Scoring With Sis - Cover

Scoring With Sis

by Lubrican

Copyright© 2005 by Lubrican

Erotica Sex Story: Mandy's cheerleader buddies have awarded her pussy to whoever scores the winning points if they take State. What nobody knows is she's actually a virgin and she wants to stay that way. Maybe her brother can help. He's on the team. Will he throw the game to protect his sister's honor... or not.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Slow   .

Amanda Wilson was convinced that life just couldn't be better. She was a Senior, and would graduate in just seven months. Then one last summer of fun and freedom and she would go off to college. Her older sister Mary had offered to let her come to the ranch and make a life of raising horses, and she might do that some day, but she thought college would be just too much fun to miss.

That and all the sex she was anticipating. Mandy had a reputation of being a loose girl. She got it shortly after she was elected Head Cheerleader for the North Fork Mustangs. A number of boys took her out on dates right after that and every one of them bragged about nailing her. They talked about her sweet heavy tits, with their cherry tips and how she squealed when they sucked them, and then described her puffy welcoming pussy lips and how they rammed their teen boy pricks in her and shot their wads. Their descriptions were not far off, but you could assume most of those tidbits.

In fact, not a single of those boys had ever seen either nipple or pussy on this Head Cheerleader. It wasn't that she was opposed to giving up her virginity. She was almost looking forward to it. But it had to be with a boy who was worth the pain and the possibility that she might end up pregnant. And she hadn't met that boy yet.

Or at least hadn't identified him.

On the other hand, she knew what every one of her dates' boyish pricks looked like, because she had seen ... and jacked off ... all of them. That was how she kept her maidenhead intact.

Admittedly it was a figurative maidenhead - she lost her cherry to tampons at age twelve - but no penis had ever entered her pretty teen pussy and that was all that mattered to her. She told the boys she was on her period, or had a yeast infection, or that she had missed a day or two of her pills, (they didn't know she wasn't even on the pill), and once or twice that she just didn't feel like it, and so they believed she was making up for it by jacking them off. She knew they'd lie about what had happened, but didn't really care. She knew what was true, and that was all that mattered to her.

But rumor has a way of being believed, especially when you want to believe it, and every boy wanted to believe he had a chance of getting his dick wet if he went out with Mandy. Most of the girls were jealous enough of her good looks, popularity and physical skill at cheerleading that they didn't mind believing she was a slut either, even a majority of the girls on the cheerleading squad.

They, by the way, really were sluts. That will be explained in a minute, but it was another reason they believed Mandy was one too. All the same, her reputation got her an odd kind of respect, which she didn't mind at all. For one thing it let her become picky about who she accepted dates from.

Which is why "the bet" developed. It was October, and the Mustangs were doing very well indeed in football. They had lost only one game and were well on their way to going to State. This was exciting for the whole school, but especially for the cheerleaders, since they got to travel with the team and stay in hotels and sneak liquor and so on.

So they had a vested interest in motivating the boys to do well and win the State championship. One way they did it was to reward the boys with sexual favors. Any boy who stopped a touchdown by an opposing team all by himself, or intercepted a pass, got a hand job from a specified cheerleader.

Caught passes were worth a French kiss, as were runs of more than ten yards.

The player who actually made the winning point in each game was awarded a blowjob.

Each girl agreed to do certain kinds of things with whoever won the favors each week, so some times the boys were motivated more than other times. It all depended on who was going to be giving the blow job, hand jobs and kisses each week. Mandy, being the captain of the squad, was exempt from performing the favors on a routine basis. She would sometimes step in and do the kissing, if a player had done something particularly spectacular. She hadn't yet taken over on a hand job, though she made it known she might. The ones she gave on dates didn't count.

She didn't give blow jobs, she told the girls, because she wore braces and it was difficult to clean up afterward.

But the main reason she was exempt from routine favors was because her girls were saving her for the grand finale'. Without telling Mandy, they let it be known through whispers and innuendo, that Mandy would be rewarding the boy who scored the winning point in the State Championship.

And that reward was sleeping with him!

When Mandy first heard about it, she was pissed, but she couldn't identify who had spread the rumors. She knew that the other girls on the squad had helped the rumors get around, but since they all thought she slept around anyway, she couldn't blame them all that much.

After all, whoever the lucky boy was, it would be somebody from the backfield, or one of the pass catchers, and Mandy had been on dates with most of them anyway. Besides, there was little she could do to quell the rumor.

Unknown to the girls, though, Mandy was terrified, because even if it was one of the boys she'd been out with, they would now expect her to fuck them. Her carefully laid plans of saving herself for that special boy might go up in smoke.

