Peeking At Sister's Tattoo - Cover

Peeking At Sister's Tattoo

by Lubrican

Copyright© 2005 by Lubrican

Erotica Sex Story: Joey peeks at his sister and her friends and finds out about his sister's new tattoo. He gets caught with a boner and the girls want to see it. Turnaround is fair play, but when the girls get bare, Joey can't control himself and he takes them all.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Reluctant   Rape   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Rough   Group Sex   First   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Voyeurism   .

Author’s note: There is an author out there known as Victoria Parker. I don’t know if she’s real, or what, and her stories are hard to find. But when I do find one, it always gets me going. I tried to write this in the Victoria Parker style of writing, cause it’s just fun!

It was Friday night, and rather than being out with his friends, Joey was doing his homework. That wasn’t all that unusual for Joey. He was a good student. But the real reason he had stayed home that night was that his sister was having some of her friends over for a sleepover. Joey loved his sister’s sleepovers because he always got some peeks at the girls, who wore little at these events, and were careless about running around naked from time to time.

Rachel’s friends were hot too. For that matter, Joey was an equal opportunity peeper. Rachel might be his sister, but she was pretty hot herself and he had had many good beat-off sessions after seeing her naked. He couldn’t wait until they got back from wherever they had run off to, screaming at the top of their lungs about some special secret.

Half an hour later his mother stuck her head in his room. “Joey? We’re leaving now. Are you sure you don’t want to go with us?” His parents were going up to Dallas to spend the weekend with his Aunt Betty and her husband.

“No thanks, Mom. I’ve got this project I need to get done for school and I think I can get it knocked out if no one bothers me this weekend.”

He had a project, OK. Rhonda Thurston was coming over for the sleepover. She was the head cheerleader for the football team and he had never seen her naked before. Just in preparation for her visit he had drilled two new holes. One let him see into the bathroom from the attic and the other let him see Rachel’s bed in her room, next door to his.

Two hours later he was reading in bed when he heard them stampede into the house, screaming and giggling, making enough noise for twenty girls instead of the three or four he knew were there. His door banged open and he jumped as the object of his latest jerk-off fantasy bounded into the room.

Joey!“ squealed Rhonda, her boobs swaying nicely as she gasped “You won’t believe what your sister did!”

Joey didn’t have time to respond before Rachel grabbed Rhonda’s shirt and jerked her back into the hallway. “No way are you going to tell him Rhonda,” she yelled but she grinned as she leaned into his room, grabbed his doorknob and slammed the door shut on her way out.

Neither of them seemed to have noticed that he was lying there with only a pair of silk boxers on, his dick a big lump in the front.

Joey bounded out of bed and went to the new hole into Rachel’s room. He knew they’d be changing into their nightgowns, and he might get to see some skin when they did.

He put his eye right up next to the wall.

There, right in front of him, was a pair of jeans-clad hips and as he watched, the jeans slid down over those hips, taking a pink pair of satin panties with them.

A bare butt was only two feet in front of his eyes!

Then the owner of that fine ass bent over to remove the jeans and panties and he got a perfect view of downy blond hair surrounding a pair of pouting pussy lips as the girl lifted one leg and then the other to remove the clothing.


It had to be Jesse Collins. His sister’s hair was jet black and Rhonda’s was reddish brown. The bare ass moved away from him and he heard Jesse’s voice say “Does it hurt?”

Rachel’s voice answered, “Not really, but it itches!”

What was going on?

Then Jesse’s body cleared the hole and Joey gasped. There, standing beside her bed, was Rachel and she was buck naked! She was facing him, leaning over, looking down and her hands were at her ... pussy.

It looked odd somehow.

There was something wrong with the patch of black hair there. Rachel’s finger prodded at her pubic hair and he gasped again as he realized her finger was touching not hair, but a small tattoo where hair should have been. She was too far away to see what it was, but the idea of some guy staring right at his sister’s pussy as he put that tattoo there made Joey’s dick stiffen and leak. Rhonda spoke. “He said to put lotion on it. Maybe that will make it feel better. Oh Rachel that is so hot!“ she squealed.

