Devlin's Story - Cover

Devlin's Story

Copyright© 2005 by Prince von Vlox

Chapter 68

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 68 - Devlin is addicted to sex, and so is her next door neighbor. As she finishes high school and starts college, will this continue? And what of her boyfriend and his religious family?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   School  

Devlin paused at the entrance to Emma's living room. This was one of the last times she was going to do this, and she wanted to savor it.

Over the last year Friday nights at Emma's had changed slightly. People, still dressed—Emma said specifically no total nudity was allowed until 7:00 p.m.—and would gather in her living and dining rooms for a cocktail party to 'get acquainted'. Some of this would spill outside into the backyard, where there were snacks and still more drinks. At any lifestyle party you'd have those who wanted to get started early. They would be in the basement, where the clothes would come off and the hardcore partying would start as soon as there was more than one couple.

For everyone else, sexy or revealing clothes were the order of the day. Risqué topics were considered normal—Emma said no politics or religion—and everyone was to circulate and meet a few people. It was different, and it was a little fun. And the amount of skin being flashed, or not flashed, was certainly entertaining.

"Part of this is cover," Emma said when Devlin had asked her a couple of weeks before. "On non-party weekends Tim and I have a number of people over for barbecue, cards and drinks. This sounds exactly the same to our neighbors."

"It's what happens afterwards that's different," Devlin said.

Emma nodded. "It must be working, we haven't heard anyone complaining about what they think might be going on here."

"Ever wonder if they know?"

"All the time. But people accept that on Friday and Saturday nights we host a party. I've even invited some of the neighbors." She laughed. "A few weeks ago the police came by. There were some new people who'd moved in down the block, and one of them got suspicious about all of the cars and people who were coming to our place."

"That wasn't the weekend I had to miss because of a sales meeting in Chicago, was it?"

"No," Emma said with a shake of her head, "it wasn't. I invited the police in, and they found two grills going, and people lining up for their barbecue. We were running one of those cooking competitions like we saw on Japanese TV when we were in Tokyo a few months ago, and we'd chosen the theme of barbecue."

"Nothing naughty about that."

"That's what the cops said. They decided the woman who complained was just miffed because she hadn't been invited. Of course afterwards we put up a Disney movie in the basement. There's nothing quite as innocuous as sitting through a Disney movie while eating popcorn."

"What would they say if you showed them one of Rick or Marie's movies?"

"They'd be shocked," Emma laughed, "and remain glued to the screen the entire time. Some TV station accidentally put a porno movie on in place of a soap opera, and were flooded with calls when they realized what they'd done and took it off."

Now Devlin paused, taking in the skin—most of it female—and pictured how this could be a Disney movie. Failing that, she ran her hand down over her new chemise, and stepped into the room.

The chemise was white, like her previous one, but was all lace, not lace over a lining. And it was shorter. Her previous one had come down a couple inches onto her thighs. This one just barely reached the crease where her leg joined her hip. That meant her sex was constantly flashing in and out of view. It had short sleeves and a scoop neck. There were women flashing a lot more cleavage in the room, but since she wasn't wearing a bra, and the chemise was mostly transparent behind the lace, that didn't matter.

"Nice dress you almost have on," one woman said.

Devlin smiled. "You know how it is. You try to throw something on, and have to live with it when you miss."

"You're going to have a lot of male attention."

"Isn't that the idea?" Devlin gave her a smile, picked up a glass from the tray marked 'Cider', and headed deeper into the room.

The cocktail party in the living room had separated out into several tightly knit groups. Rather than trying to join one, she drifted through the kitchen into the backyard. The day was cloudy, the air felt muggy, and thunderstorms were threatening in the distance. The people out here were more spread out, eating snacks and talking in regular voices. Devlin saw Rick and Marie standing next to the snack table and made her way over there.

"That outfit is definitely made for coming down stairs," Marie told her. "It floats away from the body when you do that." Marie was wearing a tiny pink thong that disappeared between the folds of her sex, and a pink bra that lifted her breasts into view without covering them.

"And did everyone get an eyeful?" Devlin asked.

Marie laughed. "Every eye was riveted on you; some on your hair and dress, the others just a little lower."

"Then it achieved its objective. You should have seen some of the looks I was getting in the living room."

"Which I wonder about," Marie said. "Don't these people know what's going to happen the rest of the night? And they were all so conservatively dressed for a lifestyle party. Why I even saw a couple of suits."

"I might understand a sport coat on the guys," Devlin said, "but some of the women were wearing suits, too."

Marie smiled and turned, looking around the backyard. "That just leaves us raunchy folks out here where we can get naked and wild."

