Young Models - Cover

Young Models

by JAX

Copyright© 2005 by JAX

Erotica Sex Story: I looked through my viewfinder and watched the action taking place just feet in front of me. Beside me Dave, the director cum everything else was issuing directions to the three actors writhing on the carpeted floor.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   .

I looked through my viewfinder and watched the action taking place just feet in front of me. Beside me Dave, the director cum everything else was issuing directions to the three actors writhing on the carpeted floor.

"Come on you black wankers get it together," he shouted.

Good job the sound track would be dubbing on later.

"Look it's not rocket science," he said in frustration. "Get your thrusts going together. Yes, yes that's better."

The girl sandwiched between the two well-hung studs looked so young, but I suppose they all look young to me these days. She had a nice slim body, nakedly exposed to the prying eye of my video camera. Tits a little big for my personal tastes, perhaps a 'C' cup but her legs were long and slender. Her face was just short of beautiful but her youth made it pretty enough. It's not a face that will not wear well as she gets older.

"Ok guys, lets stop for some close ups," Dave said.

I moved my tripod nearer and refocused on her groin.

"Right lets have a few minutes of action," he ordered.

Once he was satisfied we had enough footage of his black cock pounding into her I moved to her head end where I captured a few minutes of the other black cock pumping into her mouth.

"Ok back to the long shot and I think we'll move you about," Dave mused almost to himself. "Right Brenda on your back and you, what's your name?"

"Kevin," he replied, with a big toothy smile.

"Right Kevin you get stuck in there and Alonzo is it," he asked, "right Al turn her head towards the camera and stick it in her mouth."

I had about an hours worth in the can when Dave was ready for 'the cum' shots.

It was all very sordid really but a guy has to make his money somehow and for a couple of hours shoot I could make £300. Dave was happy with everything and I handed over the tape. He paid off the two studs while I pack away my gear.

"Come here my little slut," Dave called to the still naked Brenda. "You were great, wasn't she Bill?"

At hearing my name called I turned towards them.

"Yes," I confirmed, "really professional."

"You go and wash up," he said pointing towards the bathroom.

"Here you are Bill," he said holding out a thick wad of cash. "Nice girl our Brenda."

"Yeah," I confirmed. "Nice and fresh."

"Yeah, what these young girlies won't do to get into show business," he laughed. "This one's only fifteen but who the fuck cares."

Shit! I thought, fucking too late now to worry about how old she was.

"Yeah, her and her friends were begging me to let them be models," he laughed. "Course I fucked her first just to see what her bod was like."

"Yeah," I said.

"She was the prettiest so I let her have first crack," he said. "Good market for under aged girls on the Continent and America. You wouldn't believe it, there was I doing this legitimate shoot near this school and this crowd of girls all stood around to watch. Fucking had to fight them off with a stick. Ahh here she is, my little princess."

She was still naked and now that I had the time to study her she did indeed look fifteen.

"Beautiful isn't she," he said his hands mauling her slim body.

"Yeah," I agreed but I was anxious to get away.

"You want to fuck 'er before you go?" he offered, "Brenda here won't mind will you love?"

"No sure," she whispered in a little girl's voice.

Her big eyes looked over at me and she smiled sweetly.

"Well no, not right now," I said, "I'm expected somewhere."

"Well if you don't want to, I'm going to have another go," he laughed.

I picked up my bags and paused at the door to see Brenda on her knees with Dave cock in her mouth.

Shit, I thought, just my luck to run into Dave last week.

"How you doing lad?" he said, "have a pint on me."

Lad, I must be ten years older than him.

"Glad I ran into you, I got a job for you," he said.

Fucking good, for jobs were a bit thin on the ground for a lighting cameraman these days.

"Yeah three hundred in your hand for an afternoons work," he explained.

"Doing what?" I asked but I already knew.

"The usual," he said lightly.

Dave was infamous in the area for supplying young girls for hard-core films.

"When and where?" I asked.

I was too broke to be that fussy for there were bills to pay.

I packed my gear away in the garage and went indoors.

"How was it love?" my wife Linda asked.

I handed over the cash with a big smile. One thing about Dave, true he was a slimy pervert but he always paid on time.

"That'll come in handy," she said. "What was the shoot?"

"Teen fashion," I lied.

No point in upsetting her.

"Sound interesting," she said but she wasn't really listening now for she counting the money. "We could do with a few more jobs like that one."

"Yeah Dave said he may have some more lined up," I said truthfully.

Trouble was did I want to get involved again but I didn't have much of a choice.

"Hi lad," said Dave on the phone. "Got a couple of live ones for next week if you're free."

This was decision time but in the end I didn't have much of a choice.

"Sure where and when?" I asked.

"Good man," he laughed.

Again it was at Dave's flat and this time it was two young girls waiting for me.

"Are there you are," said Dave with a big smile. "This is Tasha and Kim."

"Hi girls," I said off hand not really looking at them, and set about putting my kit together.

Dave sat on the large sofa with a girl in each arm.

"I thought we would do some girl on girl action this time," he explained. "Perhaps next time we can order up some nice handsome studs to keep you two happy."

They didn't look that happy more your scared shitless.

I noticed that he had his arms around their backs and he was cupping their tits. If I didn't desperately need his money I would tell him where to go; instead.

"Shall we get started," I said with a big happy grin on my face.

"Ok girls lets be having you," said Dave who got off the sofa and stood by me.

Dave started issuing instructions and the two frighten girls started kissing.

"Come on, come on, you can do better than that," shouted Dave and both girls flinched. "Ok let's get on with it and get your kit off both of you."

Through my viewfinder I watched as both girl stripped off their few clothes leaving them naked and vulnerable. Their teen body's slim and sleek with just a hint of shape. I guessed that these two were friends and classmates of Brenda's but to my mind they looked even younger than she did.

Dave was still issuing instruction and the girls now had their heads between the other spread legs.

"This is great," he laughed and gently nudged me. "Which one are you going to fuck first?"

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