P I And Magic
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 31
I watched as the two titans fought. I frowned, trying to remember something, but that thought fell away as the two battled. Spells were cast. I saw them bounce off of bodies, as if they were shedding water.
Finally they closed, and fought man to man. Or, in this case, demigod to demigod. They grappled. The sun moved in the sky, and still they fought. The sun set, and moon rose, and still the two fought.
First one, then the other would be thrown by his opponent. The ground shook as a huge body hit it. The one thrown would scramble to his feet, and meet the rush of the other. It was a draw. Nether could get an advantage over the other.
The moon traversed the sky, and still they fought. Finally, at daybreak of the third day of battle, they started to use large amounts of power. They were trying to disrupt the body of the other. They glowed.
I watched, fascinated. Then it happened. Every movement slowed to a crawl. It was a peculiar happening. I watched as one demigod started to compact on himself, while shooting a beam of light at the top of the skull of his enemy.
I saw an explosion starting to happen. It was as though I was watching a video replay, slowed many hundreds of times. The compacting demigod was now almost gone. He appeared to be encased in a green gem of some sort.
The explosion got bigger. The demigod who was a gem was being blown away by the force of the explosion. I followed its flight as the explosion completed. I watched the gem glance off a rock face nearly a quarter mile away, and land in a pond of some sort. When I looked back at the other demigod, I noticed the top of his skull was gone. One of his hands was missing, along with several chunks of flesh. He was dead.
I sat up with a start, gasping! What a dream! My heart was beating as if I had just run 5 miles. I was shaking with fear, excitement, and knowledge. I knew where to find the demigod who had compacted and changed into a green gem!
Vostich Landkur was not dead! He was changed, but he was still in this world! Lord, if I could just get to him, find his changed body and retrieve it... Well, I would worry about that, if and when it happened.
I was to excited to sleep. I got out of my bedding, dressed, and exited my tent. I looked around. I was at a Landkur-Minturi encampment. I still could not believe that we were helping this man who had been a thorn in my side since my return to this land.
Hell, it wasn't so long ago that he had cast an excruciating spell at me, forcing me to change from dragon back into a human. I shrugged that thought away, and surveyed my surroundings.
Tents. Thousands and thousands of tents were set up on this plain. Fires were burning low in many places. It was about 4AM. A shadow passed in front of the moon as a dragon flew overhead.
I was thinking furiously about the dream I'd just had. I had had a front row seat of the fight between the two demigods, Landkur and Minturi! I had a feeling the goddess of nature, Vostich Landkur's mother, my great great grandmother was once again exerting her will and power.
Everytime I thought about the power she had demonstrated to me, and through me, I was amazed anew. To be able to put me into someone's memory... or was it her memory of the battle?
I felt a slight pull. I turned until I found myself facing northwest. The pull was in that direction. It was the direction of the battle of my dream. I knew exactly what it was... had to be. I was being shown the way to the demigod's transformed body.
I was in the middle of a war, and the goddess was nudging me to go off on another mission entirely. I couldn't believe it. I had seen action twice since I had arrived here. We had actually repulsed a large force, estimated to be at least eight thousand warriors the day before.
The dragon riders and our wizards and magic users had done a good job. The dragon fire went through almost every single defense that the enemy had put up. The dragon riders pulse lances shot a ball of light that exploded, and took out large groups of people, and animals. It also destroyed most of the equipment that the unfortunates were carrying.
I counted over sixty-two people and animals dead from one single explosion of a ball of light launched by a dragon rider. Both the dragons and their riders concentrated on groups of people clustered together. The opposing enemy had been decimated. If even 800 of the 8000 had survived the attack, I would have been surprised.
After the enemy had turned and ran, our forces went out and collected whatever was useful. I had spent my time as a dragon, spitting fire deep behind the enemy front lines. I had been hit by spells quite a few times, which my draconic body had shrugged off easily.
I had prepared and cast several defensive spells on myself, prior to my changing into my dragon form. There had been some mighty colorful reactions from my spells when they had been hit by enemy mages. I had also zeroed in on them, and incinerated quite a few of them. I had confirmed killing 12 enemy magic users by myself.
I wondered over to the officer's mess tent, and asked for something to eat. Shortly I found myself with eggs, sausage, and bread. I ate that and went back for more. I noticed that I had a huge appetite of late.
After finally eating another helping of eggs, sausage, along with some stew left over from last night, I felt my hunger appeased. It was starting to get light by now, and I started to wander over to the command tents.
While my tent was located within this area, several tents were off to one side, and these were heavily guarded. After I ran the gamut of guards, I found myself next to the headquarters tent for the combined forces.
Despite my exalted rank, I did not rate a tent in this area. It was reserved for the force leaders alone. Mirwanna had a tent here, as did Salvadi Minturi. We also had two field commanders who occupied tents in that group.
My tent was located with the dragon riders. I was actually pissed off with how they had relegated me to a minor role. Well, maybe not minor, but I had no direct access to the mission leaders, without actually going to them.
I made my way to my sister's tent. I had only a short wait. She came out to me dressed in a robe.
"Mirwanna. I had a dream and I think I know what I am supposed to be doing, and this war is not it," I told her.
"What do you mean? We need all the dragons, yourself included," Mirwanna said firmly.
So I explained my dream to her. She listened intently. She questioned me over a few things, but finally agreed with me.
"I think you're right. You need to follow this to its conclusion. I hope you do find what you seek. We could use his help if what you dream is true," she said hopefully.
We talked a bit, and she had breakfast brought to her, and I ate a bit with her. When we finished, it was full day. I took my leave of my sister, and made my way to a rising air current, and prepared myself mentally for the coming trip.
Fithian had gone back to Landkur after the battle yesterday, but would return today. I had a feeling if I were going to do this, it had better be now, while he was gone. I quickly changed into my dragon body, and launched myself into the rising air current.
I rose to almost ten thousand feet very quickly, and then I angled my way towards the northwest. I felt the pull. I concentrated and teleported myself in that direction. The feel was stronger, but I was still some distance away. I teleported, again.
I glided and watched for the landmarks of my dream. There! That rock face! That was where the gem had glanced. I saw from my height, evidence of tress that had gone down years ago. The local land and people had reclaimed or taken most of the fallen trees.
I had my location spotted, though. I spiraled down and down. I didn't see any rising air currents nearby, but I was not going to let that bother me now. I came in for my landing, and did it well. I was pleased. I was really getting the hang of this!
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