P I And Magic
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 26
The first thing that Bel wanted to teach me was transformation. I told him I already knew how to transform. He explained that I was not transforming into what I COULD be. I was also not transforming my clothing (or outer skins, as Bel called them). I couldn't believe it. When he mentioned it, I could SEE how to do it.
The second thing was as a Dragon, I was taking a very small body. He insisted that I should be at least his size. It was all a matter of taking the energy I was using to transform, and using more of it, to transform into a much larger dragon.
So started my training, right there on the field next to Landkur castle. First I started gathering energy; gathering, and gathering. Finally, I released it, and I was a dragon. But, I was a very much larger dragon than before.
I was still my green color with silver highlights; but I was, well, HUGE! I was even larger than Bel! He chuckled his dragon chuckle.
"Most impressive. You are perhaps the largest dragon I have seen. Now let us go and hunt," he said, turning and lumbering to the hill and taking off. I was right behind him. As we circled higher and higher, I looked at the castle and saw Fithian watching as we circled.
He nodded, as if he knew I was looking at him, and he probably did. He was a very powerful person. I dipped my wings, and rose still higher, following Bel. It was amazing. Well, maybe not. There was a rising air river right there at the edge of the field by the castle.
From what I was beginning to understand, Vostich had been able to control the weather to a great extent. As a matter of fact, I could feel the weather around me, particularly in my dragon form. It made sense to have a rising air current right here.
<Very good, you are starting to think and feel as the dragon you are, > Bel's voice said in my head!
Bel chuckled, <Surely you had to know we could talk with one another over distances, > he said.
<I had no idea, > I said, humbled.
We climbed higher still. Finally, we set off towards the east. We glided for about twenty minutes. Bel indicated I should observe. I kept a sharp eye how he hunted.
We had been following the coastline of the great inland sea for some time after we left the city. I had seen several large fish in the sea. We circled lower, and lower.
<See there? There is an updraft that we can use after we eat. While you have transfered a lot of energy, you should eat something to stabilize the change, > Bel said to me, the he folded his wings and dove towards the water.
At the last moment, he snapped his wings out full, and reached into the water, pulling up a huge fish. He glided to the shore and landed. He looked at me, then at the sea. I hesitated, then I copied his example. I partially folded my wings, and dove at the sea. My mind was intent on the huge fish I was going to have for lunch!
It was very exhilarating! I caught my fish, and made the way over to where Bel was and watched as he tore into his fish. Now I like fish as well as the next man. Hell, I went fishing a lot, over the years.
Normally I prepared my fish, and cooked them. I looked at Bel and down at my fish. My stomach rumbled. I leaned down and sniffed my fish. Ok, maybe it was the change. It was something to think about, but later. I tore into my fish, and it was GOOD! Another thing you have to understand, this fish was huge! It would feed a family of four easily, for several days. Talk about your fish story!
Thirty minutes later we were winging eastward again. I was beginning to wonder where we were going, when Bel again told me to observe. I watched, amazed, as he drew in power.
<I am going to teleport. Follow me, > Bel told me.
I could feel him concentrate, and then he was gone. I SAW where he went. I teleported, right after him. We were flying a short distance away from Marald's keep!
Well, it would be nice to see him again. We glided our way towards the ocean. Shortly, we left the land behind, and were winging our way towards an island a short distance away.
We were met near the only mountain on the island, by Bel's mate and children. They escorted us to the top of the mountain and I landed, as did Bel.
"Very good, Lord. You have learned much already. You now assimilate your outer skins with your change, you can hunt, and you now have a more appropriate body," Bel said.
"Just how much more do I have to learn?" I hissed curiously at Bel.
He chuckled at me. "Much, Lord. There are the elements that your dragon nature is in command of. Since you are from the egg of the goddess, you will have great power. We need to find what elements you can control and to what extent you control them," Bel hissed to me.
I was about to comment on that when I felt him doing... something. All dragons have an affinity to the air. That seemed a natural thing to me. I felt him reach out into the very air around him, and lower the air pressure. He did other things. Shortly, we were having a nice spring rain, all done very quickly!
This was a handy ability to know!
"You have seen how I started the rain. Now you stop it. It can be a dangerous thing, to work the weather so. This is why I have done it here. I have only affected a small area. Once, long ago, we dragons worked in mass, and took the water from the air, and stopped all rains in a land far to the south. That place is now a desert.
As I have started a gentle spring rain, you must now reverse what I have done," Bel hissed.
I nodded. I hesitantly reached out with my senses and felt the air around me. It was as though I was sinking my claws as well as my will, into my very surroundings.
I touched a line that was attached to me. It was a blue airy line, and while I saw something similar connected to Bel, mine was stronger. While his was a faint string of a connection, mine was more like a thick rope.
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