P I And Magic
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 15
The date with Officer Shelton (Darla) had been going fine, until her supervisor called. Apparently one of her cases had been moved up, and she had ten minutes to get to 'night court'. She started to beg off, but I said I would be glad to go with her. Her smile seemed to light the room.
We got to the court and managed to get into the courtroom prior to her being called as the arresting officer. Even before she got to the stand, the judge asked her why she was not appropriately dressed in her uniform. Darla responded that she had been out having dinner, and did not have a chance to change. She had not received notification of the case being heard, until 10 minutes ago.
The judge cited her for contempt, and they took her away! I was livid! The prosecution asked for leave to represent at a later date, which the judge granted. The next case was called. I got up, and went out to find out what had happened to my date.
She was being held for contempt of court. The judge had a standing order that all law officers had to be in uniform. Her showing up in civilian attire violated his standing order. She was going to spend the next 10 days in jail. Well, not if I had anything to say about it.
I got on my cell phone, and got my old friend Wallace, the NSA asshole. I explained what had happened, and what I wanted to happen. He said he would get right on it. He said to wait an hour, and then things should start to happen. I said 'fine', and that I would be drinking coffee until then.
I was sitting across the street from the courthouse nursing a cup of coffee, when the hour expired. I set my cup down, and went back to the courthouse, to see what was being done. As I re-entered the courtroom, I did not see Darla. I frowned, and was about to go out and call my contact again, when I saw Darla. She was dressed in a prison-orange jumpsuit, and was led into the courtroom.
She was led to a small area, and was seated. The judge was hearing mostly non-felony cases that evening. He quickly found the defendant who he was currently hearing from guilty, fined him $125, and ordered him to do 20 hours of community service. Plus, of course, court 'costs'.
"I see that Officer Shelton has been brought back before me. Officer Shelton, I received an interesting call from the assignment judge, and an appellate court judge. Do you have a relative in high places?" he asked her.
"No, Sir," Darla responded in a puzzled voice.
"Curious. Do you object to my treatment of you in my court?"
"Well, Sir; I was notified of a case change by my superior, and was told to get over to the courthouse, 'now'. I explained to him I was out having dinner on a date, but was told a case had been moved up, and to get to court. So, I came to court, and was arrested. I object to doing my job, and being punished for it, ' Darla responded in a clear voice.
"I see. Did you know of my standing order for all officers to give evidence dressed in their uniforms?" he asked her.
"Yes, Sir. I explained to my superior that I was not dressed appropriately. He said to get over to the court, anyway. As a result, I am being held for contempt of court, ' Darla replied.
"Very well. Officer Darla Shelton, I am releasing you from the contempt charges, and ordering your record expunged. I want to caution you that I will brook no future violations of my standing orders. Is that clear?" he asked her sternly.
"Yes, Sir, ' Darla responded.
"Very well. The contempt charge being vacated, you are free to go. Have a nice remainder of your date, ' the judge said, bringing the gavel down with a bang.
As Darla was being escorted away, she turned and looked around the courtroom. When she saw me I smiled and gave her a thumbs up. She smiled back, but seemed a bit embarrassed by the whole thing.
Twenty minutes later, we were again seated in a little diner. Darla was sipping coffee, and had asked me why I had stuck around.
"Why, you're my date! It wasn't finished. What kind of date would I be if I baled when you were having a slight problem?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at her.
"This is totally not the way this judge acts. I knew I was going to get zapped. My superior knew it, too," she said with a sigh.
"Wait. You're saying you KNEW you were going to get arrested for contempt?" I asked.
"Yes. That judge is a stickler for that rule. There was nothing I could do about it though. I wonder why he changed his mind," she said musingly, taking another sip of coffee.
I hesitated to say anything. It sounded like there was some sort of infighting going on either in her department, or between the police and this judge. I wanted to get this story out of her.
"Darla? It might not be any of my business, but why did you think this would happen to you?" I asked, very curious now.
"You're a nice man, Paul. I don't think you want to get involved in local politics. Let's just say that the upper level police, and the local judiciary don't always see eye to eye, and leave it at that?" she replied, drinking more coffee.
I looked at her. She was not the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, but she was nice to look at. She had a good sense of humor, and had gone out of her way to try to let what she thought was an illegal camper off the hook. She was a good person!
She was also 5'6", blond hair, blue eyes and the cutest little up -turned nose I had seen in ages. Yes, I think I was smitten. I was also pissed that this had happened to her.
"Well, I am glad that it worked out in the end, ' I said to her.
"Yes, that was strange. I have no idea how or why he let me go. I had just gotten settled in for what I thought was going to be 10 days of boredom, when I was taken up before the judge again. Most unusual," she said musingly.
"Well, he did ask you if you had friends or relatives in high places? Perhaps someone interceded on your behalf?" I queried her.
"Actually, he asked if I had relatives in high places. Not friends," she said, pointedly looking at me.
I smiled, and nodded to her. I picked up my coffee and sipped it. I was in a quandary. Should I admit to being the friend in a high place? Why did I even put myself out for her? I looked at her, and my stomach flip-flopped.
Ok, I was definitely smitten. I put myself out because there was something about her I really liked, and... well, I hated like hell seeing someone doing what they were supposed to do, and being punished for it. It also sounded like a power struggle going on at upper levels, and they were not above throwing the lower echelon into the fray as cannon fodder.
"Well?" she asked me?
"Well, what?" I asked her back.
"Do I have friends in high places?" she asked me curiously.
"How would I know? I was just along on a date, ' I said, still not sure how far to go with this.
"Well, I find it strange that you were still at the courthouse after I was taken away. It's almost as if you knew I was going to be released," she said in a no nonsense tone.
What would it hurt to tell her, I thought to myself.
"Ok. I admit it. I made one call. I think what happened to you sucked. So I took a chance and called someone who I thought might know how to get this fixed. Turns out he did. I will have to thank him, ' I said to her.
"Just who the hell do you know, that has enough juice to get the sitting judge to over -rule himself?" she asked me, very curious.
"Well, I called an acquaintance in New York. He said he would make a few calls. A little over an hour later, here we are, finishing our date, ' I said.
"But why?" she asked me.
"Well, we were having a good time, and you're a good person. What better reason?" I asked simply.
"Who are you Paul? I mean, you're a nice enough guy. I know you have a private investigation business. But how do you know anyone who had the juice to get me out of a contempt charge?" she asked, her eyes narrowing.
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