P I And Magic - Cover

P I And Magic

Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin

Chapter 19

I had just woken up and gotten dressed, when I heard a roar. I went to my window, and looked out. It was just after dawn. The sky was clear. I saw a line of fire going from the sky to the ground. Dragon fire! I had never seen it before, but there was no mistaking it.

I ran out the door and trotted in search of someone who would know what the hell was going on. I found myself outside along with a lot of other people. I ran over to the wall and climbed the steps and looked in the direction the fire had come from.

I could see several small objects, which I knew to be dragons, circling and roaring in anger. They were circling in the direction of my gate! Damn. Maybe I should not have left that gate open after all!

I gathered my will and teleported to my gate. Scored grass and smoke were everywhere. I coughed and moved to a relatively clear area. I put up a shield to filter out the smoke and keep me cool. Dragon fire was very hot, or the residue of it was, anyway.

I heard a flapping of wings. I turned and saw that Bel was landing. He had come in hard and fast. I had to brace myself, even with my shield. He made a small, localized, windstorm.

"Someone came through the gate, Lord," Bel said hissing.

"Who was it, do you know?" I asked him.

"I have never seen her before. But I had a good look at her," he said, and then he sent me a mind picture of the person whom they had fought.

Damn, something else about dragons I didn't know. They could send pictures of what happened. I recognized the person in question. Melissa. Markus's spiteful daughter was here. She had come through my gate, which I had left open. Great.

I thanked Bel. He turned and lumbered away in a run, and sprang back into the air, wings pumping furiously to gain hight. Great. I had left a hole open in the world, and something had come through it that didn't like me. How stupid could I be? Why didn't I take into consideration Melissa or Markus when I had set my aversion spell?

They were both powerful enough to counter something like that. For that matter, any competent magic user would not be affected. Stupid! Again, I had not bothered to think things through. Why was I not thinking things through?

I had spent a large amount of time training to be a private investigator, had spent time as a police officer at the turn of the 20th century, had even gone to several colleges which gave me certificates saying I could think. I had not been thinking things through in a lot of ways, lately.

I gathered my will, and teleported back to my rooms. After that, I went downstairs as I decided to have some breakfast. When I got to the central dining area, people were already seated, eating. As I entered, the conversation broke off, and everyone rose to their feet. This was going to take some getting used to.

"Be seated. Enjoy your breakfasts," I told them all. I went to my usual table and sat. Shortly, I had a plate full of ham and eggs. I was eating when Mirwanna came in, with Marald close behind her. We all rose until they were seated.

"So, what did you find out?" My sister asked me.

"The daughter of Markus has come through my gate. I screwed up. I had not even considered someone like her coming across it," I said sourly.

"Again, Markus and his family interfere. I am going to have a warrant for his arrest drawn and issued to all peacekeepers across the land, when I return to Landkur. This is becoming very annoying," she said.

"I can't believe I didn't think to put up a stronger spell than just the one I did. Most people of that land don't or can't do magic. While there are a few who can, they are few and far between. I totally ignored the fact that Markus and his daughter had visited my camp.

"I might as well have put up a sign saying there is something here, look at it. And that is just what his daughter Melissa did. Are you sure you want me seated on this council?" I finished, mad at myself.

"Paul. Pull yourself together. From what you say, and what I know, you had no reason to believe anyone would come through. You did shut down the gate though, right?" she asked me.

"Uh, no. I forgot," I said turning red.

"Well, you will have to shut it down," she told me.

"Ok," I said, rising to go.

"Paul?" Mirwanna stopped me.

"Yes?" I said.

"Finish your breakfast, then go shut it down," she said, rolling her eyes.

I flushed even harder, and sat down. Marald chuckled, and I sank as low in my chair as I could.

Later, as I was getting ready to teleport to the gate, Darla asked to go with me. I was about to say no, then thought: 'That is a "Markus" reaction.' So I held her, and teleported back to the gate. When we arrived we startled 4 dragons who rose to there feet then resettled as they identified me.

I took the time to have Darla look for the gate pattern. She SHOULD know how to get back home by herself if she had too. I then deactivated the gate. I also placed several blocking spells on it. When I was finished, no one was going to use this gate except for myself, and now Darla. I showed her the trick to the spells I had laid, and she released them and re-established them easily. It was a good job for a new magic user. I congratulated her. She grinned at me. My heart was in my throat. I heard a chuckle from a dragon, which brought me back to myself.

I held Darla close to me as we teleported back to the keep. We were both directed to go to Benlin's workroom. As we got there, I noticed that everything I had ever brought with me, was already there.

"Good. We are all here. I want to get back to Landkur. If everyone is ready, make your goodbyes to our host. Paul? You have shut down the gate?" she asked me.

I nodded, and grinned. I went to Marald and took his hand.

"My thanks for your hospitality. I am glad to have met you, and to know you are a cousin," I told him sincerely.

"I am glad I was the first to welcome you back. You always have a place in my home," he said dropping my hand and hugging me to him.

Shortly the gate was activated, and Mirwanna led our group through the gate. We arrived in a large room that had several people standing around and talking. Two men broke off and went directly to Mirwanna.

The rest of us received curious looks, but it was all Mirwanna. She cleared her throat and lifted her hand. People who were talking stopped. Everyone waited for her to speak. She gestured me forward.

"My lords, I have the pleasure of presenting my brother, Paul Landkur, Duke De Landkur," she said, taking my hand and squeezing it.

There were some startled explitives; at least one I heard was not flattering. I frowned at that. Did I have an enemy already?

"Are you sure?"

"How did this happen?"

"Where has he been?"

Voices rose in question, immediately after her announcement.

"The dragons have already identified him, and yes, I am sure he is who he says he is. He has had an even better identification. The goddess Ishla, herself, showed up. From her reaction, I would say she accepts him whole-heartedly. If anyone cares to argue with the Goddess, feel free," Mirwanna said sternly.

This started a whirlwind of three days of introductions, briefings, settling into a new suite of rooms, servants assigned, and a whole host of other little things that I was really finding annoying. I was about ready to chuck it all, and go back.

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