

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