P I And Magic - Cover

P I And Magic

Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin

Chapter 17

For the first couple hours after our arrival, Marald played the congenial host. We went to a smaller dining area than the one I had visited before, and platters of cold meats, bread, and fruit were available for consumption. I made a sandwich which fascinated our host.

After the meal, Marald offered a tour of his Keep to my two companions, who jumped at the chance. He assured them that I would rejoin them soon. They left with a servant. Marald cornered me, and asked if I would not wear the clothes that he'd had made for me, during my last visit.

Shortly I was on my way to the suite of two rooms that I had been given when I had first arrived. I now had a servant, who would be available to me at all times. This was going to take some getting used to. A servant.

I had been split off from my companions, and eventually bullied into changing into the set of green clothing that had been ordered for me, on my first visit here. I still didn't have boots, just the shoes I had on, on arrival. Still, it didn't look bad. They were black leather hiking shoes, and they actually took a fairly decent polish.

I looked again at the fine connections that had reestablished themselves as soon as I had come back through the gate. I was once again a spider at the center of a web of power, so to speak. Of all the connections, I still had no idea of what most of them did; but they glowed strongly, with a lovely light. It would take a little getting used to.

I was about to head out, when there was a knock on my door.

"Enter," I said.

The door opened, and Darla came in, followed by Hank.

"Well, well. Look at those clothes, will ya?" Hank said.

"They're very nice. How is it that you rate being treated like this, anyway?" Darla asked.

"Well, you remember when I said I had met that dragon? Well, he told Marald who I was. Turns out I am Duke De Landkur. My sister holds the title of Princess Landkur," I told them a little embarrassed.

"Wow! Nobility! No wonder you wanted to come back here," Darla said.

I frowned. "Actually, it's not like that. This is my home, too, you know. I have family here. Ask your uncle if he came back because of his nobility?" I said, feeling like I was trying to justify myself.

"Hey! It's ok. Don't worry about it. I'm just glad to be along for the ride! This place is fantastic!" Darla replied, going on at some length about what she had been doing in the short time since we had arrived.

"I asked Marald where we were located in this world. If we were to ride horses, it will take six weeks at least to get back to where I lived. Landkur is about the same distance, maybe a couple days ride further west.

"The problem is that Marald says my home city was defeated by Landkur and their allies years ago. My land has since been absorbed by Landkur," Hank said finishing with a sigh.

"I'm sorry," I mean, what else could I say? His side had chosen wrong during the war.

"Hell, I know it's not your fault, Boy. I was just wondering if you're planning to travel to Landkur, now that you're here? If so, can I hitch a ride? I might be able to make a trip like that the old fashioned way, but if your going to make a portal and go through to Landkur, it would save a whole lot of time and wear and tear on my body," Hank said with a grin.

"Hank? I can't make a portal to a place I have never been. The memories I do have were tampered with. I don't think I have a good enough 'memory-picture' to make a portal, or even teleport there," I told him.

"Well, that wizard Benlin says he can do the portal. He also said he sent a message to your sister, Mirwanna, that you were back in the land. As a matter of fact, Benlin wants to talk to you. He says there are things that have to be done," Hank finished.

Curious. Both Darla and her uncle were acting deferential. Something was not right, here. Well, maybe not right was a little too harsh of a judgment. It was more like they knew something I didn't know.

"Ok, whats going on? Aren't we all a little old for the, 'I know something you don't know, ' game?" I said looking first at one then the other.

"Marald wants you down in his office? Den? You know, that little room off the main entrance way. Something has come up, and he wants to talk to you," Darla said, grinning at me.

I rolled my eyes. I was being surrounded by people who thought they were being clever or funny. I opened the door again, and gestured the pair out with a little bow. Hank grinned at me, while Darla just laughed as she swept out.

A servant standing outside the door picked up 'guide duty'. Again, we went through a bewildering maze of corridors. Soon, we were at Marald's office door. Everyone begged off, saying I should meet with him alone. Shrugging, I entered.

I entered the door. I saw that Marald was there, but so was another person, muffled in a cowled cape.

"I hear you wanted to see me, Marald?" I asked.

I felt a probe coming from, well, out of the very air it seemed. I could not identify the direction it came from. I heard a soundless chuckle in my head. Then a voice.

"It is indeed he, My Princess," the voice said.

"Paul!" Yelled the caped figure, and threw herself into my arms.

"Sorry, but, who are you?" I asked. I was getting a feeling though.

"I'm your sister. I'm Mirwanna," she said, parting from me briefly to look into my face. She then held me tightly, again.

"Mirwanna?" I said dumbly.

"By the gods. Paul. We were told you had died over there. Markus told us you were killed when a building you were in caught fire, and he had gotten back to late to help you. We mourned you. Mom was beside herself with grief. Dad blamed himself for sending you to that place for safety."

She stopped and hugged me hard. I heard her voice breaking, and felt her body shake as she held me. I teared up, myself.

"Damn! Yet something else I owe Markus for," I said grimly.

Markus had a lot to answer for. Now he had crossed the line with the unforgivable, as far as I was concerned. I felt as if I had been hit in the stomach as my sister related to me what she had been told.

She laughed and cried. She let go of me, stepped back to look, then hugged me so tightly I thought she was going to crack a rib! This went on for a few more minutes. Finally, she let go, and just held my hands with hers.

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