P I And Magic
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 30
I smiled at Darla. Since she had decided to take a break in training, she had been keeping me company, and I absolutely loved her being with me! She was a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stale time of my life.
Ok, I'm not a poet, but I am sure you can see where I am going with this.
"I tell you, it's totally uncanny. At first Trayla and Mariel would have nothing to do with each other. Then, the first time that they touched... well, it was like a static electric charge went off!
"I have been told that besides Sethlan, there are other catalysts that can open or forge connections to be formed in a person. Trayla was Mariel's catalyst. As soon as they touched, Mariel went into convulsions.
"When she came out of it, she was fully connected to her power. Now we are stuck training her. Which isn't a bad thing, really," I said to Darla.
"She seems very taken with Trayla, now," Darla observed.
I nodded. "They have been almost inseparable. I am glad she has someone to talk to. Mariel has been lonely ever since she arrived," I said.
"Where did you say you found this girl?" Darla asked me.
I told her about my trip into the city, and my hiring Trayla, and the resulting mess that had followed. Darla grinned at me. She informed me that I seemed to be living an exciting life. I nodded. It was true, after all.
I then told her about that last two weeks of trying to reorganize the tax codes, and the collection methods. I told her about the theft of a huge sum of money by the now departed 'head tax man'. He and a few others had been systematically stealing from the city... and me.
We were walking in the palace gardens which were blooming even more now that the weather was warming, and spring was in full swing. It was a glorious day, and Darla looked very appealing in a long dress of local manufacture.
"These people have a lot to learn about foundation garments," Darla said to me, noticing my admiring stare.
"Um, what do you mean?" I asked disconcerted.
"They have no idea what a bra is, and the pantaloons that go with this outfit are positively 19th century!" Darla said, laughing.
At that moment a dragon flying overhead roared. I looked up, as did Darla.
"I see you have restarted The Dragon Riders," Darla said to me.
"No. Actually, Fithian is doing it. He has forbidden me to even become involved, until I resolve the problems in the city. I told him that was practically a never-ending chore. He said: 'Ok, just resolve your tax problems and the housing situation within the city.'
"This is going to take me some time. While I have a good handle on the tax situation, every time I try to put forward a plan to solve the housing problems for the poor, I am set upon by every slum lord, half the nobility, and a bunch of 'do-gooders'," I said sourly.
Darla laughed. She had such a wonderful laugh. I reached for her hand and held it, as we walked through the gardens.
"What is Lord Fithian doing to train The Dragon Riders?" Darla asked curuously.
"He has them going after the smugglers. So far, in just the two weeks they have been doing anti-smuggling operations, the city has made over 1000 golds' worth of seized ships, cargo, and fines. Darla, a gold goes a long long way in this world.
"So does a silver, or even coppers. I am impressed with how little things actually cost here. For example, to feed, house and clothe a watchman for a month, costs just under three silvers. That does not include the watchman's pay, of course," Darla said.
"I can't believe what a gold piece can buy," I continued. "One gold can feed, house, and buy fuel for an average family of four, for almost three months, easy. Longer, if they are frugal. The average yearly income of the upper middle class here, is about 11 golds a month. Which puts them well above the local poverty line, and well into a comfortable life.
"Four gold a year can keep a man, his wife and two kids in food and housing easily, for a year. Imagine! With the kind of money the taxes pull in, I should be able to solve the housing problem.
"Darla, you wouldn't believe what I have seen! Wooden houses, two stories tall, that actually lean against each other. It was heart breaking. They were in a pitiful state of repair. I am going to tear them down and replace them. But they are owned by various people. And some are lords, and merchants," I said, finally winding down.
Darla had been looking at me with such a serious look that I was starting to get a little nervous.
"You're a good man, Paul. I wish you luck. I really don't have any money here, myself, because 'House Lestri' takes care of all my needs until I am fully trained, but I will help out where I can. If you need a little extra magic muscle, I'm there!" she finished excitedly.
We sat and watched some more dragons wheeling overhead. I was still amazed at how quickly Fithian was getting The Dragon Riders back in shape. While we had gotten 10 Dragon Riders for the city's use, he already had over 25 Dragon Riders that he was training for combat.
I had to admit, they were worth it. 1000 golds had been returned to the city, and smuggling was down. Not stopped. I don't think smuggling could ever be stamped out completely, but I had put a serious crimp in it, with my Dragon patrols. They had excellent night sight, and were able to spot ships trying to sneak in at night. All ships, here, were wooden. NO captain of a wooden ship argued with a Dragon's fire.
Darla took my leave, promising to visit tomorrow. I went back to my office. I had just put on a pot of coffee, when a squire came to my office with several scrolls. I frowned at them.
"These are the scrolls you requested from 'The Histories', my Lord. These describe the battle of the demigods Vostich Landkur, and Alrondor Minturi," the young man said. He bowed and placed the scrolls on my desk.
Good! After dismissing the squire, I went over and got a cup of coffee. After putting a spoonful of sugar in it to take the edge off the bitterness, I sat down and opened scrolls.
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