P I And Magic
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 24
"So, Paul, tell me about your life in that other world," Fithian asked me.
I told him of my life. I spoke of growing up with Markus, learning magic and responsibility, and of going to college. I had to explain the concept of college to him. Apparently they did not have this type of institution here.
As a matter of fact, I don't think they had the equivalent of primary or secondary school, as we know it. I told him of my time in the military over there. I had to keep stopping and to explain things.
It was kind of a strain really. He exuded power! I got that same sense of 'presence', that I had felt with the Goddess, but scaled down. It wasn't as 'in your face' as it had been when the Goddess made her appearance. But still, he had it! I also sensed acceptance from him. If not love, then at least he liked and respected me. I had impressed him.
I wondered what it had been like to be around his father, if this is what the son felt like. It also made me wonder about my dad. I didn't really have any memories of him, or my mother, thanks to Markus.
I finally wound down, and Fithian looked at me.
"Paul. You have had a trying life. You have faced, and overcome, challenges that would have broken lesser men. You have even 'failed', and come back if not stronger, then at least better equipped to deal with life," Fithian said to me.
I could feel warmth radiate from him towards me, and I basked in it. Wow, this was an incredible feeling. I looked at him, and he smiled a smile that would have outshone the sun, if I had been able to see it. Lord, but I was going to have to get used to things like this happening in my life.
He then turned his attention to Darla, and she told her story. She told of how I had entered her life, and opened a new world to her. Hank took his turn. Finally, we were all done. He was caught up with all the major happenings. He was very curious about Mirwanna, Darla, and myself, as we had all been touched by the Goddess.
"The three of you are linked by the Goddess. This is not something that has happened very often. I am very sure the Goddess has something planned for you three, or at least you three will be instrumental in 'something'.
"Paul, you were the vessel for the Goddess, an avatar. This alone will have affected you in ways we can't even guess at, yet. All three of you were, 'God Touched' as it is called. It is rare for one person not only to have been an avatar, but also to be changed as you were.
"But each of you were touched, and have had changes made. We will need to explore what gifts you have been given, besides the obvious ones. What has happened is so rare, I can only think of two other times in our history when this has happened. Darla, what exactly happened to you?"
"I'm not sure. I was unconscious. I had drunk a substance to help open my power, which had been blocked in the other world. I do know from what both Paul and Mirwanna said, that the Goddess came and healed me, and changed me a bit. I woke up feeling... well, better than I had ever felt in my life. Full of energy, and... 'connected', somehow," Darla said struggling to put into words her feelings.
"The Goddess also extended her life. I saw her do that. She was also changed a little, but with one exception, I don't know if she has any special gifts," Mirwanna said.
"What is this exception?" Fithian asked curiously.
"She summons food to herself, with thought," Mirwanna replied.
"Tell me exactly what happened," Fithian said.
"Well, when I woke up, I was very hungry. I was going to go see if I could get something to eat. I was thinking of eating a particular meal, when it appeared on a table next to me!" Darla exclaimed.
"You're a conjurer. This is a gift that has died out over the centuries. Can you conjure something now? I want to watch the process," Fithian asked her.
"Certainly," Darla said.
She thought for a minute, and a full meal appeared on the table before each of us, complete with silverware.
"Nice steak dinner, Darla," I said, congratulating her.
"Yes. It smells wonderful. I have not eaten for longer than I can remember. This was a good thing to conjure for us. Thank you. You actually manipulated the magical field for what you wanted. I saw. It was a very sophisticated use of magic.
"My father could do it. I can do it to some extent, also. Have you tried for things other than food?" Fithian asked her.
"Not really. This is only the second time I have ever done this, and the first time was an accident. I didn't even know I could do it, then," Darla replied.
I had dug into my dinner, as had the others. The conversation lagged a bit as we ate of the bounty before us. I have to admit, it was one of the best steak dinners I had ever eaten.
I finally pushed my plate back, and thanked Darla for an excellent meal. She smiled at me, and my heart was once again in my throat. I looked around, and noticed that both Fithian and Mirwanna were staring at me.
"What?" I asked them
They chuckled at me. Darla was looking a little confused.
"Darla, have you not seen the way, Paul looks at you?" Fithian asked her. I reddened.
"He is a sweet man. We went on a date once. Why? How does he look at me?" Darla asked curiously.
Mirwanna laughed, saying, "Darla, Paul is in love with you,"
Darla gaped at Mirwanna, then at me.
"But he has only just met me. How can you say he is in love with me?" Darla asked in a confused way.
I could have killed my sister! This was embarrassing, to have been exposed in this way, and for Darla to find out of my love from others. It was happening all wrong! I gritted my teeth. I decided to change the subject.
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