"I didn't think you guys were going to be here."

Marie shrugged. "Rick's starting the primary shooting of a movie in Chicago next Wednesday, so we thought we'd come to the party and have some fun. We'll be here tomorrow, too."

"Won't he be tired?"

"No, the money scenes won't be shot until later in the week." She ran her hand down the thighs of her husband. "Besides, we both know how fast he can recover."

"Does he really enjoy pulling out when he comes? I've always wondered about that." Rick was wearing a half-tee that showed off the muscles of his chest and shoulders, and a silk jockstrap that barely contained his cock and balls, and left the cheeks of his ass uncovered.

"Well, it's part of the job," Marie said. "He never talks about it. I know it isn't the same, nuts, I hate it when the guy has to pull out. I'll be really close, and then wham! and all that glorious stimulation stops. Guys who see the movies think the girls get off—how would they know?—and don't realize that a lot of us are pretty frustrated. We get it off in other ways, usually through oral sex."

"Which has its own pleasures," Devlin said. She eyed one dark cloud that seemed to be headed in their direction. "I think it's finally going to rain tonight."

"God, I hope so." Marie ran her thumb under the shoulder strap of her bra. I'm not sure I can stand this mugginess much longer. Oh, that reminds me: has that man of yours asked you to marry him yet?"

"The Athletics are in Chicago for the next few days," Devlin said. "I think he's going to ask me while they're here."

"He'd better," Marie said. She studied Devlin's face. "You're really going to give up sex until you're married? Krissi said something about that, but I didn't believe her."

"Sex with a man," Devlin said. "I'm giving up the lifestyle. I'll still have Krissi."

"Don't believe everything the lesbians tell you," Marie said. "It's not the same. Oh, it can be satisfying, and you'll probably climax every time, but girls lack a certain something that all men come equipped with, something that makes me feel more complete."

"I look for more than just a dick from a guy," Devlin said. "Shoulders, chest, muscles, strength..."

"Sounds like a description of Rick. With the dick attached."

"I read a magazine article," Devlin said. "Or rather, I had one handed to me by this guy I know who's sort of bisexual. It stated that women didn't fixate on a guy's privates."

"Probably written by a lesbian," Marie said. "Me? I check out a guy's crotch the first chance I get. But then I don't look at guys as a visual ornamentation. I'm thinking of the two of us naked, and what we can get up to." She grinned. "And I don't stop at kissing and cuddling. My fantasies tend to be very specific."

"Mine do, too," Devlin said. "These last couple of weeks I spent some time at a nudist park. While I looked at my share of butts and shoulders, I was much happier when guys turned around."

"We visited one out in California," Marie said. "I tend to burn before I tan, especially in those places that have never been exposed to the sun. I was wearing SPF 50, and my boobs were still turning bright red. Probably the one saving grace was that I hadn't removed my bikini bottoms, so I didn't get burned down there. Well, I take that back. We weren't recognized, and that was kind of refreshing."

Devlin heard a noise, and turned. Two of the couples from the living room were at the back door. The guys still looked overdressed, but the women had unbuttoned more of their blouses, and it was clear they weren't wearing bras. It was an improvement, Devlin thought.

"Who are those people?" she asked Marie.

"First-timers, I think," Marie replied. "I heard Emma mention something about them."

"Wonderful. Still, that's where new blood comes from."

"I think they're overdressed," Marie said as the couples began to mingle.

"If they stay, they'll soon be cured of that." She sighed. "I guess the living room is going to be off-limits for an hour or two."

"Or most of the evening," Marie said.

"You know," Devlin said after a bit, "I've been watching them, and looking around the rest of the people out here, and I realized that none of this is getting either of us laid."

Marie laughed. "Direct and to the point, just like always."

"Well, what else are we here for?"

"You could be downstairs."

"Or upstairs. I didn't really care for any of the people I saw in the basement. It must be bondage night or something."

"I never cared for that very much, either," Marie said. "You know, there's always Rick."

"If you guys are going to be here tomorrow night, I'll set aside time on Sunday morning to ravish his body."

"Ah, delayed pleasure and other forms of torture." Marie nodded. "I understand that."

Devlin saw a couple she vaguely knew standing by the steps. "Excuse me, I think I'm having a sudden rush of desire."

"Don't devour him," Marie said as Devlin put aside her glass of cider. "Save some for me."

The couple were dressed in matching kilts and sleeveless tops. Hers was made of some diaphanous material that showed off her curves; his was a solid white, but tight enough to show off his shoulders and arms, just like what she'd seen on a couple of romance novel covers. The woman was flirting with a guy wearing biker shorts and a codpiece, while her husband was looking slightly bored.

