American Punk Story - Cover

American Punk Story

by sexdottxt

Copyright© 2025 by sexdottxt

Erotica Sex Story: A young French boy is bullied left and right on the mean streets of America. Things only get worse when he encounters a tall and hot buff girl bully with a massive cock swinging past her knees.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Coercion   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Futanari   School   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Big Breasts   Leg Fetish   Size   .

Ashley de Balzac was a boy with a target on his back. Effete French boy raised in the streets of America, he was an easy target. Pretty boy who looked like a girl, the other kids always bullied him over it. As time went on and puberty kicked in, the teasing just became more severe.

Especially because of how he was growing up. He was taller but that was about it. He looked as pretty and baby faced as ever, couldn’t even grow any facial hair or body hair. With his long blonde hair and pretty looks, more than a few people thought he was a girl at first glance. Needless to say he got bullied hard.

And then he met up with Morgan Woodcock. Of all the bullies he ever met, she would turn out to be the worst. He was cornered by a whole bunch of toughs for the high crime of getting a boner around the cheerleading squad when a loud voice rang out, “Hey!” They all looked back to see her.

All the other bullies looked back at her. Short dark hair, tall like a punk and some figured she could compete in women’s basketball if she had the mind to, she looked tough, had that look in her eye. She was also totally hot, liked to dress in jean jackets that barely covered up her rocking cleavage while sporting short shorts that showed off those long thick legs of hers. Needless to say that Ashley was spellbound.

And as soon as she got to him, she grabbed his crotch. He jumped up so high his eyes almost bugged out of his skull. Then she looked back at the other bullies. “From now on, this is my fucking dick!” Then she laughed.

That day, the rest of the bullies left him alone. But things weren’t easy for him either. He had found a new bully.

The next day in school during the period between classes, she took him into the girls’ bathroom. Gulping, he thought he was actually gonna score with her, she was looking just as hot as before. But she had other ideas.

She took out a makeup kit. He meant to get away but then she grabbed him and was putting it all over him. Foundation, eyeshadow, even some lipstick. He figured this was just some kinky roleplay before they got started.

He looked at himself in the mirror when she was finished. For a little while he actually did think he was looking at a girl, it was like looking at someone else entirely. Then looking around, he was distracted by how pretty and clean the girls’ bathroom was.

“Now take off your clothes. Your pants, your shirt, all of it.”

He complied without saying a word. He was finally going to be getting some action, he was so excited! He proudly stood up, naked before her.

Something else was standing up too. She flashed him a grin, baring her teeth at the sight of his naked penis getting all hard for her. But she took out something and tossed it at him. He barely had time to recognize what it was when he picked it up. It was a golden dress, shimmering under the light.

“Put it on.”


“Don’t you ‘B-but’ me you little pansy! Do as I say or you’ll get a load of this!” she said, balling her fist up at him.

“Okay, okay!”

He complied with her orders. Part of him was hoping this was gonna be some really fun kinky roleplay. But he turned his back to her while taking off his clothes. He didn’t want to see how much he looked like a girl in the mirror.

She still laughed at him anyway. “Uh Ash, do you still have to go through puberty?”

“What?” he said, nervously turning his head to look back at her.

“Your back, legs and butt are as hairless as a baby’s ass! Have your balls dropped yet?”

“I’ve gone through puberty okay! It’s just ... I’m naturally hairless.”

“Naturally hairless?”


“Don’t forget where you are little Frenchie,” she said, glowering down at him.

“I mean yeah! Yeah, it’s my bad genetics!”

She actually snorted when she laughed. “Well that’s just gonna make this one even more fun.”

It felt so good too. The fabric of the dress was so soft on his hairless skin, and for a little while he didn’t even mind putting it on. He was really getting stiff feeling it.

When he had it on, he turned around. She put her hands around her mouth and hooted out like a guy. “Damn baby girl, you are looking fine!”

Normally he would have been more hard up than ever at the prospect of getting some. But now he felt dumb and embarrassed. He thought he was gonna get some and it was fast becoming clear she was giving him some blue balls instead.

And that was bad enough. But this dress was the kind of thing you’d see women wearing at a fine ball gown or dance. A long slitted skirt with his legs casually exposed through the side and it clung to his backside, showing his rump on the other end. Morgan wedged her fingers through the outline of her asscrack.

Sacre bleu, please stop!” Ashley said.

“Sorry, I just can’t help but think you’ve got one sweet little ass. Put these on while you’re at it, huh?” she said.

Just then another girl came in there. Ashley almost jumped up, here he was in a dress in the girls’ bathroom. He hoped he wouldn’t be humiliated.

