P I And Magic
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 2
For three days I received calls from the FBI. Finally they stopped. I still didn't know who planted the bugs, but I was now curious enough to do a little magic to find out. No new break-ins had happened. I beefed up the security a bit, but nothing too overt. The problem with doing spells off the cuff, is that it takes it out of you.
I did have some magical devices that were like storage batteries, but there had been no reason to use those. I had a ring, a watch, and a staff, that believe it or not, were all charged with energy for my use. I still had a cloak downstairs in the basement that had several different charms placed on it to repel knives and bullets.
Unfortunately, cloaks had fallen out of fashion early in the 20th century. Still, I sometimes dusted it off, and went out with it. It had been a gift from my mentor and friend, Markus Fellman. He used the name Mark Fellman now. He was the man who had raised me and trained me. I was seriously considering giving him a call to ask his advice.
A lot of magic was not the hocus pocus you saw on TV. Well, not if you were a strong practitioner anyway. At first I had to use spells, or chants to get something to work. That was just a training technique though. Most magic was a matter of thought and will. I do need to speak a few phrases sometimes. Particularly if I am preparing a spell, but not using it. It sort of reinforces things in my mind. Markus is a long time practitioner and just does it. He makes it look so easy.
There was a knock on my door.
"Enter." I said loudly.
The door opened to reveal Vivian, my office secretary. She was a valuable employee and a no nonsense woman of fifty. She ran everything, including me occasionally, but I wouldn't have changed her for the world.
"A Lt. Cosgrove to see you. Want me to show him the door?" She asked. She knew of my current problem with the FBI and didn't like what she considered 'hers' to be bothered. Cosgrove was a different sort. I had a good relationship with him.
"I'll see him. Thanks Viv." I said and she left the room.
I stood and came around my desk as Terrance Cosgrove came in. We shook hands. He was a tall black man who exuded competence. He was also one of my few friends on the police force here.
"Hey Terry. How goes the crime business?" I asked.
"About the same. Auto theft is up, but we actually have a drop in burglary. Got a minute? I have a case that could use your special touch." He asked. He knew I had abilities that were... unusual in nature.
"Tell me about it." I said.
"Woman was kidnapped by her estranged husband. We managed to track him down, but he put up a fight and we had to shoot him. He is in the hospital, but we have not been able to find his wife. That's where you come in. He has lawyered up and refuses to say anything. We need to find her, and soon. Can you help us?" Terry asked.
"Lets go." I said, standing up and opening the door for him. I told Vivian I would be out for a while and she nodded. Terry and I went downstairs and out the door and we got into his car. We had only been traveling for a couple minutes when he broke the silence.
"FBI came to us a few days ago. They asked about a few of the cases you helped us with. They wanted to know if we thought you were for real." He said, glancing at me.
"What did you tell him?" I asked curiously.
"I told em that you were legit as far as we could tell, and that you always delivered. They wanted to know if we suspected you of collusion in the crimes. I admitted we investigated you at first, but you had the perfect alibis. I have to admit though, if I hadn't seen for myself some of the stuff you can do, I would be skeptical too." He finished with a chuckle.
He didn't know even a tenth of what I could do. To him, I was a private detective who happened to be a psychic. I chuckled along with him.
"Yeah, they have been calling me up until today. I keep telling them I am not interested, but they keep offering me a job of some sort." I didn't go into any details, but he nodded.
We pulled up to a two story house in the east side. Nice place, slightly run down. This part of town was where the middle class lived. We got out of the car and went up the steps to the door. It opened almost before we got there. There were several uniformed officers and a few men and woman in suits. I tagged them as FBI right away.
"Come on, this way to her room." Terry told me and we went down a hallway and into a bedroom. He pointed at a dresser.
"That's hers. Anything you need of hers should be in there. Anything else, and I will be here for you." He finished.
I nodded. "Do you have the last thing she wore?" I asked.
"That dress jacket." He replied pointing at a jacket hanging on a hanger on a door.
I got the jacket and closed my eyes. Yes, I could feel the energy coming off it. I sat down closed my eyes again, and concentrated on establishing a connection with the owner of this jacket. I focused my desire on seeing and being with the owner of this jacket.
I stepped out of my body. I saw a line of energy running from the jacket through the wall. I willed myself to follow the little energy line. It lead me next door. I entered the house next door on the second floor. There, sitting in a chair was the woman who was supposedly missing.
She looked at me as I entered. Not many people are able to see me in my astral body. She waved at me. I waved back and thought myself back to my body. I shuddered and opened my eyes. The room had quietly filled with several people, all in suits. It had been a set up, and I had fallen for it.
A man was holding his hand to his ear listening. I stood up. Several people moved to block my exit.
"Congratulations Mr. Lindsy. You are indeed one we would like working for us. You have passed this test with flying colors." Said an elderly man with an old fashioned crew cut, an angular face, and an air of command.
"Funny. I don't seem to remember volunteering for a test." I said looking at Terry. He had the grace to look embarrassed.
"My name is Mr. Lauder. I work for the NSA, and we want you." He said confidently.
"How do you do, Mr. Lauder. I am Mr. Lindsy, and I already have a job, thanks anyway." I said politely. National Security Agency? Suddenly it made a lot more sense. I felt a vast sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"Come now Paul. May I call you Paul?" He asked as if it were already a foregone conclusion that we would be on a first name basis.
I nodded. Why not? Wouldn't hurt to hear what he was offering.
"I represent a branch of the NSA that has been in existence since the late 60's. As a matter of fact, I am the departmental director of that branch. You sir, are a rare and talented man. The United States Government needs men and woman of your abilities.
"We are in a war, Paul. An undeclared war, but a war nevertheless. Most people don't even believe in what we do. I have a lot of good people who work for me. Paul, we know you. We know when you were born, we know how long you have lived here, we even know all the aliases you have used up until now." He paused.
While he had been talking, the woman I had been asked to find walked in. She saw me look at her and smiled. I nodded to her, and let Lauder ramble on. He might think he knew me, but he didn't. I saw no reason to let this go on.
"I'm sorry. I really have no desire to work for the government at this time. I have a good job. I fill a place in my community. I pay my taxes." I replied, trying to buy time.
"I understand. However, the government needs people like you. The US government is not the only government in the world with people of your abilities working for them, you know. There are even organizations with people of your abilities working for them. Private organizations.
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