P I And Magic
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 11
I returned to my camper, and changed into dry clothing. I fired up my stove and put a steak on, to celebrate. I had done it! Doing the gate had not seemed difficult to me, at all. Of course, I'd had a lot of power available.
Now, if I did get this gate set up, I was going to want the land it was sitting on. It would not do to have hikers or people around, when I wanted to operate the gate. When I went through, until I figured out how to open it from the other side, I would have to leave it open. I didn't want any 'mystery of disappearing people' on my hands.
I made a fruit salad, sampling as I went along. I was feeling very hungry, so I decided on a rare steak, instead of well done. Coffee went into the maker, and soon the smell of coffee and steak filled the air in my camper.
Mashed potatoes and gravy, and canned corn, topped off the meal. I was just finishing when there was a knock at my door. A voice called out. I opened the door, and saw a foul weather gear uniform, protecting a female officer from the downpour.
"Come on in, Officer. I have some coffee on. Would you like a cup?" I asked her, wondering what she was doing here.
"Sir, you can't camp here. It's private property. The owner does not allow camping on his land. I saw you here, and thought I should tell you before he finds you. We have had problems with him wanting to prosecute campers for trespassing," the officer said, still standing outside.
"You mean Mr. Hank Shelton? I know. I asked him, and he gave me permission," I replied.
She gaped at me and asked, "How on earth did you manage that? His land has some very prime locations for camping. But he has always refused to allow anyone to camp, before. I am going to have to call this in. Are you sure you don't want to change your story?" she asked in a friendly tone of voice.
"Be my guest. Call whomever you want. I have his phone number here, if you want to call him yourself," I told her.
I gave her my name, so she could check.
I was glad I had gotten permission to camp, after all. It had only taken a little magic to get him to agree. He was actually a lonely old man, and I spent the better part of two hours talking with him, and doing a little persuasion spell. I had given him a bit of company. He gave me permission to camp. Seemed a fair trade to me.
The officer went back to her car. I could see that she had a partner inside. She was gone for about 5 minutes, when I heard a knock again. This time she came inside, along with her partner.
"You must be a magician," she said, and I tensed.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I just got off the radio with dispatch. They called Uncle Hank, and he confirms your story. He has never given permission before!"
"Uncle Hank?" I asked.
"Yes. He is my uncle. By the way, this is my partner, Officer Hatten. We would like to take you up on that coffee," she said with a smile.
"And you are?" I asked her as I got two cups out of the cupboard for them.
"I am Officer Shelton, at your service," she replied with a grin.
She had a very nice smile. Her partner was a quiet man who obviously was uncomfortable in this situation. I didn't know why.
We talked and they drank their coffee. They refused a second cup, and said they had to be on their way. They had a patrol to run during storms like this. I let them out, and watched as they drove away into the storm.
Nice people. They really cared about people. At least the woman did. Her partner didn't seem to be too talkative. She had been nice enough to give me a chance to recant my story, pack up, and move. Sometimes you just run into good cops.
Two days later, I was back at the gate. This time I had placed a general spell over the entire area, that would cause anyone nearby to want to go in other directions. My general, 'avoidance spell', I called it.
This time I had a backpack with me. It was packed with enough supplies to last a couple days, if I decided to stay that long. I pulled in power, and started to generate the pattern that I had formed during the storm.
No problems. I had the gate open in no time at all. I stepped through it. I looked carefully around. No one seemed to be near. I turned back to my gate. I concentrated, and started to make markings on the face of the gate. Only now, I made them on this side of it.
I concentrated. I could see the pattern of my world easily, as I looked through the gate. Funny, I had never noticed it before. Maybe it was like that old saying about 'you can't see the trees, for the forest'? Oh, well. I was sure I would figure it out eventually.
The markings had come instinctively. Now, I connected the markings of the pattern I could see of my world. I reached for power, and the very air seemed overflowing with magical energy! God! There was more energy here, just for the taking, than I had ever remembered seeing in my life... with the exception of the storm of two days ago.
I wondered why this world had so much magical power, and the world I just stepped from seemed so lacking in power, by comparison. Another thing I had to think about. I put it in the 'queue'. I didn't have time, right now. If I found my family, I am sure they could tell me everything I wanted to know.
I set up a spell here that would allow me to find my way back, in case I got lost. Having done that, I went around the rock face. I walked off towards where my camper was set up. That is, if my camper was in this world.
While things were very similar, there were differences. This world was not an exact carbon copy of the one I had just left. Still, they were enough alike, that I was able to recognize where my camper should have been standing... Nothing.
There was a small hill off in the distance. I decided to climb it, and have a look around with my binoculars. I glanced up as I climbed the hill, and saw something flying very high in the sky. I frowned. It was not like any bird I had ever seen before.
I finally reached the top of the hill and saw a small group of buildings off to the west. I got my binoculars out, and focused on the buildings in the distance. There were a few small buildings with grass or sod roofs. But what drew my attention the most was a stone wall.
From what I could see it totally enclosed a building. I would not actually call it a castle, but it was something similar. I could see people in the distance too, and a rude dirt road. Well, I had to start somewhere. I repacked my binoculars, and started for the buildings.
While traveling, I reviewed the spells I had at hand. I am glad I had taken the time to load myself heavily with spells at the ready. No telling what I might have to use, or what I would run into. I had been creative with the spells. My staff was full of power for the taking, as was my ring and watch.
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