Jesse chimed in again “What did it feel like when he shaved that area? Did it make you wet?”

All three girls squealed again but then Rachel said, “I was so embarrassed. He wanted to shave the whole thing, but I couldn’t take it. It was bad enough when he breathed on my pussy.”

More squealing and giggling.

Unfortunately, about that time all three girls put on their nightgowns. Joey groaned as he tried to stand up and found that he was stiff from crouching down by the hole. His dick was rock hard too. He’d have to do something about that.

He had to beat off twice before he could get to sleep.

The next morning Joey woke up early and was wide awake. He knew since his parents were gone he’d have to fix his own breakfast. He decided to make pancakes and watch cartoons. Without thinking, he went to the kitchen dressed only in his jockey shorts. He was standing at the stove when he heard a noise and turned to find Jesse standing there, eyes wide, staring at him. She was still dressed in her nightgown, which was really just a XXL T shirt that came down to her thighs. He remembered seeing her put it on the night before and knew she hadn’t put on panties. About the time he felt his dick lurch, he realized he was in only his undies. If his dick got hard she’d see it for sure. He decided to try to control himself and bluff it out.

“Hey Jesse,” he said, and then turned around to flip the pancake.

“H-H-Hi, Joey,” Jesse stammered.

“You want a pancake?” He didn’t turn around.

“Um ... sure ... I guess.”

He thought he might pull it off by serving her the pancake that was in the pan and then going to his room to get dressed, but before he could do that he heard Rachel and Rhonda coming down the stairs.

They, too, were wearing T shirts and who knew what else. They greeted Jesse and then Rhonda squealed.

“Hey Rache, what’s your brother doing in the kitchen half naked?”

“Oh he does that all the time. He’s a real dweeb. He thinks he’s Charles Atlas or something and that the girls will think he’s buff.” Rachel loved to put him down.

He heard Jesse whisper “He is pretty buff!”

Then Rhonda added in a louder whisper, “Yeah and he’s got a cute butt too!” and then all three girls squealed and laughed.

Rachel yelled, “Turn around, stud, and let us have a look at the good parts.” And all the girls were shrieking again.

Joey tried to keep from blushing, but it didn’t work and he knew the back of his neck and his ears were probably bright red. He bent over the frying pan, but the pancake was getting really dark. He was going to have to do something soon.

“Ha Ha Ha,” he said, not turning. “What a comedian. You guys want some pancakes?” It was all he could think to do.

To his surprise all three said, “Yes, we’re starving” and they bustled around the kitchen getting plates, milk and so on before sitting at the table.

They immediately put their heads together, whispering. When Joey heard the words “last night” he figured they were talking about Rachel’s tattoo. He heard Rachel say that it hurt a little, and that it itched too.

He stole glances at them to see what they were doing. He idly noticed that Rhonda’s boobs were straining against her shirt, and he could see her nipples.

Then he noticed that Rachel’s breasts were clearly defined in her own T shirt. He thought again about the tattoo and suddenly realized his dick was fully erect.

He looked down in horror and saw it straining against the thin fabric of his jockey’s.

By now he had cooked up six pancakes, but he couldn’t turn around to serve them or the girls would see his hardon. Suddenly Rhonda was standing beside him. “Where are those pancakes?” she asked.

Then she saw the front of his shorts.

She squealed and pushed him away from her. “Rachel! Look at your brother! Look at his shorts!” She grabbed his shoulders and turned him. He tried to resist, almost dropping the plate and losing the pancakes on the floor in the process.

By the time he had that under control he was facing his sister and Jesse.

They were both staring at what his stiff dick was doing.

“Wow,” said Jesse in a hushed voice. “It’s bigger than I thought.”

“Yeah,” Rachel said in a sort of dreamy voice. Then she realized what she’d said and she yelled, “You pervert! What are you doing standing around like that in front of my friends?”

“I wanna see it!” yelled Rhonda.

“No Way!” squealed Jesse.