But instead the girl blushed. “Oh my, who is this new student here?”

“Oh she’s just my little sister,” said Morgan.

“Well she’s very pretty!”

“Yeah she is,” Morgan said, grabbing his rump. “Let’s go back to class sissy.”

“O-okay...” he said, desperately trying not to get hard at being humiliated like that.

The whole time she had her hand on his ass. Everyone there was snickering at the sight of them. The bullies who messed with him didn’t say a word out of fear, they weren’t going to attract the fury of Morgan Woodcock as much as they wanted to fuck her girl, all they saw was a pretty lesbian couple. Still holding his rump, Morgan beckoned forth some of the bullies and some of the admirers at what they saw as a couple of lesbo’s into a small hall away from the rest of the school. They fearfully obeyed her.

“But I have to get to class!” whined Ashley.

“That voice,” said one of the bullies. “Is that...?”

“Attention everyone!” said Morgan. “This is the new and improved Ashley de Balzac. Isn’t she just the prettiest little thing?”

All the guys there were laughing.

“Who wears the panties in this relationship?” said one of the bullies from yesterday.

Another guy, one of the people who thought he was a girl at first, said, “Damn Ashley, if you didn’t have a dick, you’d be pretty enough to kiss.”

They all busted out laughing even harder.

“Now now boys, that’s enough!” said Morgan, slamming her foot down. All the guys there shut up on the spot. “Here’s what’s going to happen today. This is strictly a touch but don’t fuck scenario. But the only person who can really fuck with this little slut is me,” she said, grabbing his dick standing up through the dress. He blushed and turned away from everyone.

The guys crowded around him and started touching all over him. His bubble butt on the back end of the dress, his legs hanging out of the stiletto skirt, and some couldn’t keep their hands out of his hair. “Damn Ashley, you look so cute dressed up like that.”

“Yeah, I never knew you had such a killer pair of legs.”

“This ass is pretty sweet too.”

“You’re one lucky lady,” he said to Morgan.

“You got that right,” she said. “This little slut is all mine.”

“Please stop...” said Ashley.

“And would you look at that!” she said, spinning him around so they could all get a good look at him. “He’s getting hard!”

“Damn, I feel kinda gay.”

“Never thought I’d be okay with that though!”

“You boys are really doing it for him,” said Morgan.

“It’s all in the name.”

“Yeah it is,” said Morgan. “Now keep on touching him.” She pulled Ashley’s face so that he was looking right at her. “You have your first kiss yet?”


“If you let me jack you off, I’ll let you go. You want that?”

“Oui! I mean...”

“Little piggy goes wee! Wee, wee, wee, all the fucking way home!”

She forced her lips on him. He was so shocked that he couldn’t fight her tongue darting straight to the back of his mouth. As all the guys were still touching him, feeling up his legs and touching his body, he was pitching a tent real hard at that point. Ashley felt so powerless, there was a tongue invading his mouth and he was being caressed by a bunch of other dudes. And it was all so overwhelming, he was getting a boner for everyone to see.

Then Morgan delivered the coup de grace. She grabbed the impression of his boner poking out of the dress and jacked him off hard. Already dominated mentally and physically, Ashley lost it as he screamed a muffled sound in that forced kiss. It got to be so bad that he squealed in their forced kiss, he felt like he couldn’t breathe. It only made his orgasm that much more intense, spewing his cum all over the bathroom floor.

Finally she let him go, and he fell to his knees, breathing hard. Ashley couldn’t really focus on what was going on, his vision was swimming from that intense orgasm that rocked him and the only thing he could hear were the bullies laughing their asses off. Finally Morgan stamped her foot down and the bullies got in line.

“Alright boys, you’ve had your fun! Get out of here while me and the missus have ourselves a talk.”

The bullies looked at each other. They didn’t say anything but they were getting ideas that if they all banded together, they could give Morgan one hell of a fight. But she folded her arms and leaned forward.

“I said get out of here.”

Ashley was looking plenty like a girl, but these guys weren’t feeling manly anymore either. It was like their balls shrunk up into their dicks. Taking the hint, they all walked on out of there.

Now alone, Morgan unzipped the dress from the back and got him out of it. Once he was naked again, she got down with him and gave him another sick kiss. Unable to resist, his tongue coiled with hers as he melted into that state of pleasurable submission.

“See, it wasn’t so bad, was it?” she said.

“N-no...” said Ashley.

“No, it wasn’t. And I’m going to give you something to remember me by when you get home. If you want something like this to happen again, I want you to come to school wearing these tomorrow.”

She handed him a little bra top, more like a little bikini top than a bra, and a tiny little thong. “Okay...” he said.

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