"I've always wanted to know," Devlin said, walking up "what's worn under a kilt?"

"None of it's worn," he replied, grinning. "It's all as good as new."

"That isn't quite what I meant," Devlin said, laughing at the old joke.

"There's only one way you're going to find out," he said.

"You'll show me yours if I show you mine?" She gave him a wicked grin and lifted the hem of her chemise a few inches. "There."

"You'll have to wait until we're upstairs," he said.

"Fair enough. We could stay down here and talk about it, or go satisfy our curiosity."

"I'm for the latter." He touched his wife on the arm and said something in her ear. The woman glanced at Devlin, and nodded to her husband.

The man presented his arm to Devlin. "Shall we?"

People in the living room gave them funny looks as they passed. Devlin replied with a saucy grin. If they disapproved of what was about to happen, they didn't belong here.

"Let's see what we have here," Devlin murmured when they reached a bedroom. She knelt and ran her hand up his leg, not really surprised when she found his cock. "Ah-hah! All of those stories are true."

He pulled off his shirt, and she ran her hand over his chest. "Um, this is as firm as what I'm feeling between your legs."

He slid his hand up to her hip, and then with her help, pulled off her chemise. "I think I prefer your chest to mine," he said. He cupped her breasts, and then leaned forward to lick them.

Her fingers dropped to his waist. He had a Velcro strip holding his kilt on. When she undid that his kilt dropped to his knees. His cock sprang up. She grabbed it with one hand and leaned forward to kiss him.

This, she thought as their tongues slid around each other, must be the ultimate male-female kiss: he's holding my boobs, I'm holding his cock, and we're kissing. Much better than shaking hands, too.

She began to jack him, while he rubbed his thumbs back and forth across her tightening nipples. They had to break the kiss in order to breathe, and he took the opportunity to slide a finger between her legs.

"Um, already wet." He began to spread her moisture across her sex.

"And more than a little hot," she said. "Why don't you use something other than your fingers?"

"You mean my tongue?"

"That, too." His cock had stiffened out all of the way by now.

"Maybe later," he said. He put his hand against the small of her back and helped her lie back. She opened her legs in invitation, smiling up at him in anticipation.

"I wish my legs could open all of the way like that," he said as he moved into position.

"It's physiology," she said. "A girl turns out from her hips. A guy turns out from his knees. A woman needs to do that because..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he said. "A girl has to be able to do that to get a baby out. I'm not interested in that at the moment. I'm more interested in..."

"Putting something in?" she asked hopefully. She glanced at his cock, hovering parallel to her tummy, the black hole in the tip promising much.

He took his cock and rubbed the blunt head up and down between the lips of her sex and gathering a thick coating of her juices. Then he leaned forward, pressing lower down until he felt her entrance. He gave her a smile, and pushed, sliding the first inch or so into her.

"Gah!" she said, tensing up slightly. She didn't know why guys always felt so big when they first put it into her. Not that she was complaining! He pulled back slightly, and pushed again, lodging more inside her, stretching her open as he moved.

A third thrust—this one felt like it was headed all the way in, and she smiled when he didn't stop. He was touching every hot little spot inside her. She closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of him sliding into her completely.

She ran her hands up and down his body, from his waist to his tense shoulders as he held himself above her, and back to his tight butt. His whole body was hard, and he was thrusting that hardness into her soft, wet heat. She felt filled to overflowing. She was almost bursting, on fire but curiously relaxed, too.

He began to move, at first little thrusts that rubbed everything. But then he began to pull out a little more, and thrust forward a little sharper. Each thrust felt like it was aimed for her throat from the wrong side. Each thrust made her clench around him just a little. She began to push back a little, timing her own thrusts to his.

He shifted his weight, and she drew him down for a kiss. One of his hands roamed her body, caressing, touching, and setting her skin on fire. She held his chest, his neck, his head as he came down for a brief kiss. She could feel his muscles shifting and tensing as they moved.

He sped up a little, their bodies slapping together. She could smell his sweat, see it beading on his forehead and drip from his chin. Their tongues darted back and forth when they kissed. He cradled her in his arms, surrounding her with the feel of his body.

She could feel the tension of her tummy, feel the warmth concentrating deep inside her. She was getting close. He seemed bigger, harder, and he moved faster. She could feel him tensing. She was pushing him closer and closer to his own climax, and that made her feel sexy.

She involuntarily drew her legs up, trying to pull him deep as she climbed that steep slope of pleasure, spiraling higher and tighter, getting closer to that critical peak. His body was rigid, and she could feel him slamming in and out of her, turning her insides to mush, priming her for an explosion.

