P I And Magic - Cover

P I And Magic

Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin

Chapter 3

I woke up with a splitting headache. I was puzzled, then I remembered! I was eating supper with Lauder when I felt ill. Damn, drugged! I sat up and immediately wished I hadn't. Nausea swept through me. I silently willed myself better. Slowly at first, then quicker, I started to feel better.

I took stock of myself. I was sitting on a bed. Someone had removed my shoes, socks, and other clothing. I was sitting only in my boxer's. I got up and went through the rooms. It was the same suite they showed me after I first arrived. An hour into the tour we had stopped by here, or a suite like it. A living room with a state of the art entertainment center, a bedroom and bathroom with shower only.

I tried the door. Well, if it had a handle I might have tried it. All that filled the doorway was a metal panel of some sort. As I considered what to do I finally felt completely well again. My ring, watch, staff which I had form changed into a cane, and my cloak were also missing. I looked in the closet. Nothing there. I went back into the bedroom and checked the dresser. Still nothing.

"Ah, Paul. You have awakened a little faster than I had anticipated. I am sorry I was not available to you when you woke up. Speak normally, and I will hear you." Spoke the voice of Lauder from the speakers of the entertainment system.

"What have you done? Why have I been stripped, and why can't I get out of here?" I asked.

"All will be explained. First let me assure you I mean you no harm at all. Soon we will put this behind us and work together." Lauder said then paused.

"Nothing to say Paul?" He asked me.

"Well, I guess I could try to break down the door, or throw some sort of fit, but what would be the point? Besides, I don't feel to well." The last was an exaggeration. I felt almost a hundred percent now.

"Yes, well, sorry about that. I couldn't let you leave though. You are an enigma, Paul. You are probably the oldest man in the world, did you know that?"

I laughed. I couldn't help it. "And you want to know my secret? If I discovered the fountain of youth? Discovered a special drug? Sorry to disappoint you. I have no idea why I am as old as I am." Which was not true. I knew exactly why I was the way I was.

"We took blood samples already. As well as DNA from you." He said.

"I see. Well, good luck with your samples. If you don't mind, I would like to leave now." I said.

"I'm sorry. But I can't let you leave. You're to valuable a resource. If you feel up to it, I will send a team to let you come to my location. Once you eat something, you will feel much better." The speakers said, carrying a voice I was really growing to hate.

"Sure. But I seem to have left my other suit somewhere." I said.

With a laugh, Lauder answered, "We will provide you with something appropriate."

Ten minutes later I watched as the metal panel on my side of the door slide into the door jam. It was now disguised as trim. No wonder I didn't see it before. The door handle turned and the door opened inward. A cover all came flying into the room.

"Please put this on." A voice from outside said.

I checked it out with my second sight. Nothing. I put it on, and was soon on my way to a meeting with Mr. Lauder. A meeting I was sure one of us would regret. I slowed us down with my fake limp. Had to stay in character after all. I arrived with a fake limp, from a supposed twisted ankle from a jogging mishap. That was why and how I brought my staff, now disguised as a cane.

Shortly I was escorted into a room. It was completely glass enclosed. A long table stood in the center. Two guards stood along the wall farthest from me. Mr. Lauder was sitting on the opposite side of the table, close to my ring, watch, cloak, and cane. The woman I had been asked to locate during my so called test was also there.

I was led to a seat and handcuffed in place. I looked at Mr. Lauder.

"Simply a precaution, for your own safety, Paul." Lauder said.

"I see. People fall out of chairs here a lot, do they?" I said, putting a little sneer into my voice.

"Now now. There is no reason to take that attitude. I would like to clear up a few misconceptions and some curiosities if you don't mind."

"I am sure you would. So would I. Which part of the constitution does not apply to me? Or the Bill Of Rights?" I asked curiously.

Lauder waved my question away. "Come now, we are all adults here. We all know how the world works, don't we? Let me tell you what we have. We have your birth certificate. Your original one. You were born in 1865. Went missing until you turned up in 1877. Have assumed various identities since then. You served for 3 years in the army from 1883 to 1886." I tuned him out and concentrated on my spells. I was glad I prepared what I had.

I mentally touched the knot of the first major spell and released it. It flared and I could see it as a wave rolling away from me. Everyone except me paused in what they were doing, then went to sleep. The spell had a radius of 200 feet. It traveled in a full 360 degrees from the center of the initiation, me.

I concentrated on my restraints and they released me. I stood. I grabbed my cane and connected with the energy it held. I concentrated and released a second major spell. It was a spell of my own creation called EMP. Electro magnetic Pulse. Every electrical component in the complex failed. Every computer in a half mile radius was totally wiped with no hope of restoring what had been lost.

I quickly changed back into my clothes which had been folded in my cloak. I put my ring, watch, and cloak on. I felt much better having all my items back. Now it was time to go on some serious offensive. I pulled some energy from my staff, just a trickle really, and woke Lauder.

"Secure yourself at the table with the cuffs." I told him with a bit of compelling in my voice. He sneered at me at first, but found himself moving to the place I had vacated just moments ago. He got a panicked look on his face as he started cuffing his feet. It was a stretch, but he managed to do his hands too. I released the compelling.

"What have you done! Are you insane? Release me at once!" He sputtered.

"Come come, Lauder. We are, after all, men of the world, right?" I said in an amused tone.

"What do you want Mr. Lindsy." Lauder asked in an aggrieved tone of voice.

"My freedom. Since I can't seem to have it with you living, I guess I can always take care of that." I said as menacingly as I could.

"Might I ask how you accomplished what you were able to?" Lauder asked with great curiosity.

"Magic." I replied simply.

Lauder snorted. Obviously, Lauder did not believe in magic, or was unable to recognize the truth when it attacked him. I grinned at him.

I concentrated on yet another spell. I looked at Lauder and released it. It sped to him and struck and sunk into his mind. He moaned, then his face went slack.

"What were your intentions to me, and who else knows about me?" I asked the now Geas laden Lauder.

I listened with a sick feeling as he relayed everything he knew about me, what he was going to have done with me, and what he had done to others. This was one sick bastard. A lot of those working for him were doing so under threat of death. They had implanted devices into the unwilling and promised a very painful death for disobedience. I was unnerved to hear that this facility was under telemetry from yet another location, and when they went off air, a task force would be converging on this place soon. Everything I did was for nothing. Well, not nothing. I did get the names and locations of a lot of forced slave labor, and that's what it was.

I pondered what to do. I got the name of Lauder's boss, and where his office was located in New York City. I gave Lauder instructions, which he would follow. There was no way he could disobey me. I looked at him and left him locked up. I walked out to meet the reinforcements.

I expanded the sleep spell and soon everyone within half a mile of here was asleep. The spell would stay in place until I left, then it would unravel and allow everyone to awaken on their own. It was far more humane than what they had planned for me. I also placed a spell into the computer, hiding it carefully. It would not really activate until they re-programmed this computer.

I left the building and started walking down the long driveway. Far to the southeast I heard what sounded like a helicopter. I take that back. Helicopters. I stood and waited. While I did, I prepped a couple more spells. Since I had all my power items with me, I was not worried at all.

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