If, of course, they won the state championship. Which wasn't likely, right?

Sure, they'd been doing better than usual, but how likely was it that they'd win this year? The last time they'd won the state championship had been over twenty years ago. They almost always did well, but winning State? That was a different thing. She decided not to worry about it.

Until they made the playoffs.

And then made the quarterfinals.

And then crushed West to get into the semifinals.

The night they beat undefeated Walton High School, and were announced as one of the two best teams in the State, was at once one of the happiest and most panic filled nights she'd ever experienced. They were now the team that would play the winner of the game between East Central and Rollinsburg High Schools ... for the State Championship ... and for Mandy's virginity.

That was the night that, after the celebration, when she finally got home, she went to see her brother Bobby.

Bobby was on the team. He was the starting center, in fact. He would have as good an idea as anyone of what their chances were against the two teams they might have to play. She changed into her nightgown, which consisted of a pair of panties and what used to be an oversized T shirt. Now it came only to the tops of her panties. Her nipples showed through the shirt, but she didn't notice that. Not around home.

He was listening to music while he played a computer game, wearing only a pair of gym shorts because the heat was on high. Neither of them had to go anywhere the next day, so neither was in a hurry to get to bed. Besides, they were still dealing with the remnants of the adrenaline rush both had experienced during the game. She didn't knock. Neither of them ever did. He looked up.

"Hey" he said, his voice neutral. They had, at one time, been the best of friends, but had drifted apart since they got into High School. Since Bobby was a year younger than his sister, he had expected her to prep him for High School and pave his way into the popular crowd.

She hadn't, and it had hurt his feelings. He had made his own way, getting the respect he wanted by being a solid player and a good student. He too planned on going to college, but it was for Agriculture. He planned on working for his Aunt Mary on her ranch after college. If Football would put him through college, so much the better.

Then he'd begun hearing the rumors about his sister being a slut. He watched her for a long time, trying to figure out if the rumors were true or not. He didn't see any real evidence to support them. He knew bullshitting when he heard it, and the guys who claimed to have screwed her were bullshitting. That much he believed.

But she never batted an eye, never asked him to crush some guy's gonads for lying. She just wagged her pretty ass as she walked down the hallway, and wore string bikini's in the summer. One time he'd snuck into her room while she wasn't there and gone through her stuff. He had not found any birth control pills. All the panties he'd found were plain functional cotton or rayon panties, nothing special. He found very few bras. She hated them and when she had to wear one, wore a sports bra. There was nothing like Victoria's Secret type stuff that would tease a guy.

In short he was confused about what she was really doing. He'd heard the rumor about what she was going to pay off after the State win, but like her he'd doubted she'd have to pay off at all.

But when she came into his room, looking unsettled, and even a little afraid, he had a pretty good idea why.

Mandy paced. "Hey" she said automatically. She turned around and said, "Great Game".

He nodded. "I almost missed a snap. But I got it there in time."

She hadn't heard a word he'd said, and it showed.

"I need to ask you a question," she said.

"Let me guess" he said. "You want to know if we're going to take State."

"How'd you know that was it?" she asked him, surprised.

"You look nervous and I'm on the team. I know about the payoff, just like everybody else. You want to know if you're going to have to pay up."

She blushed and looked down.

"Yeah," was all she said.

"What's the big deal?" he said. "According to what I hear you've been falling over backwards for everybody who goes out with you."

He didn't mean it to sound cruel, but it did. Part of his problem was that the linemen, who made every win possible, never got anything from the cheerleaders, and it pissed them off. It was an old saying: "Linemen always get screwed, but never by the girls."

He could tell immediately, though, that something was bad wrong. His sister, his big sister, a year older than him, wise and worldly, began to leak huge crocodile tears that ran down her flawless tanned cheeks right in front of him.

"Hey!" he said, putting down the earphones and standing up. "Come on, what's wrong Mandy? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." He walked up to her and, to his amazement, she threw herself at him, hugging him tight.

"I ... don't ... do ... all those ... things ... I'm ... I've ... never" she sobbed so hard she couldn't talk.

Bobby hugged her close and tight. "Hey, whatever it is it's okay," he said soothingly. "If you want me to break anybody's legs or something, just say the name. What's got you so upset? Is it me?"

"Noooo," she sobbed "Except that you believe it all too." She burst into tears again. "I ... th ... th ... thought you ... knew ... me better ... than ... thaaaat," she bawled.

Bobby began to get a glimmer of what she was upset about. "You mean ... all those guys ... they were lying?"

She nodded, sniffling and he held her tighter.