Everything tightened in one superhot ball, squeezing down until it was unbearable. She came with a cry, wave after wave of pleasure flushing through her. Her whole body shook, every nerve on fire. She was clamping down on the cock that was plugging her up. She could dimly feel it twitching as it moved.

She gradually came back to earth, his body heavy against hers, his arms still cradling her. When she'd caught her breath she smiled and kissed his nose. "I'm Devlin," she murmured. She gave him a light squeeze with her tummy muscles. "Glad to meet you."

"I'm Charlie," he said, and kissed her.

She giggled. "This sure beats shaking hands."

"Or that European thing where they pretend-kiss each other's cheeks."

"I like this better, but I suppose it could never be done socially."

"Oh, I don't know. It depends on the society. And a lot of this probably does go on."

"Just not on a stage in front of everyone."

"True. Can you do that thing again?"

"What thing?"

"Where you squeeze me. That felt good."

She squeezed him again. His cock was definitely softening, and she didn't want to squeeze him so hard that she lost him.

"Like that?"

"Much better." He chuckled. "When I felt you come, when your pussy squeezed my cock, it felt like... it was like... I was suddenly afraid I couldn't get any further into you."

She kissed him. "Thanks for the compliment."

He sighed. "I suppose we should both get cleaned up and back downstairs."

"Do you want to move? I'm happy with things just the way they are."

"Well, true, you have a point."

"No, you have the point, and it pierced me, sir, right where it would do the most good."

"I haven't heard a line like that since I browsed one of my wife's romance novels." He chuckled. "There's a lot more sex in those than people admit."

"Some have called it 'pornography for women'."

"I thought women didn't like the graphic sex in a porn novel."

Devlin paused. He'd just slipped out of her, and she could feel wetness creeping down her bottom. She was a mess, but it was a good mess. "We don't, but that's because the women in most porn novels could be replaced by an inflatable doll. Remember, porn novels are wish-fulfillment."

"And romance novels do that for women." He chuckled. "I can't believe I'm in bed with a naked woman, and we're talking about romance novels."

"If you could get it up again, we wouldn't be talking."

"I'll need your help."

He rolled over, and she slid down his body. His cock smelled and tasted of her. There were a few strands of white around the tip. She cleaned that away first. Then she nuzzled his balls, kissing and licking them before gradually working her way back up his length. She licked slowly, trying to make sure she covered every inch of him. By the time she got to the crown-shaped head he was beginning to stiffen.

"Turn around," he said. "Let me at you."

She did, and felt his fingers slip into her. He kissed her thighs and tummy, but then began to lap at her clit while moving his fingers in and out of her.

She closed her eyes, concentrating on the gust of feeling that swept through her. Between his tongue and fingers he had her insides steaming again. She drew a deep breath and returned to his cock.

She had trouble concentrating on him, finally just sucking him and rubbing his length across her face. There was too much going on beneath her tummy that was distracting her in so many good ways. She played with his balls for a bit, but that wasn't as much fun as taking him as deep into her mouth as she could.

Finally she stopped altogether, just burying her face against his groin and inhaling his male fragrance. She was so close, she could feel the gathering tension. All of her attention was centering squarely between her legs. Her hand slipped idly down and pinched her nipple, sending a jolt through her. She could distantly feel her back arch and her toes curl. Her breath shortened, and one hand slipped down to hold him in place.

She came in a sudden rush, bucking and spasming against his mouth, all of the tension flowing away in a wave of pure feeling.

Only seconds later he rolled her onto her back, repositioned himself, and slid his length into her. The friction set her off again, and she clung to him in a daze, swept up by his welcome intruder.

She lost all track of time. She repeatedly clenched around him, one mini-orgasm after another, though some of them weren't so small. She knew she was moaning and thrashing—she heard her own voice urging him on: harder, harder!—but she was beyond caring. Her whole body was contracting around him, squeezing and trying desperately to hold him.

He sped up, finally groaning through his own climax. She had a momentary picture of him trying to put out the fire deep in her belly with a flood of come, but lost it as the thought of that triggered a final climax. She clung to him as her whole body exploded.

She was too limp to move, and a little sore between her legs. He had collapsed across her, and as they both struggled for breath she dropped the occasional kiss on his cheek and shoulder.

"I liked that," she murmured.

"You're welcome."

She giggled at his words. "I'm surprised we didn't set the room on fire."

"There'd better be scorch marks on the mattress."

She drew a deep, settling breath. She wanted to snuggle with Charlie some more. He was nearly asleep, and for a few minutes she just relaxed, letting everything go. She didn't want to think, she just wanted to enjoy a male body pressed against hers, engulfing her with his arms, protecting her.

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