Joey put the plate down and covered his bulge with both his hands. He began edging toward the door.

“Drop your drawers,” yelled Rhonda gleefully. She began chanting that over and over. Jesse joined in nervously, at first, and then she was jumping up and down yelling even louder than Rhonda. Rachel stood there, stunned, as her two best friends demanded that her brother actually show them his stiff young prick.

What the heck?

Why not?

She moved to block his escape.

Joey looked at his sister, pleading with his eyes.

“No way, brother dearest,” she said sternly. “You brought this on yourself. Now you have to pay the price.” She began chanting right along with her friends.

Joey couldn’t believe it. All three girls were yelling, telling him to show them his cock! He couldn’t think because of the noise.

Finally ye yelled at the top of his lungs “Okay!

There was almost instant silence as the girls held their breath to see what he would do. Joey looked around again but saw there would be no escape. He took a breath, thumbed his waistband, and then bent over, sliding his shorts clear to his ankles.

He stood up, his face red.

His peter stuck out at the girls, plain to see.

The reaction was something none of them expected. The girls froze, their mouths open as they gazed at the first engorged penis any of them had seen clearly in real life.

It was about six inches long, and bent slightly to the left. The head was pointed and slim, giving way to the shaft which was much larger in diameter. The head was almost purple and dark, while the shaft was much lighter. Beneath his rod hung his balls, loose and drooping, though full of juice.

He looked undeniably ... male.

Whatever the girls had expected to feel, they were all taken by surprise. Rhonda and Jesse felt quivers between their legs and both immediately wished they were alone so they could masturbate.

Rachel, though, was affected even more.

First she felt the same tingle in her pussy, then warmth, as her juices began to flow.

Then she felt weird that she could feel that way about her brother’s cock.

Then she found herself examining it more closely. She caught herself licking her lips! What she was feeling was undeniable. She couldn’t believe she was hot for her own brother’s cock!

“Wow,” Jesse said again. That broke the spell.

“Can I touch it?” Rhonda said.

Rhonda!“ both other girls squealed.

“Can I?” she was serious!

Joey had seen the lust in the eyes of all three girls, and, strangely, it had brought him almost complete self control. He felt like a snake that had mesmerized three birds. All thought of being made fun of was gone. He pulled the shorts back up over his cock.

“Maybe,” he said firmly. All three girls looked at him, incredulous. “You’ve seen me. If you want to touch it, I get to see you.” He looked at them like he hadn’t said anything out of the ordinary at all.

“No way!” whispered Jesse.

Joey pulled the front of his shorts down until his light brown pubic hairs were showing. He heard hisses of indrawn breath from the direction of the girls. “It’s only fair” he said as his finger swirled around in the hair.

Suddenly the three girls had their heads together, whispering, squealing and arguing. He heard, variously, “I couldn’t do that,” and, “you can’t be serious,” and, “but he’s my brother! and, “what could it hurt?” and, “Do we get to touch it, or just look at it?” It went on, getting softer as they talked.

Finally Rachel turned around and said, “Okay, we’ll do it.” Then it took a minute for them to decide who would start. Finally they agreed to all take off the same thing at the same time, so no one would be naked first.

Joey couldn’t believe it was happening. He watched, licking his lips as Rachel reached under her shirt and lowered a pair of blue panties. “Rhonda and Jesse aren’t wearing any,” she said by way of explanation.

They all looked at each other, grasped their T shirts by the shoulders, and began pulling them up. Joey’s cock gave a lurch as three young pussies came into view.

One was carpeted with light brown hair, one with blond and the other, of course, black as night.

There, now close enough to be seen, was Rachel’s tattoo in its small round shaved area. Now he could see that it was a small dragon, curled on itself, breathing fire toward her pussy lips.

Then his eyes followed as their breasts came into view.

Rhonda, with the brown pussy hair, had large round breasts that stuck out proudly from her frame. They were tipped with dark brown areolas and nipples.

Jesse, the blond, had smallish breasts with upturned nipples, all pink, almost invisible against her milky white skin.

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