"I do have some legs to break!" he growled.

Mandy shook her head. "No. It's as much my fault as it was theirs. I let them lie about me because ... well because it's just easier to deal with that than have everybody think you're Miss Goody Two Shoes." She stamped her foot, just barely missing his. "How many popular girls do you know who have a reputation for being virgins?" Her eyes flashed.

"You mean you've never... ?"

She shook her head emphatically.

"Not ever?" he asked.

"No," she said in a very small voice and began sniffling again. "But if we win that stupid game next Saturday I'll have to and I don't think I want to and..." she started to cloud up again.

"Not even one little time?" mused Bobby, finding it hard to believe that his sexy older sister had never had sex even once.

"Bobby Ray Wilson. You take that back this instant!" she snapped.

He held up his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, I didn't mean it. Don't get your panties in a wad. Besides, you don't have to do anything you don't want to."

"Yes I do" she moaned. "If I don't come through the whole school will find out and then they'll figure out why and nobody will ever talk to me again and my whole life will be ruined!"

"Well why did you agree do do this in the first place?" he asked, confused, now.

"I didn't!" she yipped. "Somebody started the rumor and it grew and grew and now I've gotten sucked into it!" she moaned.

"So what are you going to do?"

"Are we gonna win?" she asked, anguish in her voice.

"I think we are. Yes. We are so fired up about this. I think we can take either team," he said, truthfully.

"Shit!" she swore.

Bobby raised an eyebrow. He'd never heard his sister use that word before. She really was upset by all of this.

"Look," he said. "I'll just talk to the guys and tell them that it's just too cheap a deal... No! Wait! I have a great idea! We tell them our parents heard about the deal and they're going to send you off to a convent if we win."

Mandy smiled at him and her heart warmed. He cared, even if he was stupid.

"Nice try, Einstein" she said. "But if Mom and Dad really did hear about this do you think for even one instant that they'd even let me stay on the squad? Much less go to the game."

He was downcast. "Yeah, I guess you're right. It was a stupid idea."

She hugged him back. "No, it was a sweet idea. I'd forgotten how thoughtful you can be." She was quiet for a while. "What happened to us Bobby?" she sighed. "We used to have such a good time together."

"I don't know" he said. "You went to High School and just seemed to forget all about me."

"That's not true" she said, shocked. "I'm proud of you."

"You never introduced me to any girls, you never introduced me to any of the guys your age - some of them didn't even know I was your brother until I tried out for the team - you never invited me on any of your dates ... nothing," he said.

The shocked look was still on her face. "Oh Bobby, I'm so sorry. I've been such a bitch, trying to be popular and all that crap. Can you forgive me?"

"Sure, but now that I know how you really feel, I'm going to have to do something about this bet thing. I can't let some guy pork my sister because he thinks she's a slut, when in fact she's not one at all."

"Maybe we won't win," she said glumly.

"I wouldn't count on that," he said. "Don't worry, if worse comes to worse you can always claim you caught Herpes or something." He laughed at the look of horror on her face. "It might stop all the guys from trying to get in your pants" he grinned.

"Yeah, and our parents wouldn't hear about that, now would they?" she said sarcastically. "I'll think of something. Try not to help me unless I ask for it, okay, Einstein?"

They both laughed then and hugged again. Bobby couldn't help but notice the body that every other boy in school dreamed about. Her big breasts were soft and natural feeling against his chest, and her hips were round and sexy. His cock stiffened almost instantly.

Mandy felt her brother's penis poke her in the front of her panties, right above her pussy. She pushed him back and looked down at the bulge in his shorts. "Bobby!" she squealed, "not you too!"

He grinned sheepishly. "Sorry Mandy. Don't hate me for being a guy. I hugged a beautiful girl who I like very much, who just happened to be close to naked. My little head doesn't know the difference between 'sister' and 'woman'."

"I guess not!" she said, but there was no heat in her voice. She was even flattered a little. "Thanks for your shoulder to cry on. See you later."

Mandy was a little confused when she went back to her room. Lots of guys had hugged her and pushed against her. She didn't let them put their hands on her pussy. She knew how good that felt and she knew that if she let them do that she'd eventually let them do lots more. So her brother's penis was the first warm stiff one that had ever really made good contact with her sex. And the funny part was that it had felt good!

'Maybe I have a little head too' she quipped to herself.

The fact was that she couldn't just forget about it. She ended up, like she did on many occasions, sliding her hand into her panties and slipping two fingers into her pussy. A few rubs, several jerks and some pressure on her clitty brought her a nice slow orgasm that put her in the mood for sleep.

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